Le Jeu de la Mafia Française (salon/fil d'inscription)


I have a problem
Bienvenue everyone, to
Le Jeu de la Mafia Française!

This is a classique Mafia game with a minimum of douze (12) players. Sign-ups will be open until le deux mai (May 2nd), and the game will start on le quatre mai (May 4th).
(just to clarify I don't actually speak French)

There are sept (7) Rôles:
- Vanille (An innocent role with no special powers)
- Docteur (An innocent role that can choose to protect one person each phase de nuit)
- Enquêteur (An innocent role that can investigate one person per phase de nuit)
- Homme Flèche (An innocent role that can make their own tuer la nuit, but only une fois (once))

- Mafia (A mafia role with no special powers)
- Paralysant (A mafia role that can prevent a player from using any night actions once per phase de nuit)
- Parrain (A mafia role that appears as innocent on Enquêteur checks and will break ties when voting on la nuit tue)

Plus a special secret indépendant role.

- Anyone showing or directly quoting their carte de rôle will be modérateur tué.
- Joueurs morts may not react to posts in the fil de jeu. They have their own discussion privée to talk in.
- Phases de jour will last 48 hours, and phase de nuit will last 24 hours. Phases will start and end at 12pm EST.
- Phases de jour may be shortened to 48 hours if a supermajority (2/3) of players agree to it. That will also happen if there is a MyLo or LyLo.

1. Spaghetti Long John (@Klonoa)
2. Calamar Ninja (@Dimitri A. Blaiddyd)
3. Temps Waluigi (@Waluigi Time)
4. Puissant Mario (@Scratch)
5. Haricot en Fue (@Grounder)
6. Avion64 (@Flygon64)
7. Méta Chevalier (@Meta Knight)

Rappelez-vous, ne lynchez que la mafia, espèce d'idiots
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(oh yeah it helps if you post in bold to sign-up so i know for certain)
(you dont need to do anything tho ljs its all good)
Je m'inscris

As a french speaker, I don't have a choice but to sign up to this lol

oh cheese and crackers mate you've really gone round the bend this time aven't you? french mafia? well this looks like a job for me, french fries (aka chips but this is a rubbish localization innit), but you can call me chip

sign me up mate
Bonjour everyone! I will be very busy for most of tomorrow, so if anyone signs up (please sign up) then it may be a while before I get to it.
Just letting you guys know!
Good news, I'm nearly back home so I can respond much more quickly!


Bloody Malfoy... always trying to make trouble...

I'm ready to find the Mafia with whatever means necessary.
Guys this is French Mafia not British Mafia
That's happening in a few months /j /srs /j /hj /j
Ha ha Ayva does have a british accent, that's how she was written to sound like
Signups are open until
please sign up guys
Hey guys, please react with Thinking if you want day phases to change from 72 hours to 48 hours. I'm not sure if the 72 hour phases are what's putting people off from signing up, and I want to try to make this as fun of an experience as I can!
If there's anything minor keeping you from playing that you think I could fix, feel free to tell me. Feedback helps a lot.
Hopefully we can get more than 5 sign ups soon! (thanks to the people who have signed up so far tho)
It seems I have my answer

Consider it done!
The sign ups are closing in a few hours!
Two extra days to sign up! (Let's see if we can meet the minimum last minute)
Last day to sign up! Role cards will go out tomorrow if we reach the minimum amount of sign-ups (now 12) in time.
If you're unable to get 12 in the timeframe that you want to host this game, I would personally suggest trying to get one more person and have a smaller game of 8. It might not be the minimum you want but at least that way you wouldn't have to cancel it. You can do whatever you want though this is your game, this is just what I personally think
Yeah, that could work. Depends if anyone else signs up at all.
Ah well, guess stuff like this happens sometimes.
It's... a bit disappointing, but it seems like it was just a case of bad timing.
Honestly I'd suggest trying this again later, I think you just picked an unfortunate timeslot that was not only hot off the heels of two big games ('Shroom Mafia 4 and Living Game) but also getting close to AKGO and Awards season in general, a lot of people probably have finals right now too. It'd probably be easier to get more players when things are quieter.