
Is the word in sentence #3 that has six hidden letters "always"?
Indeed it is!
#3: For every word you can figure out, I will change a few of the same letters in that word ***o****** **** *e****e. The letter "E" will always be present.
#4: You may NOT ask what this is or *** ******* **e*****. ***** ** **** ****e * re*e*.
Right on!
Close, quite close.
#2: You don't have to *e**o** like this, but you can if you want to.
#3: For every word you can figure out, I will change a few of the same letters in that word throughout this *e****e. The letter "E" will always be present.
#4: You may NOT ask what this is or *** s**i*** **e*****. ***** ** **** ****e a re*e*.
*Gasp!* Reset? That sounds dangerous!
Ooh, you guys are so close!
Paper Magolor04726 reacted to everyone's messages with :tumble::buzzy::luma::boshi: "Nice job everyone!"

Way to go, everybody! You did it! You won! Come on, admit it! You had fun. If you guys like, I'll create another puzzle like this, if you guys want to try.
Yeah, this was fun!

E*e* ****** * *** *** *e **e *e** ** *e***e**** **e*e.
"Even though I had..."
Yes, yes, yes and... no.

Even though I *** n** *e **e *e** ** *e***e***g *he*e.
Even though I did not *e the *e** ** *e***e***g there.
no, yes, and no but the t is correct and since you already got a t in that post, I'll add it.

Even though I *** not *e the *e** ** *e***e**ng the*e.
Even though I was not *e the *e** ** *e***e**ing these
no, i is correct, and yes.

Even though I *** not *e the *es* ** *e*i*e*ing these.