30 questions (a question a day) challenge

My parents didn't want their 11 year old daughter playing Stick War. Look at me now lmao
i don't really play anything these days which i would consider a 'guilty' pleasure, but certain sonic games (shadow the hedgehog, sonic r, a few others too probably) would probably fit the bill, even though i haven't really actively played them in a long while
Plants Vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2, it's a fantastic shooter that I never hear anyone talk about.
5. Game character you feel you are most like (or wish you were)

Wish I were is easy, MARIO! He's literally my role model.
But who am I most like right now? I'd say Yoshi, for being an empathic derp who loves the simple things in life, and food.
i keep joking about being mario cause of the name only being one letter off and a few other things but really i have no idea! i cant think of anything else. i strive to be as friendly as he is though so it still counts for the answer
now for a joke answer. kinda relate to this guy though

(rayman legends description) said:
Surprisingly, there's actually one Teensy that admires Globox enough to dress and paint himself like him.
(just the admiring part though lmao)
And this is where I talk about why I actually love Fiora so much.

Yes, she's gorgeous. Yes, she's a great unit, but she's also a character that's always resonated with me from the moment I read her supports.

Fiora is an older sister to two. Right before the events of Blazing Sword she had a heated argument with one of her sisters, that and her youngest sister left home some time ago as part of a training process. Fiora has many obligations, loans and debtslooming over her head and she's unable to do much about it, other than just keep fighting.

Now what really hits me is how she acts about the whole thing. Constantly bashing herself, the fact that she always wants to become a better person but can't fight it all the same, and especially her interactions with her sisters. I see in this side of Fiora a part of myself, the part that's affecting my own younger brothers (coincidentally she's the elder sister among three while I am the older brother among three). There's always so much pressure on me to not fuck up often in my habits in order not to let any of my siblings to pick up on said habit and have the blame fall on me afterwards, yet I can't seem to be able to better myself all that much and I always feel so bad about it. Fiora always feels as though she's not being a good big sister and as a result is overly stressed about it, and subsequently as a result of this, is being a bad big sister.

Although I might as well also be a lot more like Forde, from the next game in the series. I literally described the guy as a translation of myself into the FE universe at one point, and he is a more goofy character too, so heh.
Day 4: Is there a videogame that is your guilty pleasure? - Kinda hard to answer that when I don't really have any guilt or shame in what I play. Many of my former peers would used to pick on me because I enjoy Mario/Nintendo games whereas they preferred generic Shooty-McBangBang game #7138 and would constantly tell me about how I should be playing that instead, but that never really deterred me from enjoying what I enjoy and I will continue to do so until the day I croak.

Day 5: Game character you feel you are most like (or wish you were) - Characters that I want to be like? Well besides the obvious answer, probably Zero or Meta Knight. Characters that I'm actually like? Most likely Francis from SPM or Alphys.
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Honestly? Probably Bandana Dee. He's just so loyal to both Kirby and Dedede, even on those frequent occasions where they're at odds with each other. He tries to be a friend to everyone, and that's what I like about him.
Nick from Left 4 Dead 2. Having this overly cynical personality and making these cranky and sarcastic quips and especially aimed at other survivors is something I relate to.

*When seeing a carousel with chain link fences*
"Nice fencing. Looks like a federal carousel penitentiary."

*When seeing dead bodies in a pool.*
"*whistle* Those guys SUCKED at high diving.*
5. Game character you feel you are most like (or wish you were)
Probably stuck between Rosalina, Luvbi, TEC, and Vivian

Rosalina because of her whole moving away from her family and learning to be responsible

Luvbi because of how her family relationships are presented and how they affected me emotionally, which I can relate to as I often feel I wish I could improve my relationship with my parents

TEC-XX because of how he went against the evil intentions behind his creation and did what he knew was right for someone he cared about, and was completely selfless. I'm not a strongly selfless person but I still feel I can relate to this dude.

Vivian for kinda similar reasons, despite her being abused by her sisters she decided to do the right thing to help Mario
If I keep it just to Mario, it'd have to be E. Gadd. He doesn't listen to Luigi at all, and continues putting him in dangerous situations just for the sake of paranormal research. There is usually something else more at stake, but E. Gadd is clearly focused more on the research. That said, he does provide help where he can and isn't a completely useless character.

Most annoying character in general? Fire Emblem's Camilla. Just... ugh.
A character that annoys me...

OK Unpopular opinion time

Wario and Waluigi. They're all over the media and are really widely known, and if someone likes them, they like them, but personally, I've always just seen them as weird and not really given much of a reason to like them. I don't hate them intensely though.
Lute from FE: Sacred Stones. She's not someone who I hate as much as the other FE characters that are my least favorite but like, please, shut the hell up! She's so annoying when she talks about herself, which is all the time! She has some good lines but imo they're really downplayed what with how she really is as a character.

Other than, that, I'd say probably Waluigi. I was ok with the guy at first but he's been so pushed by people for no apparent reason to me, and... yeah basically the whole Smash Ultimate has no Waluigi drama that was here for like two months after the initial reveal was what killed him for me tbh. At least it would be fun to see him in wacky scenarios so eh.

There's probably a lot of characters who also annoy the shit outta me but those are off the top of my head.
i cant say i really find any characters annoying in general. i generally have a tendency to not dislike any characters either. i dont know how to answer??? will edit the post if i remember Anything though
Leadoni and Babblong in the first Yo-Kai Watch game. The former appears a lot in the overworld, and when you talk to him, he convinces you to follow him just to get a random item from a treasure chest. Sometimes, a Yo-Kai pops out of the chest and you must battle it. This Yo-Kai also appears during Terror Time and if he spots you, it's time to run! It's good to follow him when you want to get to a certain area quickly, but most of the time, you'll just lose your way fast. The latter appears hidden in every main area of the overworld, and once you find him, he gives you some tips for playing the game. Most of the time, these tips are completely pointless, especially if you know the tips he's going to talk about before you talk to him. He also goes on for a very long time, so if you're in a hurry to get somewhere, he'll keep you there for quite a while. I don't think any other game series has annoying characters, or at least ones that aren't as annoying as these 2.
Think it's about time for Day 6: Most Annoying Character!

And...it's not hard. Look no further than Jojora and Luvbi.
Ty, sorry I was absent yesterday. There isn't really any characters I dislike, but I suppose I'm most annoyed at Yangus in Fortune Street, because half the time I have no idea what he's saying with his text-accent. It doesn't help that the NPC dialogue is timed.

Day 7 time!
Favorite game couple?
Do I even know any? Hm.. I don't think I do :cheep:
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I am once again, talking about Fire Emblem.

Favorite couple depends on the game. In a series where OTPs are just so abundant, there's a very wide variety, like... Forde X Eirika! Not only am I giving my man Forde the perfect woman he deserves by achieving this pairing, but their supports are really nice to read. In her other romantic supports, Eirika is always seen as ladylike and sincere, but with Forde, she seems to just plain be having fun. And Forde's personality shines ever brighter here too!

I'd probably include something from Three Houses too, except... I still need to play the rest of the game.