You must not use the reply number - 1th letter in your post.

Power Flotzo

the gun member of the coconut crew
Power Flotzo
Exactly what the title says. For example, reply #2 cannot use the letter "A", reply #3 cannot use "B", and so on. Once we reach the letter "Z", the cycle will restart.
Additional rules:
No workarounds (omitting the letter from the sentence, using the number 4 as an A, using a zero as an O, that kind of stuff). Simple phrases such as "Okay!" are also frowned upon.
The "Last edited by" text, usernames, profile pics, signatures, and personal text do not count. If an emote contains the forbidden letter, you cannot use it to get around that rule.

Now then, let's get started, shall we?
Take a look at the first post if you're lost, then. Hopefully, the person below won't have trouble circumventing the taboo letter for their post, as it sees the most usage in the English language. Why, just look at how many of them are in this post!
Nah, this isn't a plight at all.
This should be fun! Hey, I didn't even h ve to use the letter for th t one!
So, it's b sic lly wh t I tried on the "Blocked for stupid re sons" thre d.
You did the incorrect letter. It was f like in of.
Where the did it say that?

Okay, trust me, the space in between "the" and "did" is much larger, but it won't show or some reason. THAT'S a problem.
See, here, can't use " ". Make sense?
That's a pretty blatant workaround. Look at me, the post here lacks a major letter, yet no need to use appears even as my post goes up. Why not try that way?
Sure, why not? I consider myself a very creative individual. I can easily avoid using certain letters of the alphabet. It's easy, I did it for months while letters on my keyboard were broken. I accept this "challenge."
You broke the rule in your second answer, as you could not use the letter "O." It's easy if you choose your words carefully, like how I am doing here to avoid using the sixteenth letter.

I have nothing else to add, save for this: the next user can say almost anything they want, because the next forbidden letter is very rarely used in the English language.
I still exist, I've been hard at work recently, so I hope everything is OK.