Mario Games Sell for Millons

Yoshi! Yoshi!

Melon Inspector
I thought this topic was about million-selling Mario games, like how Nintendo's reports will show which Mario games sold more than a million copies (including the Mario Kart games). But I do agree that this seems like it's not the best use of the money, since these games are at least available elsewhere. I guess within the collector's mindset, the rarity of the product is worth the money alone.

Thank you for reading.
I think its the nostalgia, the tactileness. That you opened the NES/ N64 box, read the instruction manual and etc.

But of course to keep its value you can never open it.

To me what is neat is that Mario games sold the most a piece. Not Zelda, not Sonic, not Halo, Diablo, and etc. It was Mario.
i dont think they spent 2 million dollars on super mario bros for hte nostalgia. i did a quick search and found a boxed copy, from canada or something, that costs like 100 dollars on ebay, which is still too much for smb1 mind you, but at least it isnt . Two Million
honestly im very iffy on these games selling for millions and i cant exactly pinpoint why. i just know its related to how you Have to spend absurd amounts of money on so many retro games that really should be easily accessible
I agree with Zelen
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i dont think they spent 2 million dollars on super mario bros for hte nostalgia. i did a quick search and found a boxed copy, from canada or something, that costs like 100 dollars on ebay, which is still too much for smb1 mind you, but at least it isnt . Two Million
honestly im very iffy on these games selling for millions and i cant exactly pinpoint why. i just know its related to how you Have to spend absurd amounts of money on so many retro games that really should be easily accessible
For me it's because all of these sealed copies of games that sell for ludicrous amounts of money are all rated by grading services and, while I won't outright call these services scams, they do raise major suspicions to me. Like I've read about people testing these services by sending them a game multiple times and getting completely different scores each time, sending in fakes and getting good scores, getting good scores on resealed copies, etc.

What doesn't help in the suspicions department is how Wata, who graded both the copy of SMB and SM64, does not give estimates on how many sealed copies of these games exist and, in 99% of cases, they aren't nearly as rare as the prices would make you think.

Like Super Mario Bros sold over 40 million copies worldwide (thanks to being bundled with the NES) and Super Mario 64 sold nearly 12 million copies. Do you really expect me to believe that new old stock copies of these games, one of which is ranked in the literal top 10 of best-selling video games of all time, are rare? This ain't exactly Action Comics #1 territory here where it's estimated that there's only 50-100 copies in existence.
I think this is a fake story for the news to tell us
I found a copy of SM64 for 50 dollars and I could restore it