what made you join this forum?

I have lurked on the wiki since I was a teenager, but one day I saw a link to the forums and thought it was neat, so I joined.
I honestly don't remember much any more. I know that my wiki sign-up was first, and that was primarily to vote on Featured Images, though I probably was lurking around for a while. I might've wanted to write for a Shroom section years ago down the line, but what I do know was that I registered for here slightly earlier than my sister it seems. I thought it was super cool to see the same users I was familiar with the wiki also interact in a more casual chatty setting, and I really wanted to join. I remember making one of my earliest posts about Super Smash Bros. Brawl. This was one of my earliest posts, made basically a day after I signed up. What I remember why I stuck around was that people actually interacted with my posts and whatnot, we had conversations, maybe stupid teenager exchanges, but a conversation. I was pretty sure one of my fears being new to the forum was that no one was going to give my posts some attention and respond. Not that I would give up immediately if my posts weren't replied to, but, getting acknowledged, I remember, felt great.
Wanted a place to share my Yoshi and Mario fandom.
I haven't stated my reason yet. I've been active on the Mario Wiki since November 21, 2022, but haven't joined the Mario Boards until January 3, 2024. I joined because it's part of the Mario Wiki and also for me to make better connections with the community. I'm so glad I did so!
I joined so I could write for the Shroom', but quickly got caught up in conversations and now I've been here for nearly a year. My first post was an awful pun.
I joined so I could chat with others about my favorite Nintendo and other video games, as well as funny stuff like crappy bootleg consoles and such. I also wanted to have a Super Mario character as my online avatar.
This is a story I've told many times, and some people here lived through!

When I was about 8 or 9, I had an assignment where I needed to write a report to share with the class on something I cared about. I grew up with an SNES in the house because that's what my mom had growing up, so I had played plenty of games with her, including SMW. I decided to make my report on SMW but needed names of some enemies, so I looked it up and found the wiki. After I finished the report I was still really enamored with the wiki and the 'Shroom, and eventually when I was 9 I ended up joining the forums. Cue expected shenanigans

I left for a few years around when I was 11 or 12, returned at 14 under a new account because I missed the community and had more natural ability to get involved, am now where I am. It's only a little weird to be able to say I've been on this site for more than half my life, even at the age of 21
I had been reading the wiki for a few years and I occasionally stumbled upon the Boards, not really knowing what it was. I finally made a wiki account last spring with a forum account shortly after. My first posts were when I spammed like 20 times in the Direct thread after Mario Wonder got announced. I then proceeded to actually learn how to use a forum and made myself comfortable, now I've been terrorizing people on here for almost a year! I have yet to participate in any large community events but it's definitely something I'm considering.
The Mario series is my favorite video game series, ever since I was old enough to play games, and I used to come to the Mario Wiki a lot to look at random articles. It also helped out a lot when I was struggling on finding SM3DW's tougher stamps and green stars. I also wanted to be able to talk about video games with like-minded people.
Complementary spaghetti.

(I became a patroller in 2009 and they told me I should have a forum account to access the admin board)
I joined because I love Mario and want to talk about the franchise with other fans, both the good games AND the bad games (fortunately there aren't too many of the latter). Like I could probably enjoy a Mario game even if it was bad but still want the other fans to be happy.