Koopa con Carne
call me Hot Lips, 'cause i'm a one-shot wonder
- MarioWiki
- Koopa con Carne
So, some poor no-good winds up in hell after dying, and you're tasked with giving them a punishment that will last for eternity. Satan, being the Mario fanboy that he is, asks if you can make the punishment Mario-related this time.
The question is, what repetitive chores do you know of in any Mario (Wario, DK etc.) game that you may subject a tortured soul to?
My suggestion? Getting a squeaky-clean perfect run in Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, which includes collecting 999,999G and capturing 99 of each ghost type. The latter entails, among other things, replaying some missions (such as boss missions) 99 times each, some of which can take upwards to 8 minutes if you try to get as much gold as possible, just to recapture one particular ghost. Then they have to play through Thrill Tower over and over again until they basically go mad--the punished soul shall have to wait a long time in a lobby to find new players who are still playing the game, then luck out and find particular ghost types every 5 floors while slogging through Nintendo's terrible online with potentially bad players who'll ruin your game.
And after doing a complete run of the game... they gotta do it again on a new save file!
What other punishments do you propose? Again, keep them Mario-related.
The question is, what repetitive chores do you know of in any Mario (Wario, DK etc.) game that you may subject a tortured soul to?
My suggestion? Getting a squeaky-clean perfect run in Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, which includes collecting 999,999G and capturing 99 of each ghost type. The latter entails, among other things, replaying some missions (such as boss missions) 99 times each, some of which can take upwards to 8 minutes if you try to get as much gold as possible, just to recapture one particular ghost. Then they have to play through Thrill Tower over and over again until they basically go mad--the punished soul shall have to wait a long time in a lobby to find new players who are still playing the game, then luck out and find particular ghost types every 5 floors while slogging through Nintendo's terrible online with potentially bad players who'll ruin your game.
And after doing a complete run of the game... they gotta do it again on a new save file!
What other punishments do you propose? Again, keep them Mario-related.