KO a character: MLP Friendship is Magic Seasons 4-5 Episodes

Flight to the Finish
Make New Friends but Keep Discord
We have a winner, Ed Valentine gets a valentine by us keeping Flight to the Finish to the finish!

The official rankings of the episodes

🥇 Flight to the Finish
2. Make New Friends but Keep Discord
3. Inspiration Manifestation
4. The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone
5. Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3
6. Rarity Takes Manehattan
7. Maud Pie
8. Castle Mane-ia
9. Bloom and Gloom
10. Hearthbreakers
11. Castle Sweet Castle
12. The Hooffields and McColts
13. Twilight's Kingdom Part 1
14. Made in Manehattan
15. Princess Twilight Sparkle Part 2
16. Power Ponies
17. Twilight's Kingdom Part 2
18. Princess Spike
19. Leap of Faith
20. Princess Twilight Sparkle Part 1
21. Rarity Investigates!
22. The Cutie Re-Mark Part 1
23. Pinkie Pride
24. Bats!
25. The Cutie Re-Mark Part 2
26. The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows
27. The Mane Attraction
28. Filli Vanilli
29. Appleoosa's Most Wanted
30. The Cutie Map Part 2
31. What About Discord?
32. Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?
33. Pinkie Apple Pie
34. Rainbow Falls
35. For Whom The Sweetie Belle Toils
36. Crusaders of the Lost Mark
37. Canterlot Boutique
38. Daring Don't
39. Amending Fences
40. Tanks for The Memories
41. Trade Ya!
42. Brotherhooves Social
43. Slice of Life
44. The Cutie Map Part 1
45. It Ain't Easy Being Breezies
46. Twilight Time
47. Party Pooped
48. Three's a Crowd
49. Equestria Games
50. Simple Ways
51. Somepony to Watch Over Me
52. Scare Master
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Yay exactly a year since I posted the congrats to the victor, here are some thoughts.
-Princess Spike making it that far to 18th place is really funny to me for some reason considering how much of a weak filler Spike episode it is. It doesn't feel really iffy like Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep (with a bad moral about self-harm) even making it to almost the Top 30 since I just mostly don't like Princess Spike instead of strongly disliking it but still I would have have eliminated it sooner than it was taken out if I posted in the thread more as I just wanted to get other episodes out of the way too.
-Some really good episodes were eliminated in the 30s. Crusaders of the Lost Mark, For Whom The Sweetie Belle Toils and Amending Fences would actually have made it further than they did and by a lot if I got my way with each likely making the Top 5 considering they cover such mature themes, in a way that's as much if not more for adults than kids, and do so well.
-Scare Master getting last place still isn't what I would have done if I was able to determine which episode got eliminated first. While I still remember seeing Scare Master as average I didn't hate it, and Somepony to Watch Over Me would've probably gotten the bottom spot instead because of how distastefully it handles overprotectiveness, with Applejack not having to apologize for how she acts towards Apple Bloom. Rainbow Falls and What About Discord each wouldn't have made it as far as they did either for bad moral execution, with Rainbow Falls it could have handle a moral of loyalty well but didn't, and What About Discord could have shown that Twilight was at least partly in the right for thinking Discord bragged too much in the episode instead of dumbing itself down.
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