30 questions (a question a day) challenge

Yeah I think before I answer this question someone's going to have to give me an exact limit on what counts as "classic"
I cannot say for sure since there's a bunch of classic games that I playing rn but the one I find is the best of them so far is probably Super Metroid, unless of course we do count GameCube in which case it's my favorite game of all, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. I may not have the most experience with video gaming but no matter how far VGs have come since the GBA/GC era, there's only one game out there that beats this for me, which was on the wii
Day 23: Game with the best graphics/art style

Now this may not be a popular opinion, but I'm gonna say TTYD. Yes I think TTYD looks better than even Color Splash, I just prefer the smoothly animated characters with bright gradient shading over the stop-motion solid-colors with a white outline. Not to mention other than general texture resolution, TTYD still looks fantastic today, and you could almost pass it off as a modern entry just by applying an HD texture pack. I really hope the next Paper Mario returns to that style but takes advantage of newer tech to give it that boost in polish that SS and CS admittedly do have, despite going for something different entirely.

Day 24: Favorite classic game

Also TTYD. The perfect balance of fun worlds to explore, fun battle mechanics and wonderful storytelling, all put together with a stunningly smooth art style (as mentioned above). If we're counting GCN as classic, then that's an easy answer, though Superstar Saga is pretty close up there too.
Day 23: Game with the best graphics/art style
Some people bring up games that are technical achievements, but I have to say that Gorogoa, a small puzzle indie game, is one game that makes use of its art style. It stands out to me. It's a point-click game that is composed of four frames and you manipulate pieces of art to advance the narrative. It's a unique, interactive picture book, and it has a really nice art style, like a crayon. I think in achievement, it deserves a mention in this thread.

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Day 25: A game you plan on playing

Super Mario Odyssey. Unfortunately I don't have the Switch at the moment so this is going to have to wait, but I've got the books now and they're awesome, the graphics look great, the gameplay looks incredible, the controls are well recieved, it has an existent story and introduces new characters, and just everything about this game looks like what truly might become my favourite mainline Mario game. My only real fear is that it's said to return to the style of level design of Super Mario 64, which I didn't like personally, as I kind of felt it was aimlessly looking for hidden things rather than an interesting 3D platform challenge.
rayman 2 def goes here.. just bookmarked the gog page a few days ago so i plan on getting to it eventually, maybe this april! and um i would like to get fiesta run too before they snap it off of play market too like they did on apple devices
i also plan on replaying harry potter and the philosophers stone, and maybe will Actually Beat It (god ive first played it 11 years ago or so and still never did) im a lil scared though because its quite dam clunky
I have a lot of plans. I still have to actually play the firs Paper Mario, and also maybe actually play TTYD myself instead of helping my brother play it so I have the full rights to criticize it. Other than that, I should also consider trying out Xenoblade definitive when it comes out, finish Super Metroid and FE Thracia 776, other Metroid games, probably advance wars, I just have a lot on my mind right now.
maybe actually play TTYD myself instead of helping my brother play it so I have the full rights to criticize it.
i strongly recommend this
Day 25: A game you plan on playing

There's a bunch of those, that I can't pick a particular title? I think a title I'm going to try soon is Ori and the Blind Forest, my brother gifted me the game on Steam and it's an indie, 2D Metroidvania that looks very beautiful and people seem to love it a bunch. I had limited experiences with Metroidvania games, being only Kirby & the Amazing Mirror, but I loved that game, so I really should play out more games in its genre, since I played neither a Metroid game nor a Castlevania game. I also really want Animal Crossing: New Horizons but the pandemic screwed my plans up there.

There's also Sonic 3 & Knuckles and Sonic CD, both games I will play after I'm done playing Sonic 2. Oh, and I need to play Sonic Adventure as well. My Steam has a bunch of unplayed games in my library as well, such as Pony Island, World of Goo, Rocketbirds, Half-Life 2, Metro: Last Light, as well as plenty of games I need to finish such as Undertale, Company of Heroes 2, Metro 2033, and more. And then there are more games I'd like to try out such as Command & Conquer: Red Alert, Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Lair, Hollow Knight, Burnout 3, and more.
Day 25: A game you plan on playing

As far as the forseeable future, there isn't much in the way of upcoming games, but I do want to play the PS1 version of SpongeBob SquarePants: Supersponge which I recently ordered off eBay.
Day 24: Banjo-Kazooie, and fantastic 3D Platformer for the N64, full of well designed levels, great music, and a cast of memorable characters.

Day 25: There's a lot of games I want to play, but right now the games I want to get the most are Mario Kart 64, so I can play all of the Mario Kart games, and both Sonic Adventure games.
day 26 - best voice acting
i dont know if rayman 3s voice acting is that great to begin with im not good at judging that kinda stuff but i like it!! i absolutely love how globox sounds in this and thank you Live Action Movie Luigi fpr that
besides that can i shoutout harry potter and the chamber of secrets' russian localization?? its noticeably messy on rare occacions and wtf is the girl hufflepuff students voice but mostly its pretty natural! it doesnt have that weird Voice Actor That Doesn Exactly Sound Like How Normal People Irl Do thing that i keep noticing in say live action shows im not sure how to explain it
Minecraft: Story Mode. There aren't many games I really remember even having voice acting. This, Sunshine, some of the lego games, but out of those, I felt it was most apt here. They even got the YouTubers to voice themselves!
As far as the games I played go, FE: Path of Radiance had a memey voice acting and I love it. Like, it's not even bad, it's perfectly audible without burning your ears out, but something about it is just so memeable, hence why me and my brother call Mist "AH, MAYST" because that's what her dad says when he first sees her. It's great. And I can't forget Reyson and Leanne singing the galdr of release on the altar, such a beautiful cutscene, and the song is one of my favorites in the game. Radiant Dawn has more memey voice acting but I have not played the game yet.
Left 4 Dead 2 without a question of the doubt. They've gotten some pretty prolific voice actors for the game, and even the other dubs are a delight to listen to. Hell, it was the Russian dub of the game that made me get into the language, I especially adore Nick's Russian voice actor. But seriously, the characters themselves aren't that much special, they were really brought to life by the voice actors, and there's a reason Ellis won Most Quotable Character in 2009. All characters, including the ones from Left 4 Dead are all immensely quotable and all of their screams are great.

day 27 - most epic scene ever
um i have no idea! i think the escape sequence at the end of mario odyssey would count at least somewhat? even if its not too hard gameplay wise from what i remember
Most epic scene... I'd say ending of Super Paper Mario if just "epic" means I liked it, but in terms of feelings dramatic and awesome, the final boss sequences of TTYD, BIS, and SPM were all ground-shattering for me
Mario Galaxy's cinematics, as well as Kirby rtdl's ending cutscene, are notable examples I can think off and definitely gave me the bumps of the geese.