Foreign shows and movies you like


Heart of an ox
Could be a confusing topic since not all of us live in the same place but oh well, since that already has a topic and tends to be popular worldwide anyways, no anime.

What stuff from other places do you watch?

As many of you know, I am a fan of The Great Warrior Wall, not just because I'm a furry but because it's legitmatly well written and animated imo, it has the flaws of relying on cliches and my personal favorite of the main trio does not participate in too many of the fights but I love it and can't wait till the second season and the official English dub

Oh, and Parasite, obviously
well i live somewhere they barely make anything, and the stuff they make is crap in my opinion, so most of what i watch and enjoy is something from another place, like 99% of the movies ive watched or the same thing with shows
i watch american stuff all the time
So, uh, I watch BadComedian's channel on YouTube; he's a Russian channel, so I have to rely on subtitles (sometimes helpfully provided by fans, sometimes not) to get information and I enjoy it lmao. It's how I know about terrible obscure Russian movies such as Yolki, Zashchitniki, a kid's movie where a character is literally named "Chinese" (Ikayetz) and that one batshit insane Christmas movie where the world is protected from demons by Christmas trees emitting forcefields and there are 6 Santa Clauses. Oh and he reviewed the Hunger Games one time and that was pretty neat seeing him take on an American movie I'm familiar with for once. His Nutcracker movie review (the one with Nazi rats and how disturbing the imagery of the movie was) is hilarious too though the only possible way I can understand him, the auto-translated subtitles, are pretty jank.

I also want to watch something by Melnitsa Animation Studios eventually. Pretty sure Alesha Popovich comes with at least a sub, sounds like a good animation to get into.

Oh, I love Asterix btw. Best Belgo-French comic. I love comics in that category too, but Asterix is the one I'm the most familiar with. It just got an American release and I wanna check it out.
well i live somewhere they barely make anything, and the stuff they make is crap in my opinion, so most of what i watch and enjoy is something from another place, like 99% of the movies ive watched or the same thing with shows


Butt, my lands make great comics.
To me as someone who lives relatively near Hollywood, it feels so weird to live somewhere where most of the media you watch is foreign.
I really like Doctor Who. Admittedly, I do feel that the last few series have been mostly mediocre overall, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying the Classic Series and 9 and 10s-era of the New Series (plus what stories from 11, 12, and 13 I do enjoy).

Also I don't think it should be any surprise considering my avatar choices here at times, but I'm a completely 100% non-ironic fan of Thomas and Friends. I mostly watch the model series because that's just what I grew up with, so the CGI version doesn't really appeal to me that much (I do watch the CGI series on occasion though). Hell, earlier today I downloaded the fan-made 'extended cut' of the old Thomas and the Magic Railroad movie that was made using the recently leaked workprint and I'm way more excited than I should be as someone in her mid-20s for being able to watch a movie aimed at preschoolers in (roughly) its original form lol.

Oh, tokusatsu is pretty cool too. Love me some Super Sentai, Kamen Rider, and Ultraman.