30 questions (a question a day) challenge

Day 10: Best game play - A hard choice for me, there's a lot of good games out there. First three Mario & Luigis and Paper Marios, Super Smash Bros. series, 3D Zeldas, Metroid Primes...

Day 11: Gaming system of choice - Given what I currently have now, that'd be the 3DS... even if it needs replacing ^^;

Day 12: A game everyone should play - Project X Zone 2

Day 13: A game you have played more than 5 times - I assume this means to the end of the game. In which case, that's a handfull of games. Mario 64, Zelda: Wind Waker, Smash Bros. Brawl, and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door immediately come to mind.

Day 14: Current gaming wallpaper - It is set to rotate every ten minutes, but this is what it is currently:

Day 15: A screenshot of a game you are playing right now - https://twitter.com/PMAlexBodine/status/1241165108857851904
Like, guys, I love this game and I'm at the final map right now... but it has some really bullshit design sometimes and I am convinced Kaga was a madman.

Screenshot (205).png

Sakurai: "Here's Claude and Hilda, from the golden deer house. They have the same name as two characters in FE4. I guess when you keep changing characters all the time, you get some identical names from time to time."

Also yeah, I have to fight all these at once. And they have this skill that potentially negates damage dealt to them. Le Sigh...
Day 15: A screenshot of a game you are playing right now

Don't really have any at the moment, but if I did it would be Bowser KO Punching Dark Bowser in BISDX.
not playing anything currently but heres one from the last i played, yesterday. of course its raymn legends
linked because it posts in the wrong orientation on the forum for some reason... i was pointing out this looking around animation for your character thats pretty much exclusive to the starting cutscene for the fiesta boss for some reason. though the one for globox ive seen it in murfys touch too (im assuming this also applies to the sections in the wii u and vita versions) but That is It
will update later with a Current screenshot prob

edit: oh i forgot to but i just finished playing spore so yea. heres an upsetting screen if you know what this means
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Proof that minecraft is a truly beautiful game

Day 16 - Game with the best cutscenes

We should all know the answer to this

super paper mario
does that game even HAVE cutscenes? because you're still interacting with the game by pressing A when there's dialogue.
I counted those as cutscenes, and if they don't count then there's the bit at the end where the void closes and the bitlands, land of the cragnons, and Sammer's kingdom are seen being saved, during which there is no dialogue
suddenly cant think of much games ive played with cutscenes uh oh
i wanna plug the ones in harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban (pc) in a so bad its good way. god theyre awful but often hilarious
havent actually played mario sunshine but i love the presence of voice acting..... legit. hashtag Let Bowser Speak English Words
Mario Galaxy, tops.

Every cutscene in that game just looks so dramatic. I love the ones that play during the "prologue", so to speak. What even is that UFO? Why is it here? WHY DO I CARE IT LOOKS COOL DOE
Day 14: Current gaming wallpaper

Day 15: Screenshot of a game you are playing now. Well I'm mainly only playing it to rip sprites from it, but here:

Day 16: Best cutscenes: Most of the Mario RPGs, not because of the cinematics (though i hope one day we get one with cinematic cutscenes) but for the writing, character interactions and great music, the Mario RPGs usually nail whatever mood they're going for in their cutscenes.
Day 17 - Favorite antagonist


For me, I gotta give this to Dr. Eggman. I typically enjoy his presence every time he's on screen, and I love the times where he goofily and wittingly quips at Sonic while Sonic just backsasses him and their two encounters are typically amusing. Eggman works well being evil as well. Not to mention, Jim Carrey as Eggman was probably the most memorable bit in the Sonic movie and I enjoyed him there. Shame he himself isn't playable in too many Sonic games, I would have loved to be him in the story mode of Team Sonic Racing. Oh, and I prefer goofier Eggman like in Sonic Boom and like in the aforementioned Sonic movie than the super-serious type like in Sonic 06 or in the Sonic comics (though in the latter, he probably does have super-evil antics that are amusing).

Also a shame that he has a tendency to get shafted in favor of more boring one-note villains like Lyric or Memphis Tennessee.
Probably Bowser.

Yeah that. Make it Bowser.

Ganon is cool too. So is Eggman. But I like Bowser best.


Favorite antagonist - I would go with Bowser, but he's not exactly pure evil. He helps Mario occasionally and partakes in go-kart racing, so he can't be all bad. In the sense of complete and totally evil villain, going with Ganondorf.
Day 18- Favorite protagonist

That's a tough one, obviously Mario and Luigi are naturally on this list but I'm also gonna include Vivian, and Tippi (and Blumiere if we're counting the redeemed character at the end). And finally, Bowser in BIS was an absolutely brilliant anti-hero and they really did the best job out of anyone making Bowser a protagonist.