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Your profile picture is of a Kung Fu Panda character (Master Viper), so I thought I'd share a Kung Fu Panda 2 fact.

Kung Fu Panda 2 was the highest grossing film directed by a female director until Frozen, and the highest grossing film solely directed by a female director until Wonder Woman.
Sally Acorn, Bunnie Rabbot, and Rotor, (but not Antoine for some reason), make a quick cameo in Sonic Spinball.
It is actually not common for trees to explode from heat at all
In the first three Mario and Luigi games, the first fights are against Bowser.
Sean Avery's jerkish behavior towards a goalie during an ice hockey game resulted in the organization behind the sport implementing a rule that dictated that future offenses of this kind would be punished with a minor penalty, and as such, this rule has been branded the Avery Rule.
Statler and Waldorf had a couple of moments where one appeared without the other.
In Mario's 2nd EVER video game appearance, he was the villain!
Mario Tennis Power Tour is so far the only game where Waluigi is playable but not Wario.
Did you know your heart in a year pumps about 2.5 million liters of blood and that it beats 38.5 million times during that time period?
According to Buzz Dixon, who served as a story consultant on the 1986 My Little Pony movie, he pitched scenes where the ponies approached Optimus Prime from Transformers and Shipwreck from GI Joe for help. While he has never revealed the specifics for Optimus Prime's appearance, Shipwreck's scene would have had him outside of a bar drinking an 'amber liquid' from a bottle. He would stare at the pony in disbelief as she talked to him before flying away. He then smashed the bottle, took his cap off, and swore an oath to quit drinking.

Hasbro executives thought this was absolutely hilarious but ultimately rejected both scenes.
The Pretty Cure series was the first series to have a male character as an actual Cure (Specifically, Sky Precure)

I also wanted to say another fact, which is actually a true fact to this day: The puppets of Mario and Wario have very little clips as its very rare to see them however, there is evidence by the videos { That I mentioned previously} and from the company that made the puppets for Nintendo that it does exist but it's in the company's storage and one day may wind up in either a Children's Museum or Nintendo museum where it's really belongs.
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Super Mario Odyssey is the first time since Super Mario Sunshine where Luigi isn't playable in a 3D mainline Mario game. As for 2D mainline games, the only time he wasn't playable was both Mario Land games on Game Boy and Mario Maker 1.
(I hope I won't get in trouble for this)

Dry Bones was named after a Bible verse, specifically talking about "them bones"

You may know that verse as the "The kneebone is connect to the…" song.