COPPA rules are now in effect


Monty Mole
Just yesterday, YouTube has now flagged millions of videos as "made for kids" (those designed for children up to age 12). This even includes really old videos uploaded way back in 2006, as well as foreign videos (like Japan, the UK, and pretty much everywhere else).

Even a few TV-PG shows ended up like this, like clips of Adventure Time and Regular Show.

Here's the link to the video that made all this possible:

So far, 73% of the entire YouTube community hate this video.
Yeah it is a problem. My YouTube account deals with gaming. I decided to mark my videos as not for kids. But the FTC may think otherwise....
I know my audience, it is directed towards everybody of any age.
Yeah it is a problem. My YouTube account deals with gaming. I decided to mark my videos as not for kids. But the FTC may think otherwise....
I know my audience, it is directed towards everybody of any age.

I know, right? And of course, you CAN'T even play any of these videos on YouTube Kids.
I read COPPA's site and they have a mixed audience exception. But YouTube decided to make channels be marked as for kids or not for kids. That makes mistakes more easy. I criticised YouTube for not putting in the mixed audience as an option.
Tbh this sort of sucks. My channel is not at all famous right now but I feel that some YouTubers could suffer from this, as they may be losing money from this which don't really harm children. Maybe YT are going a bit too far.
Actually, this isn't the FTC's fault. The FTC is simply doing its job by enforcing laws against data collection on children through targeted advertisements. This is entirely on YouTube/Google, who have been tracking information on kids to sell targeted ads at them, and they got punished for exactly that with a lawsuit. Now, YouTube/Google is leveraging the blame on the content creators and they're doing it in the worst way possible: using awful, awful, awful awful auto-flagging bots on videos, like usual, and of course we get plenty of false positives like we see in that Half-Life video linked, which is clearly not "aimed at kids".

And idk my ad revenue is taking a nosedive and I'm not sure if it's related to the new COPPA rules or not.
One thing I like about COPPA that I would rather enjoy being implemented elsewhere, is the ads related to the video.
I know that wouldn't support corporations though, so it's not going to happen..
Ads help content creators (content creators take a bigger percent of the ad revenue than YouTube does) and they're a necessary evil in a capitalistic society where they also need to feed themselves and pay for other stuff. Hell, ad revenue actually helped me purchase quite a bit of things because I had one ridiculously popular YouTube video I used to make around a 1000 a month off of.

Though some videos may have ads because some fucking bot tagged it with content id and the tagger doesn't actually deserve the ad money.
Hell, ad revenue actually helped me purchase quite a bit of things because I had one ridiculously popular YouTube video I used to make around a 1000 a month off of.
Wow, what was that video? I'd love to get $1000 a month. That's not quite £1000 a month but with where the British economy is going I wouldn't be surprised if it soon was.
I wish I had your animation skills!
The animation isn't even our (LGM and I) best work. It's years ago, and it was before we learned how to make IK rigs or proper walk animations. But thanks for the compliment!
Guys, I found FIVE Sausage Party videos that also got flagged as "made for kids".

Mod edit: Some of these videos really shouldn't be linked on this board, thanks.

And just so you know, Sausage Party is an R-RATED film. This clearly shows that COPPA, FTC, and YouTube are not knowing what they're doing.
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I am against COPPA. It is an outdated law. They shouldn't force YouTubers out of the U.S. to comply. I personally am strictly opposed to it. Here a paragraph from Wikipedia about the controversial nature of COPPA.

COPPA is controversial and has been criticized as ineffective and potentially unconstitutional by legal experts and mass media since it was drafted. Complaints leveled against the legislation include website owners banning users 12 and under — which only "encourages age fraud and allows websites to bypass the burden of obtaining parental consent" — and the active suppression of children's rights to freedom of speech, self-expression, and other First Amendment rights.
This is just freaking terrible. Cant wait for the lawsuits against the content creators because they uploaded that children should not be watching.
The creators need to be the one tagging their videos themselves but I wouldn't be surprised if YouTube's auto bots override it.