Pizza duel

Sort of. This belongs to a friend of mine. (I hold up the pencil) He's a superhero from my world. He lent it to me for a bit. (I put on my ear)
Fine. I steal the pizza, draw a door, and step through it, popping out at my house, and I erase the door before anyone can enter.
Under my orders, Fly Guy and Blooper track down the pizza guy. Fly Guy drops Blooper and Blooper sprays ink on the windshield. The pizza guy can't see and crashes. Now nobody will get the pizza ... Or so it seems, but then the Fly Guy grabs the pizza and delivers it to me. I contently open the box and eat the pizza.
(well u don't actually eat the pizza or else this thread would be over)
guess what, I was sitting the whole time somewhere next to u, and then I take the pizza back
This is basically Control the Throne But the Throne Is Replaced With a Pizza, right?

I bonk the pizza guy on the head. Pizza get.
yeah but you can grab the pizza and u got the pizza guy so its way different

hah! you were running and got right into my pit trap. you unintentionally drop the pizza in front of the pit, and pizza guy gets it back
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