Favorite Mario Rpg?


Flygon "I'll figure this out later" 64
Mario's has had a fair amount of Rpg's, which was your favorite?

I'm not really sure, I think mine would be maybe Mario & Luigi Dream Team
Mine is Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, with Super Paper Mario close behind.
I can smell the heated polemics over this subject from very far away.

Anyway, my experience with Mario RPGs is relatively limited, having only played SMRPG, Paper Mario, Super Paper Mario, Sticker Star, and Colour Splash at varied points in time. Of those that are fresh enough in my memory to be able to form some opinion on, I consider the original Paper Mario to be my personal winner; it offers a streamlined but fun turn-based combat experience, a good amount of exploration, and a well-paced, fun story in terms of what Mario games should be fit to tell. Sticker Star and Colour Splash collectively come second for putting further emphasis on exploration, and even despite the shortcomings in their battle systems, I honestly think the consumable attacks offer a layer of strategising that was frankly not present in more traditional entries and thus can only make the experience more unique. I do still prefer the traditional approach, though.
either paper mario 1 or TOK really depending on what exactly we're talking about. I like PM64 strictly better for the gameplay but I like TOK more outside of that so it's a toss-up.

Keep in mind the PM series is the only experience I've had with mario rpgs so that may change but as is that's how it goes
havent played all of them, but for now, definitely superstar saga. mario & luigi in general is better than paper mario, and this game is one of my favorite mario games
I'm not much of MaRPG player but I did enjoy Mario & Luigi more than Paper Mario overall.
Well it's obvious what my favorite one is. It's the game where Mario and Luigi interact with Baby Mario and Baby Luigi acting as quasi parents and that is simply amazing.
Mine are Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga and Bowser's Inside Story. There is also Super Paper Mario.
I've only recently played SPM, M&L:DT, PMSS, and currently Puzzle & Dragon Mario Edition (yes it's part rpg).
I've enjoyed all of them each for different reasons ..
Super Paper Mario is the first and only Platformer RPG I've experienced.
Dream Team has my favorite use of action commands, and replayable bosses.
Sticker Star has my favorite battle system.
Puzzle & Mario* has collecting teammates, my favorite rpg element, that all other Mario RPG's strangely lack.
Story & World wise.. a tie between Dream Team and Sticker Star.
They're both charmingly humorous while staying inline of the Mario brands' personality and simple smooth gameplay.
Honestly can't decide if I like the series Paper or & Luigi more. They both have their pros and cons.
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Bowser's Inside Story was my first Mario RPG and is still my favorite. Even without the nostalgia, I still think it's great. I love how serious the story gets. That music that plays when you return to Peach's Castle near the end of the game is sooo good. And the cutscene before the final boss still gives me goosebumps.

I also really like Mario + Rabbids. And the sequel looks amazing too. Sparks of Hope is my most anticipated game of 2022.
ive played exactrly one mario rpg. i like it a lot but unfortunately, ubisoft
my only other options (i only have a switch) are origami king which i have no interest in, and later on, paper mario 64 but. n64 online is a complete and absolute rip off so :\ as much as id like to play pm64 i may just not get to, not for a while
n64 online is a complete and absolute rip off so :\

Rip-off is a nice way of putting it, and I applaud for that. I've heard too much hate to want to hear more. Even if I agree with them. Even if I'd like to lash out at Nintendo for coming up with the most stupid online subscription ever made.
Even if I'd like to lash out at Nintendo for coming up with the most stupid online subscription ever made.

eh, it's not fallout 76's a 100 dollars a year
As someone who has played all of them, and enjoyed all of them, that's a tough choice to make...! Part of me just wants to outright say Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, but it doesn't feel right for me to consider the rest of them any lesser. Next to the platformer games, Mario RPGs are the games I am most hyped for! Though I guess you could say I don't hold the modern Paper Mario trilogy in as such a high regard (despite still liking them).