What encouraging phrases get you through the day?


I can see through time
She / They
I could use some kind words right now.
i know quoting a god dam mario oydssey brochure is kinda stupid and i think i bring it up plenty anyway but. yea this from the darker side brochure
From here you can observe galaxies shining in ways you never could see from home. Culmina Crater features vistas entirely unique from those you can find on the Dark Side of the Moon and Honeylune Ridge. If you're feeling down or disheartened, just take a look up at the Milky Way from here.

You can see each star twinkle as they nestle close to one another.

It will all be OK—you are not alone.
"If you feel alone,memories are always with you"
-Me, right now
" A mind is a terrible thing to waste." - Dr. Martin Luther King JR.
" Actions speak louder than words." - Abraham Lincoln
" Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about." - Anonymous
"No matter how hard life gets or how pessimistic you might be, keep on moving ahead. Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise." - Me
Not a phrase, Moreso a whole monologue

"The truth is, I'm not an exceptional person. Nothing interesting ever really happens to me. I'm massively flawed, and I think I'm quite forgettable, if I'm being 100% honest and this isn't the shit bit at the end of the show where I get on the cross and am like 'love me on the way out the door. It's not that, it's just that, on a scale of 1 to Memorable, I'm not that memorable, not on the history scale, certainly. But if I tell a great story, maybe people will remember that instead... remember the card trick and just pretend they don't know how it's done. But must we leave a legacy? Must we make an impact? Do we have to leave a footprint? Is it okay to just settle? Seek safety. Nest. Or must we constantly shake our lives up? Or suffer the indiscriminate cruelty of having it shaken against our will? Must we try to carve a path through the tall grass, feeling as though no one has ever felt how we feel: terrified at what may be lurking low in the grass on either side of us. But just pressing ever onwards with that paleolithic instinct deep within our chromosomes that the only way is forward. That you have to keep going. That eventually you'll stumble upon the edge of the field, hitch a ride from a passing car, and meet up with the rest of the gang for tea and sandwiches at the old town hall. Do we feel like the path that we are carving through the grass is all our own? Only to finally float above the field with the sweet relief of expiration and realize that the field is insignificantly minuscule in size! And that there's only one path through the grass. The exact same one that every human has trod before us and will ever after. Just stumbling blindly along a tiny hyphen between the words 'birth' and 'death'. And when reduced to that level of crisp simplicity, fear cannot exist".

-Randy Feltface