unpopular opinions

Bigfoot is real; I had tea with him once.

He's actually a pretty swell guy. His brother is kind of annoying though.
No, Bigtoe is their weird cousin who lives in an alcove on some guy's lawn. He acts like he owns the place but is really just freeloading there. Kind of disgraceful, really.

They don't like talking about him.
May I remind you that this is not an opinion but is in fact objectively true

That is not actually correct

Fact is: Snow, as it appears on Earth, has a certain temperature range that can be expressed numerically and usually falls below the freezing point of water.

Whether this temperature range qualifies as "cool", "cold", "chilly", somewhere in-between, or even other temperature descriptors alltogether, is a matter of perspective, and thus non-factual. If you were a hypothetical organism accustomed to survival on a drastically heat-starved planet somewhere far away, you might even describe Earth snow as "blazing hot aaaa it's on my face get it off!"

In fact, in the realms of objectivity, the concept of "cold" doesn't even really exist. There is only heat and the gradually increasing absence of it, until we reach a point of zero total heat. Snow is really disgustingly scorching if you look at it from the point of absolute zero.

Furthermore, and this is probably the most logical, scientific, and damning argument: I am an ice-elemental, and my BF is on record having referred to me as "hot". Make of that what you will.
The other day I had a conversation of whether it's better to die of intense cold or intense heat lol
British teeth jokes are absolutely terrible. Any other British stereotype joke is good, though.
I really wish people would stop makin them, as they're gettin on my nerves!
It's reasonable to say that an unfunny stereotype masquerading as a joke that's repeated a kajillion times loses its teeth after a while.
I don't like split pea soup. It looks and tastes bad.
Uh I'm not sure if that's an unpopular opinion or not but I find split pea soup delicious.
It's too thick for a soup. If it was like chicken noodle, I would probably like.
as are all animals (wow nice alliteration)
my take is that, honestly. every species deserves to exist. and not go extinct. yes that includes arthropods, yes that even includes particular insects people tend to hate with a passion (mosquitoes and wasps and possibly others), yes that even includes.. at least some viruses, parasites, etc. ecosystem is a delicate balance and those are part of it
I can't think of a species in the kingdom of Animalia that doesn't tick at least some conventions of cuteness. Even cockroaches, when you look past their uneasy brown, wiggly antennae, and mortifying speed, have cute traits like the small beady eyed head and... well, that's about it lol. Even sharks can be endearing when you realise their visages are actually quite derpy.