The Super Mario Boards Family portrait

A Super Mario Boards drawing without Waluigi Time? TOO BAD. WALUIGI TIME.
Like an owl, silently swooping in to snatch its prey, I arrive to promote The 'Shroom with a reminder that we've had artists display their works in Palette Swap before and we absolutely welcome pieces related to the community, so if you end up making another iteration of this piece with a bunch more community members, you could have it debut in an issue of the paper as a little celebration!

Anyways, if you're willing to have more folks...
Name: Hooded Pitohui
Avatar: I use the bird as my forum profile picture these days, but for community events, I usually represent myself with this Toady:

And here's art of me drawn by the wonder BBQ Turtle if it helps provide an alternate reference (or you can use the staff portrait the excellent The Pyro Guy drew for me that's in The 'Shroom every month)!
Hooded Pitohui.png
I'm Luigi 64DD, as I hope you can tell by my very subtle signature.

Here's my Luigi dude:
1 Luigi 64DD Artwork 2nd edition.png

However! I kinda associate with the goose more now, so here's that:

LGM Art.png

However however! If you truly want a marriage made in heaven, you can do something like this:

Like an owl, silently swooping in to snatch its prey, I arrive to promote The 'Shroom with a reminder that we've had artists display their works in Palette Swap before and we absolutely welcome pieces related to the community, so if you end up making another iteration of this piece with a bunch more community members, you could have it debut in an issue of the paper as a little celebration!
Hmm... I think I'll do that.
Before I forget:

Someone said they didn't really like the way I portrayed their character.

I welcome comments like this with open arms.

If you don't like the way I portrayed your character, shoot me a PM and I'll redo it until you're happy. : )
I'm Yoshi the SSM for short.
This first one I like the best so far. It's was made by BBQ.
Yoshi the SSM artwork.png
And I have others that were made by other people.
Yoshi The SSM card art.pngyoshissm-idle.png



We've gone this long without a post from me, so, uh, enjoy this. I wear glasses, but sometimes I wear contacts so don't worry.
At some point, I'm going to start adding people who have retired from the forums, disappeared, or have been banned. (YFJ, BlueBerryBlue, and Waffle Dee come to mind)
With the thread being bumped out of the depths, I'd like to request a little extra for PF's redesign. Do you think you could give him a wig based on Rimi's hair, since I'm beginning to relate to her a bit? (I might change it in the future if I feel like it. Also make sure for the headband to go over the wig.)

That's all for now. Thanksu!
Waluigi Time, Hooded Pitohui, Alex95, LeftyGreenMario, Bob Craples, Dale Earnhardt, Ninja Squid, The Green Knight, Luigi64DD, and Yoshi the SSM, PLUS edits and revisions. (And total overhauls, in some cases.)

I've got my work cut out for me. (You can still post here and request to be added, btw. I just probably won't get around to you for a bit.)