Star Spirit
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Fighter Number: 82
Fighter Group: Ultimate Newcomers/Fighter's Pass 2
Franchise: Kingdom Hearts
Game of Origin: Kingdom Hearts (Sony Playstation 2, 2002 (US/JP/EU)

Fighter Number: 82
Fighter Group: Ultimate Newcomers/Fighter's Pass 2
Franchise: Kingdom Hearts
Game of Origin: Kingdom Hearts (Sony Playstation 2, 2002 (US/JP/EU)
We're reaching quite close to the point where all character speculation for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate ended off with a bang just a year ago. In just as little as 2 months, Sora will have been in Smash for a whole year. For some I imagine the luster of Sora being in the game has worn off and he's just another fighter in the game. For others, maybe it still hasn't sunk in yet that he actually made it into Smash. Cause as I've noted when I previously covered Sora to end off the Ultimate newcomer merit rankings. It was a time where it seems like Nintendo and Sakurai had managed to do the previously thought impossible once again. By managing to shake down the mighty Disney company to fork over the rights to use a character of their's.
Now granted, in some ways that feeling has changed since then. With revelations that it was ironically Nomura's input that made Sora difficult more then Disney themselves. Though I do feel like it shouldn't downplay just what Sora's inclusion meant. I'd like to reiterate from my previous coverage that Nintendo went to Universal for their theme parks AKA a direct competitor to Disney's own parks. And Disney is one of the most notoriously greedy mega-corporations out there. While they happily accepted to let Sora be in Smash. We can't forget about how they had a game where Sora was briefly DLC but became unobtainable, not to mention they would not let Sora into the Final Fantasy fighting game Dissidia. However you look at it, at least before Sora's inclusion in Smash. The overseeing eye of Disney was justifiably a concern when bringing up the possibility of Sora making it into Smash.
But made it he did, he in fact was apparently the true #1 winner of the Smash Ballot that first appeared during Smash 4 not long after Lucas was revealed to be returning. As noted in the final Smash 4 direct, Bayonetta was said to be the highest of those most realizable. While there's a solid debate on whether that's true or if it's blankly said to hide the fact Nintendo likely does not plan on ever releasing the full results for the ballot. In fear that a character that was voted high but did not make the cut results in some kind of fan revolt and/or potentially lead to a company that might have said no to bear the brunt of some hostility from their own fanbase.
I'm probably going over many things I already mentioned back when his inclusion was much more fresh. But I do want to get into how it feels like they really nailed a way to blow us out of the water by making Sora the final character. I was fully expecting Kazuya to be the final 3rd party character since E3 was now over. I in fact wouldn't have been surprised if the final character had ended up being say Cinderace from Sword and Shield (I bet for a moment Mario picking up the fire in Sora's trailer might have made some people afraid that was indeed happening). Fighter's Pass 1 ended with the ultimate dud with Byleth when everyone and their grandma was expecting a 3rd party after all fighters on the first pass thus far having been 3rd party. So expectations were fairly low for the ending of the 2nd. And then they drop the true ballot winner on us just like that in a surprise presentation. The last surprise presentation was Byleth, it almost feels like Nintendo was planning this from the beginning to have a disappointing surprise presentation but then turn around with fucking Sora at the end.
Sora's inclusion did make it so Square Enix got a huge share of this DLC. But it is true that Square Enix has some of the most iconic franchises of all-time, and beloved cult classics. I imagine the only people feel absolutely gutted by having the Heroes from Dragon Quest, Cloud AND Sephiroth, along with Sora are the fans who were hoping Geno would ever make it. (I'm sorry Geno fans, it seems pretty clear Square Enix doesn't see him as a viable choice to represent them).
It is sort of a shame that in one respect, many people who doubted Sora would make the game were correct in one sense. In that obviously aside from the Mickey Mouse keychain and to a lesser extent the timeless river alt, none of the disney aspects of the franchise made it into the game with Sora. Obviously, we understand why. Disney is the mega cooperation that would sooner try to buyout Nintendo then allow all those characters have screen time in Nintendo's video games. Without the Disney, Kingdom Hearts is basically another Final Fantasy with even more confusing lore (I think even hardcore Kingdom Hearts fans would tell you how needlessly complicated the story gets.)
I also need to get something on the franchise's history with Nintendo. Which aside from Chain of Memories on the GBA, and a few other spin-off titles the main games generally avoided Nintendo systems until the Switch… although all 3 versions are of cloud versions. Which requires you to have a good connection/always online in order to play it in any form of stability. Despite being the true winner of the ballot, it remains that Kingdom Hearts is not really at it's core a Nintendo franchise, which docks it down. Though it's origin does have something of a Nintendo relation in that Nomura was inspired by Super Mario 64 for the concept of these games. In order to truly have an experience that could be spread far and wide, Nomura needed an iconic franchise to crossover with. And Nomura happened to luck upon some willing Disney execs to begin work. And the rest was history.
Now, Sora is technically just yet another anime swordfighter. But this is a particularly special anime sword fighter for many, even if you've never played a Kingdom Hearts game (I haven't either) we should recognize this is what the people wanted. And we got it, one last feel good inclusion that ended the largest Smash roster to date (And quite possibly may stay that way?)
I will say… that in regards to the rankings. There may be one aspect where I was a little too knee-jerk when ranking Sora just based on the high of the announcement. Sora may possibly not be as high relatively to where he is in my Ultimate merit rankings. But I think he should still get a decently respectful spot in the end. I'm going to put Sora below Sonic the Hedgehog, but above Bowser Jr. Junior and Sora debuted pretty close to each other. And I believe Sora being a new franchise to Smash along with being a popular request should soar him above Bowser's little boy. That said, there was a time where Sonic could have said he was in the same position. Brawl even got delayed in part to give time to put him in (Even if that was party Sega's fault for initially saying no). And much like Sora, Sonic was made in some aspect thanks to Mario's existence. As he was made pretty much purely to try to be a counterpart and business rival to Mario from several conceptual levels from speed of the game and the character's attitude. Sonic and Sora are both characters that can directly thank Mario for their very existence. Which is party of why so many major Mario characters are guaranteed some high spots on the list just because that is the legacy of the Mario franchise is that a great majority of the Smash cast would not exist without the Mario series.
1. Mario
2. Link
3. Donkey Kong
4. Kirby
5. Luigi
6. Wario
7. Bowser
8. Peach
9. Mega Man
10. Pac-Man
11. Diddy Kong
12. Banjo & Kazooie
13. King Dedede
14. King K. Rool
15. Mr. Game & Watch
16. Sonic the Hedgehog
17. Sora
18. Bowser Jr.
19. Olimar
20. Rosalina & Luma
21. Zero Suit Samus
22. Toon Link
23. Inkling
24. Snake
25. Shulk
26. Pit
27. Ness
28. Captain Falcon
29. Jigglypuff
30. Duck Hunt
31. Steve
32. Lucas
33. Mythra
34. ROB
35. Min Min
36. Byleth
37. Wii Fit Trainer
38. Chrom
39. Dr. Mario
40. Dark Pit
41. Piranha Plant