2020: The year where YouTube under COPPA plus COVID-19 on the loose combined occurs!

I like how you specifically mentioned COPPA before a global pandemic
How do you even compare the two? One is a pandemic killing thousands. The other is a Government body stopping a corporation abusing children for profit.

This year has been challenging for a lot of people. Coronavirus is making society shift a lot. It's really showing the cracks of capitalism and the greed of those in power. Australia isn't in lockdown yet but most businesses are closing / going remote. My first day working from home is tomorrow. We have paid sick leave and pretty good healthcare overall. As long as people listen to advice and stay inside where possible, I think the country will be ok.

Hard to say about other places like the US which don't have universal healthcare. Also makes you think what kind of world we'd be in if Trump got re-elected after all this. :/

Also reminder that the Australian bushfires were devastating and happened this year. It's a sign of things to come all over the world if we don't stabilise the climate.
Well mentioning SARS-CoV-2, will get you will get you demontized on YouTube, which is bullshit. I have it myself. The pandemic it should clear in around 6- 12 months, but that is my estimate.
were only almost four months in to be fair. isnt it a bit early to judge


*Russia's oligarchs further abused their power to keep Putin in power by making him president for life. As if the democracy was even functional to begin with.
*Trump pissing off Iran with the strike that killed a high ranking military leader and instigating conflict there that happened in the New Year.
*In terms of US election of this year, the Dem nomination likely going to be Biden, yet another Democractic establishment figure who I think will lose to Trump. Trump's re-election would be extremely damaging to the US, as if his first term already isn't already. I mean, I hope Biden wins and I want him over Trump, but he's like another Hilary situation with yet another pungent Dem with a questionable history compared to, say Bernie.

That piled on top of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Trump administration's utter ineptitude at responding it (like dismantling a pandemic response team and feeding lies that it's not a big deal and whatever) and I think it's off to a pretty rotten start. It's going to take, idk, maybe a blue takeover of the Senate and Trump not being president anymore to reverse how I feel right now and with Biden likely being the Dem nomination makes me...pessimistic to say the least.
cant wait till next month when the aliens come and enslave us all
Considering how the terrible illegal alien rhetoric gets constantly lobbed around by the Republican Party, I know that statement's supposed to be ironic but that's literally how the Republican Party acts towards undocumented immigrants.
Considering how the terrible illegal alien rhetoric gets constantly lobbed around by the Republican Party, I know that statement's supposed to be ironic but that's literally how the Republican Party acts towards undocumented immigrants.
space aliens, not illegal aliens
We have paid sick leave and pretty good healthcare overall. As long as people listen to advice and stay inside where possible, I think the country will be ok.

Hard to say about other places like the US which don't have universal healthcare. Also makes you think what kind of world we'd be in if Trump got re-elected after all this. :/

Well, paid sick leave has been mandated nationwide the first time because of the pandemic. It would have been nice to have something like this implemented BEFORE a gigantic life-threatening pandemic but we'll take that, even if it does potentially exclude 20 million private sector workers in the process because of course it would.

Oh and yeah, we could have had universal healthcare implemented before the disaster that would also provide burden of relief to many people and not just for pandemic reasons but of course, the concerns of big pharmaceuticals not making all the money in the world is a much more pressing concern than spending 800 dollars for a pair of epipen or people worrying more about their insurance than the fact a bear is mauling their face (btw I wanted to provide a link to that story but the article contains an image of the aftermath of her getting attacked by a bear and it's a bit graphic).
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There were only like, 645 cases of COVID-19 in the U.S. only 17 days ago. Now, it's 100 times that.

Plus, YouTube's employees have recently left their offices, so we're clearly stuck with the old COPPA bot system until the coronavirus pandemic is dealt with.
Yeah, the YouTube COPPA nonsense isn't even anywhere near the 'second worst thing of 2020'.

Hell, it wouldn't even make my own personal list of 'worst things of 2020' at all.
YouTube COPPA enforcement is a minor inconvenience at worst. Corona is an actual serious problem.
One can argue it's a symptom of another disease we call "unchecked capitalism" (YouTube tracking kids to sell their data to ad agencies!!!!!! That's screwed up!) which is also making COVID-19 especially bad.

But don't think the creator of the thread thought that far.
you people thrash on the TC for prioritizing COPPA, but what's sadder is that a news article on the Guardian about COVID-19 opened up with the stock market taking an impact and then went talking about the deaths.

i think they edited that out since since i can't find it anymore though, but really.
It is gone. It has a headline: "China's stock market plummets as country's death toll..." begins with "Shares plunge nearly 9% as Shanghair trading opens for the first time after break over the lunar new year; more cases identified in U.S. and Vietnam"

Might be an archive for it but yeah

Btw recession too guys, it's gonna happen starting 2020