Zange's Musical Adventures (singing / other things)

Malleus Draconia

You'll become the heroes of your own stories...
Core 'Shroom Staff
Awards Committee
Hello! Most of you probably know me as the person who never actually posts that also happens to run Pipe Plaza. Some of you also probably remember my presentation of M10 from last year, where I sang a medley. You guys liked that so much that now I'm starting a thread for all my singing stuff (aka my favorite hobby ever). Who cares that it's been close to a year since awards happened, better late than never!
Fair warning this might be like 90% Jpop because that's mostly what I listen to, but if you have any requests feel free to send them my way and I'll give them a shot.

A few places where you can hear my voice:
- M10 2019
- my youtube channel (im begging you to not listen to the older stuff, it's b a d)
- this playlist of songs that i sing in that aren't on my channel

Will probably post in this thread when I do new content tm (new youtube upload, a request, me getting bored so i sing something i dont usually sing for the heck of it, etc)
I believe you take requests from any genre. I have some gospel for you to try.

Here is my requests.

By the way, can you upload my requests on YouTube?
By the way, can you upload my requests on YouTube?

All requests will be going up on either Box or Google Drive, with the links being posted here as they are done. It's an organizational thing for me, I just have a very strange system for these sorts of things. Sorry for any inconvenience!
I covered a song by one of my favorite groups with some friends ^^ (Hikari no Senritsu)

Also general update, between allergies, working two job, and not really having the house to myself much right now, any requests are probably gonna be a hot minute before I can get to them. Still, feel free to drop any you have and I'll hopefully be able to get to them soon~
Okay so I really don't recommend doing two different versions of the same song because you will hate yourself for doing so and having to do everything with it twice... but these both turned out awesome hehehe (aka Zange and friends sing about being heroines, parts A and B)

I come with filled requests! Better late than never on these, right??

@Flora Bismarck I only had time today to record one of your requests so I picked A Million Years or More to do. Thank you for picking a song with low notes, that is power money for me ;w; (A Million Years or More)

@Carol Tea You have NO idea how happy I was when I saw a Perfume song requested. Unfortunately, this is not a song I know as well as a few others, but I tried my best with it, so I hope it's okay!! (Honestly I may go back and either tune this file or redo it later because there are some questionable parts for me oof) (Polyrhythm)

And then because I was bored, I ended up recording a song that I'm currently obsessed with, so I leave that here for y'all to enjoy as well ^^ (Altern-ate-)
You are welcome. As a bass singer, I pick the low ones. I have a new request. But this is top priory. You sing J.D. Sumner's part and have three friends sing to have the authentic quartet experience.

Hello, it's been a while! I'm going to be posting here more often during the month of March as there's a challenge going around Twitter called Singing March. Today is the first day I participated in it, and while I won't be doing every day of the challenge, I'll still be doing plenty of them! If you're curious, the list of prompts is here.

Day 4: Song from a romance
Public announcement that I had so much fun with this one :>

Day 13: song with rap

e: not sure if this is just on my end or not but something seems to be wrong with the sound. Gonna look into this when I can get back to my computer. e2: should be all good now!
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