Preferred Names & Pronouns

turb, he/him
My full name is "LeftyGreenMario" but I go by "Bazooka Mario" on the Wiki. My shorthand names are "LGM" and "Lefty" usually. Other places I was referred to simply as "Mario".

My pronouns are she/her. Let that sink in. Otherwise, I will personally tie you to the chicken coop and feed you to some deranged dancing raving underground Piantas if you do get it wrong.
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Popopo, or anything else.
My preferred pronouns are He/Him.
I go by he/him pronouns but don't have a problem with they/them, but prefer he/him (EDIT: (whatever my current username is), Shadow Prince, or TSP work well too. If somehow you know my real name since I had an account way back in 2012 don't call me by it obviously)
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Hiya! While the primary name I go by is Lynx, I'm fine with Luigi, Cat Luigi, Cat, etc. as a nickname. I'm genderfluid/nonbinary! Kit/kits are my pronouns of preference, but if you don't remember those, that's okay; he/him works just as well. Some of you may be aware I used to go by she/her pronouns, and while they aren't my preference, I'll still respond to them (I'm used to them still as it's the most common way I'm referred to outside of the internet).

If you can avoid calling me they/them, please do. Just because I'm nonbinary doesn't mean I'm gender-neutral. I won't be mad if you call me that (since I'm aware it's the default pronouns to use when you don't know them), but I really don't associate those pronouns with me.

EDIT: Should note that kit/kits conjugates exactly the same way as it/its.
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