Brawl Stars

I can see the similarities, but where is the hammer.
His mine cannon arm thingies look like the hammers.

You know, Sprout was based off of Wall-E from the Disney movie, and Bibi was based off of that lady on Team Rocket. (Jess?)

Darryl is my personal favorite Super Rare. He's a very up-in-your-face Brawler with a high damage output from his double barrel shotguns. He is one of two Brawlers who constantly charges his Super (albeit very slowly) and his Super allows him to retract his limbs into his barrel-body and roll a short distance across the stage, bouncing off walls and knocking opponents back. It's not actually good for dealing damage and is instead usually utilized for closing the gap on far off opponents. His Star Powers amplify his Super, either doubling his reload speed for five seconds after using it (great for going against high health targets) or shields him against 90% of all damage for the duration of the roll (great for chasing high damage opponents).

He is a part of the Pirate Trio with Penny and Tick and has several similarities to Nani, Rico, Stu, and Barley.

According to old design photos, he was originally going to be an old west type robot, evidenced by a mariachi style hat.

Next we meet Penny, the splash damage queen!

Penny is a Super Rare Sharpshooter, earning her an interesting mechanic that's not too hard to use: She shoots bags of coins that break open on contact and spread outwards immediately after, dealing the same damage as the initial bag. (It's like, three coin chunks, meaning if you stand directly behind something that just got hit, you'll take 3X the damage.) Her Super lays down a cannon turret that fires cannonballs at a slow rate with high damage, making it ideal for Siege and Heist. Her extras all have to do with the cannon and are all really good. (Either cause each cannonball to create an pool of fire around its blast radius or cause her cannon to shoot off four or five extra balls upon being destroyed. The Gadgets will instantly launch a barrage of balls to her current location or you can cause the cannon to instantly explode.)

Penny is in the Pirate Trio with Darryl and Tick and has no relation to other Brawlers.

Not much is known of what Penny used to be before Brawl Stars.

Next we got to Carl, the Miner Robot!

Carl is a robot. I know, I'm surprised too. He's one of two current brawlers with only one ammo slot. He throws his pickaxe at opponents and it boomerangs back to him, most likely hitting twice. Once it reaches him, he can throw it again. It'll bounce off walls on its way out and go through walls on its way back. This means that spamming it at a wall immediately next to one will give him the fastest reload/shot speed in the game, but it's not practical. For his Super, he goes into a tail spin, damaging people multiple times. He's the only character to be totally average on stats as well.

Carl is a part of the Miner trio with Jacky and Dynamike (May be the easiest trio to complete, only need 2000 trophies for Dyna and the others are Super Rare) and has no confirmed relationship with other Brawlers.

Carl can be seen with Jacky in the animated portion of the trailer in a mine.

Next we go to Jacky the most (drilling noise)-headed miner around, and the last Super Rare.

Jacky is the latest Super Rare to be added to the game (which isn't saying much. She was added like, over a year ago) and probably has one of the more unique functions. She's one of five characters who can use a basic attack to directly hit someone when there's a wall between them. (The other four are the three Throwers and Mr. P, who is essentially a combination of Sharpshooter and Thrower.) For her main attack, she uses her jackhammer to pound the ground, which causes a tremor in a circle around her. This makes her really tricky, because you have to be careful not only when approaching a bush, but when approaching a wall with a bush on the opposite side. Her Super isn't very useful in many situations. It draws any opponents in a wide radius towards her and gives her a temporary shield, but it can be so hard to time and the shield lasts so little that it's not incredibly useful.

Jacky has no confirmed relationship with other Brawlers, other than being a part of the Miner Trio with Carl and Dynamike.

In the Starr Park Trailer, as the spokesman is riding a minecart through a tunnel, you can see construction workers all around. One is a woman with black hair like Jacky's and she's using an oversized jackhammer. This was probably Jacky, and she was probably on the construction/demolition crew before Brawl Stars.

Next we head for the first Epic character, Piper, the prim and proper snappy sniper!
Yes I changed my theme back to my OG one, but I'll still update this with stuff about Brawl Stars.

Piper was the very first Epic Brawler to be added to the game and, as such, introduces an interesting mechanic. She has one of the longest ranges in the game and some of the worst health to compensate. Her attacks are unique because the farther they travel, the more damage they deal. Because of this, she excels over long range and is absolute garbage in a close-up fight. Her Super allows her to escape these undesirable situations by jumping a long distance and dropping bombs around where she was. Her Star Powers either allow her to reload faster or deal more damage when in a bush. Her Gadgets will either push away nearby foes or allow her next shot to home in on nearby targets.

Piper has no confirmed relationship with other Brawlers, other than Barley and Byron. The three make up the Townspeople/Traveling Salespeople trio. (She sells baked goods.)

Next up we have Pam, the mother of Jessie and head of the Junker family!

Pam is one of the first Epic Brawlers and is an all-around, very well-balanced character. She shoots a wide spread of shrapnel that can deal lots of damage up close, her health is moderately high, and her Super deploys a turret that has an area of effect healing. One Star Power and Gadget amplify her turret (boosted healing and damage to enemies inside) and the others will heal her and her allies when she attacks and reduce the enemies' ammo. She's good at everything, but not overwhelmingly good, which makes her a "Jack-of-all-trades," as it were.

Pam is the mother of Jessie and the one who constructed Nani and all the AI bots found in the game. She also may have constructed many of the other robots in the game, but this is not confirmed. For a while, it was thought that Colt was her son, but their hair color is slightly different and since Belle's release, this theory has mostly been discarded.

Next we have Frank the tank, the beefiest Brawler there is!
Frank is the very definition of a Tank in this game. He has the highest HP in the game, capping out at well over 10,000. His attacks are both swings from his hammer, sending shockwaves along the ground. The Super stuns people and has longer range but for both, he pauses to swing, allowing opponents to get out of the way. His Gadgets will either pull people towards him and double the damage or make him immune to negative status effects. The Star Powers will increase his attack damage after he's defeated an opponent and the other increases his max health even more.

Frank has no confirmed relationships with other Brawlers, however, it has been speculated that he could be Mortis' brother (an old Brawl-o-ween animation shows evidence of this) and therefore he could also be EMZ's uncle, or even her father. The three of them comprise the Spooky trio in the Mortis' Mortuary enviroment.

Next up we have Bibi, the Korean biker with one of the strongest swings in the game!
Pam is one of the first Epic Brawlers and is an all-around, very well-balanced character. She shoots a wide spread of shrapnel that can deal lots of damage up close, her health is moderately high, and her Super deploys a turret that has an area of effect healing. One Star Power and Gadget amplify her turret (boosted healing and damage to enemies inside) and the others will heal her and her allies when she attacks and reduce the enemies' ammo. She's good at everything, but not overwhelmingly good, which makes her a "Jack-of-all-trades," as it were.
Pam is a versatile Epic Brawler with balanced powers. Her vast endure and moderate health make her useful in a variety of settings. Her Super deploys a healing turret, while her Star Powers and Gadgets improve her support and fighting abilities. Null Brawl