Spaceship Scuffle (Possible 2022 mafia game I may host in the future)


writing for the `Shroom, saving Popstar from doom
I've never done anything like this, but I'll try.
This "mafia" based game will have (hopefully) more than 10 players. Two of them will be impostors, a doctor, and possibly a detective if the game gets enough players. Your goal is to figure out who the impostors are. Impostors can choose who to kill every night, though more on that later.
The game will begin once we have at least 10 players. And after I play a mafia game or two myself.
One more thing. Every 3 days, people will get the chance to vote someone out, unless an impostor kills someone, then people get the chance to vote someone out immediately. everybody also gets one vote call, where everyone comes and votes immediately. you can vote someone off, you can vote to not eject anybody, or you can not vote at all.
I have no start date, that will be decided when (and if) I get at least 10 players.
Oh yea also each impostor has a kill cooldown. once an impostor kills someone, they cant kill anyone else until the next "round". each round lasts up to three days, with the round ending with a voting session. nothing happens when a round ends besides the impostors kill cooldown resetting.
These rules are subject to change, as I need some help figuring out good rules so that the different special roles can do there special actions.
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: "I think you should give this more thought. Also, I have promised by Yoshi the SSM to get to be an impostor in a game he was thinking of hosting. But he also does not know when he will do it. But it has been thought on by him."
@Kirbyo since I've been pinged here by somebody else anyway, and to avoid having to repeat myself, i'll just respond to your question on my profile here. While I admire the enthusiasm you have, I think the most important question I could ask is: have you played a Mafia game before? If yes, was it in Real Life or online? The reason I ask this is because it is very, very important for a host to have proper knowledge and understanding of the game and how it actually works, and while it's possible to learn the basics just by doing some research and reading, there's still some things that don't quite "click" until you've actually experienced the game for yourself as a player. And once you know how the game works, it will also help you in planning out your game, as you'll know a bit better how to manage things.

Playing in a mafia game here will also let others on the Boards - that is, people who would be interested in playing mafia - to get a chance to see how much you understand the game and how your commitment level is (whether or not you're consistently active and if you continue to engage throughout the course of the game, another key attribute that also applies to hosting), which will inspire a little bit more confidence when people are thinking of signing up because they know a little bit about you and can gauge how well they think it will go. To give you an example, when I put up Sheep Mafia, I immediately got the majority of the signups I needed within the first 24 hours because 1. I had been talking about and planning out the game for a good month or more, so my friends knew it was coming and that I'd been planning it and 2. I've had a proven track record both as a host many years ago, and an active player in the most recent Mafia game that occured prior to Sheep Mafia (the Rogues in Rogueport mafia) and 3. I had a clear opening post which I wrote myself which explained the rules and specific mechanics of my game, so players knew what they were getting into and, just as importantly, they could see that I knew what I was getting into. In contrast, there have also been a couple of other games which showed up within the past year or so which have gotten very little interest or traction. While I can't speak for every player on the boards, I can hazard a guess that the lack of interest was partly due to the fact that the people wanting to host the games had never played Mafia here on the boards, so potential players didn't have any reference point for whether or not the hosts would be able to run it well.

To reiterate in simpler terms, I think there's some interesting ideas you have here in trying to adapt Among Us into a mafia game and I'd like to see you hosting it some day, but my reccommendation for you (and this is something I would have extended to basically anyone who is interested in hosting a game here) is to have a go at playing a game first. Hosting a mafia game requires a lot of committment, both in planning it out and actually running it, and playing in a game first will be beneficial for both yourself and everyone else who might end up interested in your game. Officially, there's nothing stopping you from hosting a game (i.e. there's no rules that say "You MUST play at least one game before hosting a mafia game) and if you get enough signups to host your game before you get a chance to play, that's cool too! But it absolutely helps to have a demonstrable understanding of how the game works. So, I'd suggest to keep your eye out for when the next mafia game starts, and give it a go. Until then, you can follow along with Sheep Mafia, read up on previous games (like the aforementioned Rogues in Rogueport), and work away at planning out your game and making sure you have the proper structure in place so that when an opportunity to host the game does arise, you'll be ready and equipped to do it well. :)

EDIT: And keep in mind also, this is just my personal opinion as an experienced player and host! There are other people who would have different thoughts than me, so please don't rely only on my input! If you're really interested in hosting, consider talking to other people as well, since that will give you a broader range of viewpoints to give you a more well rounded view
@Kirbyo since I've been pinged here by somebody else anyway, and to avoid having to repeat myself, i'll just respond to your question on my profile here. While I admire the enthusiasm you have, I think the most important question I could ask is: have you played a Mafia game before? If yes, was it in Real Life or online? The reason I ask this is because it is very, very important for a host to have proper knowledge and understanding of the game and how it actually works, and while it's possible to learn the basics just by doing some research and reading, there's still some things that don't quite "click" until you've actually experienced the game for yourself as a player. And once you know how the game works, it will also help you in planning out your game, as you'll know a bit better how to manage things.

Playing in a mafia game here will also let others on the Boards - that is, people who would be interested in playing mafia - to get a chance to see how much you understand the game and how your commitment level is (whether or not you're consistently active and if you continue to engage throughout the course of the game, another key attribute that also applies to hosting), which will inspire a little bit more confidence when people are thinking of signing up because they know a little bit about you and can gauge how well they think it will go. To give you an example, when I put up Sheep Mafia, I immediately got the majority of the signups I needed within the first 24 hours because 1. I had been talking about and planning out the game for a good month or more, so my friends knew it was coming and that I'd been planning it and 2. I've had a proven track record both as a host many years ago, and an active player in the most recent Mafia game that occured prior to Sheep Mafia (the Rogues in Rogueport mafia) and 3. I had a clear opening post which I wrote myself which explained the rules and specific mechanics of my game, so players knew what they were getting into and, just as importantly, they could see that I knew what I was getting into. In contrast, there have also been a couple of other games which showed up within the past year or so which have gotten very little interest or traction. While I can't speak for every player on the boards, I can hazard a guess that the lack of interest was partly due to the fact that the people wanting to host the games had never played Mafia here on the boards, so potential players didn't have any reference point for whether or not the hosts would be able to run it well.

To reiterate in simpler terms, I think there's some interesting ideas you have here in trying to adapt Among Us into a mafia game and I'd like to see you hosting it some day, but my reccommendation for you (and this is something I would have extended to basically anyone who is interested in hosting a game here) is to have a go at playing a game first. Hosting a mafia game requires a lot of committment, both in planning it out and actually running it, and playing in a game first will be beneficial for both yourself and everyone else who might end up interested in your game. Officially, there's nothing stopping you from hosting a game (i.e. there's no rules that say "You MUST play at least one game before hosting a mafia game) and if you get enough signups to host your game before you get a chance to play, that's cool too! But it absolutely helps to have a demonstrable understanding of how the game works. So, I'd suggest to keep your eye out for when the next mafia game starts, and give it a go. Until then, you can follow along with Sheep Mafia, read up on previous games (like the aforementioned Rogues in Rogueport), and work away at planning out your game and making sure you have the proper structure in place so that when an opportunity to host the game does arise, you'll be ready and equipped to do it well. :)

EDIT: And keep in mind also, this is just my personal opinion as an experienced player and host! There are other people who would have different thoughts than me, so please don't rely only on my input! If you're really interested in hosting, consider talking to other people as well, since that will give you a broader range of viewpoints to give you a more well rounded view
...ok then. how long till the next mafia game starts? two weeks? a month? well, either way, I can't play all the time. I have school. but ill try...
...ok then. how long till the next mafia game starts? two weeks? a month? well, either way, I can't play all the time. I have school. but ill try...
Well, I'm planning on hosting the next game (Sheep Mafia is my first game so I'm actually basically doing what Revin said), but since Killing Games (ask what that is in a profile post I don't feel like explaining it) is starting in early June and running until late August, my Mafia probably won't start until September. But at least that gives me plenty of time to drum up support and plan stuff, lol.
i though the killing game ended with despair inc?
No, there's one every year.
Why do you think the last one was called Killing Games 4?
oh. so it was just the story. well, can I join in? or is it just a staff thing?
Killing Games is open to everyone but it's more complicated than Mafia. You might not get a proper idea of how to run Mafia from it.

Also, there was an age restriction last year and I don't know if it's gonna be carried over into this year. Guess it depends who hosts it and what they wanna do.
Do we need discord or can we just use PMs?
Typically Mafia exclusively uses forum conversations for game-related purposes, makes it easier for the host to keep track of things and doesn't require any extra accounts for the players. Rogues in Rogueport and Sheep Mafia have both been organized this way.
By the way, this game has (most likely) been delayed to 2022 so I can play a mafia game, seeing as the killing games are about to happen, and I'm not participating in those, I'll probably need to wait until September to participate in a mafia game. Sorry for the inconvenience. But sign-ups are still going, and more than 10 people can join!
By the way, this game has (most likely) been delayed to 2022 so I can play a mafia game, seeing as the killing games are about to happen, and I'm not participating in those, I'll probably need to wait until September to participate in a mafia game. Sorry for the inconvenience. But sign-ups are still going, and more than 10 people can join!
you can do mine :)
but it wont start till late august/early september, most likely
What will it be themed around, anyways? Or do I have to wait to know?
It's still kind of in construction, but my idea is a Super Paper Mario theme.