KO a Character: MLP Friendship is Magic Episodes (Seasons 6 and 7)

The Gift of the Maud Pie
On Your Marks
Gauntlet of Fire
No Second Prances
A Hearth's Warming Tail
The Saddle Row Review
Stranger Than Fan Fiction
Dungeons and Discords
The Fault in Our Cutie Marks
Viva Las Pegasus
Every Little Thing She Does
Where the Apple Lies
Celestial Advice
All Bottled Up
Rock Solid Friendship
Fluttershy Leans In
Honest Apple
A Royal Problem
Discordant Harmony
The Perfect Pear
Campfire Tales
It Isn't The Mane Thing About You
A Health of Information
Marks and Recreation
Once Upon a Zeppelin
Secrets and Pies
Uncommon Bond
Shadow Play Part 2
The Gift of the Maud Pie
On Your Marks
Gauntlet of Fire
No Second Prances
A Hearth's Warming Tail
The Saddle Row Review
Stranger Than Fan Fiction
Dungeons and Discords
The Fault in Our Cutie Marks
Viva Las Pegasus
Every Little Thing She Does
Where the Apple Lies
Celestial Advice
All Bottled Up
Rock Solid Friendship
Fluttershy Leans In
Honest Apple
A Royal Problem
Discordant Harmony
The Perfect Pear
Campfire Tales
It Isn't The Mane Thing About You
A Health of Information
Marks and Recreation
Once Upon a Zeppelin
Secrets and Pies
Uncommon Bond
The Gift of the Maud Pie
On Your Marks
Gauntlet of Fire
No Second Prances
A Hearth's Warming Tail
The Saddle Row Review
Stranger Than Fan Fiction
Dungeons and Discords
The Fault in Our Cutie Marks
Viva Las Pegasus
Every Little Thing She Does
Where the Apple Lies
All Bottled Up
Rock Solid Friendship
Fluttershy Leans In
Honest Apple
A Royal Problem
Discordant Harmony
The Perfect Pear
Campfire Tales
It Isn't The Mane Thing About You
A Health of Information
Marks and Recreation
Once Upon a Zeppelin
Secrets and Pies
Uncommon Bond
The Gift of the Maud Pie
On Your Marks
Gauntlet of Fire
No Second Prances
A Hearth's Warming Tail
The Saddle Row Review
Stranger Than Fan Fiction
Dungeons and Discords
The Fault in Our Cutie Marks
Viva Las Pegasus
Every Little Thing She Does
Where the Apple Lies
All Bottled Up
Rock Solid Friendship
Honest Apple
A Royal Problem
Discordant Harmony
The Perfect Pear
Campfire Tales
It Isn't The Mane Thing About You
A Health of Information
Marks and Recreation
Once Upon a Zeppelin
Secrets and Pies
Uncommon Bond
The Gift of the Maud Pie
On Your Marks
Gauntlet of Fire
No Second Prances
A Hearth's Warming Tail
The Saddle Row Review
Stranger Than Fan Fiction
Dungeons and Discords
The Fault in Our Cutie Marks
Viva Las Pegasus
Every Little Thing She Does
Where the Apple Lies
All Bottled Up
Rock Solid Friendship
Honest Apple
A Royal Problem
Discordant Harmony
The Perfect Pear
Campfire Tales
It Isn't The Mane Thing About You
A Health of Information
Once Upon a Zeppelin
Secrets and Pies
Uncommon Bond
The Gift of the Maud Pie
On Your Marks
Gauntlet of Fire
No Second Prances
A Hearth's Warming Tail
The Saddle Row Review
Dungeons and Discords
The Fault in Our Cutie Marks
Viva Las Pegasus
Every Little Thing She Does
Where the Apple Lies
All Bottled Up
Rock Solid Friendship
Honest Apple
A Royal Problem
Discordant Harmony
The Perfect Pear
Campfire Tales
It Isn't The Mane Thing About You
A Health of Information
Once Upon a Zeppelin
Secrets and Pies
Uncommon Bond
The Gift of the Maud Pie
On Your Marks
Gauntlet of Fire
A Hearth's Warming Tail
The Saddle Row Review
Dungeons and Discords
The Fault in Our Cutie Marks
Viva Las Pegasus
Every Little Thing She Does
Where the Apple Lies
All Bottled Up
Rock Solid Friendship
Honest Apple
A Royal Problem
Discordant Harmony
The Perfect Pear
Campfire Tales
It Isn't The Mane Thing About You
A Health of Information
Once Upon a Zeppelin
Secrets and Pies
Uncommon Bond
The Gift of the Maud Pie
On Your Marks
Gauntlet of Fire
A Hearth's Warming Tail
The Saddle Row Review
Dungeons and Discords
Viva Las Pegasus
Every Little Thing She Does
Where the Apple Lies
All Bottled Up
Rock Solid Friendship
Honest Apple
A Royal Problem
Discordant Harmony
The Perfect Pear
Campfire Tales
It Isn't The Mane Thing About You
A Health of Information
Once Upon a Zeppelin
Secrets and Pies
Uncommon Bond
The Gift of the Maud Pie
On Your Marks
Gauntlet of Fire
A Hearth's Warming Tail
The Saddle Row Review
Dungeons and Discords
Viva Las Pegasus
Every Little Thing She Does
Where the Apple Lies
All Bottled Up
Rock Solid Friendship
Honest Apple
A Royal Problem
Discordant Harmony
The Perfect Pear
Campfire Tales
A Health of Information
Once Upon a Zeppelin
Secrets and Pies
Uncommon Bond
The Gift of the Maud Pie
On Your Marks
Gauntlet of Fire
A Hearth's Warming Tail
The Saddle Row Review
Dungeons and Discords
Viva Las Pegasus
Every Little Thing She Does
Where the Apple Lies
All Bottled Up
Rock Solid Friendship
A Royal Problem
Discordant Harmony
The Perfect Pear
Campfire Tales
A Health of Information
Once Upon a Zeppelin
Secrets and Pies
Uncommon Bond
The Gift of the Maud Pie
On Your Marks
Gauntlet of Fire
A Hearth's Warming Tail
The Saddle Row Review
Dungeons and Discords
Viva Las Pegasus
Every Little Thing She Does
Where the Apple Lies
All Bottled Up
Rock Solid Friendship
A Royal Problem
Discordant Harmony
The Perfect Pear
Campfire Tales
A Health of Information
Once Upon a Zeppelin
Secrets and Pies
I'll go ahead and post
The Gift of the Maud Pie
On Your Marks
Gauntlet of Fire
A Hearth's Warming Tail
The Saddle Row Review
Dungeons and Discords
Every Little Thing She Does
Where the Apple Lies
All Bottled Up
Rock Solid Friendship
A Royal Problem
Discordant Harmony
The Perfect Pear
Campfire Tales
A Health of Information
Once Upon a Zeppelin
Secrets and Pies
The Gift of the Maud Pie
On Your Marks
Gauntlet of Fire
The Saddle Row Review
Dungeons and Discords
Every Little Thing She Does
Where the Apple Lies
All Bottled Up
Rock Solid Friendship
A Royal Problem
Discordant Harmony
The Perfect Pear
Campfire Tales
A Health of Information
Once Upon a Zeppelin
Secrets and Pies
This is a kinda tough one as I like all of the episodes remaining at this point. But I suppose I'll eliminate On Your Marks for it mostly being an unambitious "where do we go from here" episode for the CMC so most of the others still remaining have more interesting conflicts in my opinion
The Gift of the Maud Pie
On Your Marks
Gauntlet of Fire
The Saddle Row Review
Dungeons and Discords
Every Little Thing She Does
Where the Apple Lies
Rock Solid Friendship
A Royal Problem
Discordant Harmony
The Perfect Pear
Campfire Tales
A Health of Information
Once Upon a Zeppelin
Secrets and Pies
The Gift of the Maud Pie
Gauntlet of Fire
The Saddle Row Review
Dungeons and Discords
Every Little Thing She Does
Where the Apple Lies
Rock Solid Friendship
A Royal Problem
Discordant Harmony
The Perfect Pear
Campfire Tales
A Health of Information
Once Upon a Zeppelin
Secrets and Pies
This time I'm eliminating Rock Solid Friendship, while it's still a good episode it feels sometimes like the same writer trying hard to solve complaints with one of his other episodes, No Second Prances.
The Gift of the Maud Pie
Gauntlet of Fire
Dungeons and Discords
Every Little Thing She Does
Where the Apple Lies
Rock Solid Friendship
A Royal Problem
Discordant Harmony
The Perfect Pear
Campfire Tales
A Health of Information
Once Upon a Zeppelin
Secrets and Pies
The Gift of the Maud Pie
Gauntlet of Fire
Dungeons and Discords
Every Little Thing She Does
Where the Apple Lies
A Royal Problem
Discordant Harmony
The Perfect Pear
Campfire Tales
A Health of Information
Once Upon a Zeppelin
Secrets and Pies
Eliminating Where The Apple Lies since while it's an interesting, good episode, you see Applejack lie when she's older in episodes like The Last Roundup and Leap of Faith, so it would have been better if the moral was more specific of "if you lie to avoid punishment, you'll still face consequences", where Granny Smith gives Applejack a punishment for almost really hurting Big Mac and causing so much trouble, since that would have been better for Applejack's continuity than just a general anti-lying moral since that's something Applejack clearly hasn't learned in the two episodes I mentioned.
The Gift of the Maud Pie
Gauntlet of Fire
Dungeons and Discords
Where the Apple Lies
A Royal Problem
Discordant Harmony
The Perfect Pear
Campfire Tales
A Health of Information
Once Upon a Zeppelin
Secrets and Pies
The Gift of the Maud Pie
Gauntlet of Fire
Dungeons and Discords
A Royal Problem
Discordant Harmony
The Perfect Pear
Campfire Tales
A Health of Information
Once Upon a Zeppelin
Secrets and Pies
The Perfect Pear is a great episode, but it's also a very overrated one, and I want something else to win this game for a change (EDIT: Plus it misses the opportunity to show how Applejack's parents died even if it was offscreen)

The Gift of the Maud Pie
Gauntlet of Fire
Dungeons and Discords
A Royal Problem
Discordant Harmony
The Perfect Pear
Campfire Tales
A Health of Information
Once Upon a Zeppelin
While I like Gift of the Maud Pie sometimes it's a bit light on story, and there's still sometimes a tad too much "Pinkie overreacting" humor, so I'd call it the weakest compared to the other six.

I want A Health of Information to win this game because there's a lot of originality in its plot with Swamp Fever being both creative and scary, showing the episode not sugarcoating death and being relevant considering this pandemic. There's a great new moral and character arc for Fluttershy as she risks her life to save Zecora that doesn't repeat cliches of past episodes. Everything about this episode feels like and is a new Fluttershy episode, and a new MLP episode as well.
The Gift of the Maud Pie
Gauntlet of Fire
Dungeons and Discords
Discordant Harmony
Campfire Tales
A Health of Information
Once Upon a Zeppelin
Eliminating Dungeons and Discords since due to its slow first half you don't see as much of this intensely fun Discord-y board game as you could, even though it's still there.
Gauntlet of Fire
Dungeons and Discords
Campfire Tales
A Health of Information
Once Upon a Zeppelin