The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023)

It's a mod, after all. I figure if you drastically change models around and leave voice actors and animations intact, things generally look pretty strange. I'm just using the unaltered Sonic voice to compare it to the also peppy young dude voice Mario has in the US version of the Cat Mario show.
I really hope it doesn't try to go the route of the "gritty modernized" way like a certain one tried in the early 90s, but I also hope it isn't campy either because I noticed a tendency for "light and happy" films to get thrown into cringe-worthy campiness. If Illumination is doing it then it would probably be something 3D animated I bet or close to like Minions or Despicable Me or whatever - I've heard good things about Despicable Me and less about Minions heh. I only recently just found out about the possibility of the film and so I know next to nothing about it other than what's been said in this thread here and the blurbs I've read. I hold out hope it'll feel like Mario with the levity you have in the games. Judging by how Universal Japan handled Super Nintendo World I feel like it will be what I am looking for whenever it gets made and released.
I feel like Nintendo is going to screw everything over like with the other Mario movie out there and give us a cluster-fuck of a mess.
Then again, Nintendo is still a very successful company, so i'll trust them this time.
Also, the trailer looks pretty good. Wait I forgot there was a trailer and this is a joke.
We all change our opinions, right?
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i severely doubt its going to turn out a disaster like the live action movie was. if anything i expect it to eend up real safe
it's being made by illumination

it's either going to be a hit or a miss

and i'm leaning towards miss
My prediction is that it's going to be fun, it's going to look nice, it's going to be something kids enjoy, and it's going to be an enjoyable popcorn flick. It'll be a success as well. I think video game movies as of late have improved a lot as we got the Sonic movie, the Detective Pikachu movie, and now the recent Mortal Kombat movie, all which fall into "a treat for fans, decent popcorn flick for general audience, not much more: I'll give it a 6.8/10". It'll still be a big improvement over that dreadful Super Mario Bros. film and I'm (still) looking most forward to be all smug over *that* achievement given how much I dislike that film.
I hope the movie at least takes inspiration from the Mario RPGs. Say what you will about Mario games not needing story. But movies definitely need one, and the Mario RPGs are basically the framework for "Mario with a story" that works. Still I doubt they'll do it even if I think it'll make the movie better, because it matters more to them that every single character and story-beat is already well known and recognizable to rake in that box office cash than making a story that's compelling. Still, I actually liked some of Illumination's movies so who knows. I definitely feel like my status as a diehard Mario fan who loves the more obscure characters isn't going to help my enjoyment of this movie though.
You can't just transplant specific game's plots into a movie. It's would be a mess.

What they will most likely do is take the basic framework of Mario and then write their own story with that, it won't be an adaptation of a specific game.

Also don't try to pull that "using the rpg stuff would be less of a cash in" stuff. It's a movie based off a major video game franchise, it's already a huge cash in by default.
Oh that's obvious, I don't mean just inject a game plot into the movie I just mean. Take inspiration. Don't spend the full movie on the same story-beats we know happens every Tuesday in the Mario world. Do something that Mario fans haven't seen before, in the same vein that some of the RPGs do. Subvert expectations, and not with random dance numbers, pop culture references and toilet jokes. Although given it's illumination, that may already be the expectation.
Oh that's obvious, I don't mean just inject a game plot into the movie I just mean. Take inspiration. Don't spend the full movie on the same story-beats we know happens every Tuesday in the Mario world. Do something that Mario fans haven't seen before, in the same vein that some of the RPGs do. Subvert expectations, and not with random dance numbers, pop culture references and toilet jokes. Although given it's illumination, that may already be the expectation.

I believe Miyamoto himself professed that a movie should be fun to watch in the same way a game should be fun to play. As a prominent figure in the film's production, he's probably using this philosophy to make sure the plot ends up having at least a little more depth than the usual Mario story beats or the average Minions flick.

This is more or less just a word of reassurance regarding your message; contrary to the popular stance, I personally don't have qualms with how Illumination make their movies so I wouldn't be too emotionally invested either way.
Sonic, moviewise, nearly fell at the hands of talentless hacks so don't rest easy.
Best case scenario, the movie turns out like The Angry Birds Movie and it'll be funny and enjoyable.

Worst case scenario, the movie turns out like an Illumination movie, complete with fart jokes and dated pop culture references.

Not saying that Illumination hasn't produced good movies. (example Despicable Me, Minions, and Secret Life of Pets)
Illumination isn't a stellar animated movie studio. Their output usually amounts to "all right" though. Only Hop and maybe Minions are their worst and I didn't enjoy Lorax too much (mostly for the over the top and one-sided presentation that went against the spirit of the book) but even that has its moments.

The audience likes them enough though and they tend to gross pretty well. If you want horrible animated movies, think Emoji Movie, which I don't think the Mario movie is going to be there.
i do like illumination's sense of humor and quirky animation style if despicable me is anything to go by so i do think they're not a bad choice to animate something like mario
No animation studio is perfect.

I forgot Hop existed. Wasn't it about the Easter Bunny or something?

Illumination does have mixed quality like Dreamworks or Blue Sky (rip). I found the Despicable Me franchise funny and Minions was good. I remember watching Lorax once.
Certainly everyone forgot about Hop, lol.

I don't think Illumination really outputting anything close to the best of DreamWork, but Illumination also tends to be better than the worst of DreamWorks as well. I did enjoy Despicable Me, the first two at least (not sure about third) and I guess the Minions probably had more to it than just dumb humor than people assume from it. I generally like the surrounding cast more than Minions though, as I think Minions serve better as foils than as standalone characters.
Certainly everyone forgot about Hop, lol.

I don't think Illumination really outputting anything close to the best of DreamWork, but Illumination also tends to be better than the worst of DreamWorks as well. I did enjoy Despicable Me, the first two at least (not sure about third) and I guess the Minions probably had more to it than just dumb humor than people assume from it. I generally like the surrounding cast more than Minions though, as I think Minions serve better as foils than as standalone characters.
I've seen half of the third one, it's alright.

Minions are just dumb humor to me and I like dumb humor.