What is your favorite episode of the DIC cartoons?


Heart of an ox
The quality of the DIC Mario cartoons are ... not good, however, we can still have fun lauging at them.

So, for those who watched these, what episode is your favorite?

This might sound predictable but Mama Luigi, not much for the episode itself but the memes surrounding made me interact with the larger Mario fandom and due to the domino effect, I ended up here and made great friends, plus, a few of the jokes are kinda funny.

I honestly prefer the live action parts of the Super Show for how ridiculous it can get, it reminds me of a 90's sitcom, it's great
Koopzilla. Not good at all but I think it's one of the few times Mario and Koopa actually have a genuine fight in the series.
Despite all the laughably bad elements of the cartoons including poor animation and voice acting, I still found Super Koopa legitimately epic.

Also Reptiles in the Rose Garden and A Little Learning were fun
"Send in the Clown" actually has a a decent recreation of the Bowser fight in Super Mario World and I'm pretty impressed by that.
Probably the one in Super Mario World where Mario and Luigi get into arguments even though I haven't seen it yet. I still think the scene with Mario's record is hilarious and meme-able.

"I want to listen to M U S I C !!!"
Live action: All of them, minus the part where they play the Zelda Cartoon preview. I usually skip that part.

Animated: Of the ones I watched, my favourite of those was Koopzilla. Just seeing giant Mario and King Koopa fight against each other was great joy. Least favourite, Love em' and Leave em'. Koopa didn't appear, the story didn't make a lot of sense, and it just felt horrible to watch.
Probably the one in Super Mario World where Mario and Luigi get into arguments even though I haven't seen it yet. I still think the scene with Mario's record is hilarious and meme-able.

"I want to listen to M U S I C !!!"

Well consider yourself de-brotherized!

That's Super Mario Bros. 3, not Super Mario World.