The problem with NSMB jungle/forest castles

Luciano Barone

Banned User
When I think of NSMB jungles/forests, I usually imagine purple poison that basically functions like recolored lava. However, in the majority of NSMB jungle/forest castles in these games focus mainly on lava. So, if I were to make a new NSMB game, I would make a jungle/forest castle that actually feels like it belongs in a jungle/forest world with rising purple poison instead of lava.

Also, I have additionally planned and designed some more unique level ideas. For example:
*A level focusing on the Angry Sun.
*A level focusing on On/Off switches.
*A level focusing on swinging claws.
*A level focusing on either skull rafts or spine coasters (depending on your preference).
*A haunted forest level with either rising water or poison (depending on your preference) and the backdrop of the outdoor sections of the majority of the ghost houses in previous games leading to the goal poles.
*A jungle/sky hybrid level taking place on the tops of palm trees.
*A volcano/sky hybrid level with dark red skies and volcanic ash everywhere.
*An icy volcano/lava level.
*A ghost house with rising lava.
*A ghost house with a literal quicksand floor (or perhaps even a haunted pyramid with tombs filled with enemies like Boos).
*A ghost house with a floor made of slippery ice.
*A snowy desert level.
*A desert oasis level with rising water.
*A grass level with rising water and a raft you can float on.
*A sewer level with rising water that comes in waves, which you can only get rid of by using special water switches.
*A mountain level with either rising water, poison, or lava (depending on your preference) and a cheep-chomp chasing after you as you progress through it.
*A mountain level with rolling cog platforms.
*A beach level with rolling sandy hills.
*A final castle/boss level where you use a koopa clown car to chase Bowser on his airship while he launches Ba-bombs at you and you attack Bowser by launching the Ba-bombs back at him.

So, which idea is your favorite?
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Funnily enough, there exists one level in the NSMB series that represents what you're describing: course 3 in the impossible pack of NSMB2. It has poison tides and uses a castle tileset, which I think is a fitting combination that should've indeed been explored more. There isn't anything to indicate it's in a forest world, though--the desolate, haunted woods revealed at the end to be the level's greater setting aren't really specific to the archetypal Forest Worlds that we've come to know from the NSMB series.

I think forest castle levels should take a page from Naval Piranha's Castle from Yoshi's Island and center around navigating water-filled sewers, perhaps with a little poison thrown in for good measure.
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Funnily enough, there exists one level in the NSMB series that represents what you're describing: course 3 in the impossible pack of NSMB2. It has poison tides and uses a castle tileset, which I think is a fitting combination that should've indeed been explored more. There isn't anything to indicate it's in a forest world, though--the desolate, haunted woods revealed at the end to be the level's greater setting aren't really specific to the archetypal Forest Worlds that we've come to know from the NSMB series.

I think forest castle levels should take a page from Naval Piranha's Castle from Yoshi's Island and center around navigating water-filled sewers, perhaps with a little poison thrown in for good measure.
Whatever you say, dude.
this individual human being lmao
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