Super Mario Bros. X

I never cared much for it.
I just find it particularly interesting for the way it opens up the possibilities of free custom content, on a pretty universal platform.
I've drawn Baby Mario and Baby Luigi sprites for it, I really enjoyed the game. Some of it feels jank like some of the level layouts but it's overall a good experience.
I've drawn Baby Mario and Baby Luigi sprites for it, I really enjoyed the game. Some of it feels jank like some of the level layouts but it's overall a good experience.
That's pretty cool.

Is that some of your sprite work right there?
In my sig? Yeah it is.
Looks great!

Anyway, I was mainly drawn to it precisely on account of the levels and it's possibilities.

Also, I assume that, as the engine gets updated, and their contributers more experienced, they'll invariably set a higher bar for the quality of it's custom content.
neat little game, that SMBX

it's a pretty interesting piece of software altogether though it could use some polishing. Still decently fun to mess with at times (I even used it for a community event on here once lmao)
oh it's just an old thing that was done in another board quite a while ago so I wouldn't worry about it
Hey, I've heard of this game!

Never played it, but I have watched gameplay!
I really like the multiplayer splitscreen aspect of the game and I liked levels that took advantage of it. I also drew "updated" Mario sprites for it, but I don't have access to the sprites. It's basically Neweegie's sprites from Spriter's Resource but proportions adjusted for the game. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem online is a thing, so idk how I can play with my sister this game again.
I really like the multiplayer splitscreen aspect of the game and I liked levels that took advantage of it
Yeah, it's pretty cool.

Too bad they haven't perfected the online multiplayer aspect of it. Otherwise, it would be that much more fun to play with Mario fans from all over the Mushroom Kingdom.
I quite like this game, the level editor especially has so much more customisation than something like mario maker, people can make really amazing stuff. im glad it's kinda getting attention, it's one of the better made mario fangames
Great replies, guys.

I'm glad that this is the general sentiment. Not because of the game per se, but because of what it means to have an entire fan-made, free, creation stand on it's own two legs and grow.
This prompted me to check out the game and I'm liking what I see. I might learn the level editor and try to remake Super Paper Mario in it.