MarioWiki Poll Discussion

I mean yeah but he got added at a late date and received no alts!
Option 4 for me. Nintendo hasn't really used Mario in an interesting way on mobile, it's just gameplay that already exists on console being adapted to mobile (and also took a whole one game before they resorted to creating gachafests). I'm not too into mobile gaming, so if they're not going to be doing anything interesting with it and using predatory business models on top of it, then I'd just prefer they stick to developing for their own hardware. I'm not necessarily against them branching out to other systems but it's not something I'm personally interested in seeing.
I don't think it's the poll's intention, but the vibe of the latest question is to me, asking for a Super Mario platformer, since I associate Super Mario with the platformer series of games considering that every Mario series don't use Super as the standard (Mario Kart, Mario Party, Mario Golf, Mario Tennis, Paper Mario for example, yes even Dr. Mario is not Dr. Super Mario). If that is the case, I didn't really have an opinion because Super Mario Run is still doing fine.

Not to mention how the question is saying Mario game ("Since Mario Kart Tour will no longer have new content added, no Mario mobile games"), and then the answers list them as "Super Mario" after that (e.g.: "I would like to see Nintendo create a new Super Mario game for mobile devices, as long as it doesn't have gacha mechanics.").

Anyway, if it's another Mario game that's NOT a Super Mario platformer, I would like to see how they would design them. Every Mario game on mobile did well to differentiate from their standard console offerings. So like I wonder how a Mario Party mobile game would've worked.

(On that note, I answered the "no opinion" on the poll on the assumption on a Super Mario game being the platformer series)

Thank you for reading.
New poll who dis

Guess I'll wait for someone else to put up the big post with the all the options but I'll share my opinions anyway, so

How would you feel about a sequel or spin-off to The Super Mario Bros. Movie?
  • I would greatly enjoy either a sequel or spin-off.
Like I've said, the first movie gave a great platform to build more media off of, and aside from a sequel, some spin-off content would be cool too, like a tv show. I'd say they should go all out on stuff based on the Mario Movie.
How often do you encounter direct advertisements (e.g., a tv commercial or promo e-mail) for the Mario franchise?
  • Very often, on average multiple times a week.
  • Often, on average at least once a week.
  • Somewhat often, on average at least once every couple of weeks.
  • Somewhat rarely, on average once every month or two.
  • Rarely, on average less than once every couple months.
  • Almost never, a couple times a year or less on average.
One more poll before we say hello to the Fourteenth Poll Committee, courtesy of @Temenos Mistral! (Don't forget to vote in the Poll Committee Chairperson Election if you haven't!)

Option 6 for me. I pretty much never see Mario ads, most recently was probably promotion for the movie when it was about to come out and that was the most I'd seen in a while.
For me I'd say option 3. The main reason for this is that I'm signed up for promo emails from Nintendo. I also see YouTube ads for Mario once in a while, as well as other website ads, but I've almost never seen a TV ad for Mario. Nintendo doesn't seem to be into mainstream advertising that much.
I personally believe that unless I directly go out of my way to view advertisements for Nintendo products (such as those posted on their official Youtube channel or those seen in compliations for older ones), I don't often see Mario commercials on TV, Youtube Ads, etc. I also don't see the games advertised in print media unless it's Black Friday or close to Christmas (unless you count ones dedicated to gaming like Nintendo Power.)

Maybe this happens more in Kid-Centric magazines/channels, but when I viewed them in the past, they usually had adverts for toys, movie releases, cereal, the official website, junk-food, books, sweepstakes, and other stuff. When Video Games were advertised, it was either the system itself, games that were unrelated to Mario, or a generic advertisement that might've had a clip of Mario squeezed in.

So from my personal experience, I'd have to go with Option 6. While some of the ads are very memorable, the fact that I encountered most of them well after their initial run shows how little Nintendo products get advertised these days compared to what it might've looked like in earlier times.

P. S. I did see a lot more adverts leading up to the release of the Mario movie last year (including when I saw it in theaters) but this is talking from a more general viewpoint.
I'd say very often? I've been seeing lots of Mario ads and tv commercials, especially of the most recent game, Mario vs. Donkey Kong for the Nintendo Switch.
I'd say option 4. I come across Mario ads somewhat rarely - a few weeks ago, I've seen some ads for Mario vs. Donkey Kong on YouTube, and some time back, when Super Mario Bros. Wonder came out, I remember seeing an ad for it at a bus station. I generally encounter them in spurts.
@MightyMario, you mentioned in your Chairperson address that you wanted seven members on the Poll Committee, but would this be a hard cap of no more than seven or a soft cap of at least seven?

Personally the soft cap makes much more sense as, as the previous chairperson FWD kicking it off mentioned, there is no real reason to reject an additional user who has a very good record and activity in the community, and the committee should not be a secret club that locks people out. Especially when even having seven other members can lead to a lack of activity in the community, such as recently, having a possibility of more than seven good faith users applying could lead to much more flavor and variety on the Poll Committee, such as users having more ideas and more ways to improve each others' ideas regarding polls.
there is no real reason to reject an additional user who has a very good record and activity in the community, and the committee should not be a secret club that locks people out.

I say this as an unsolicited word of advice. Chill out a little bit.

It is genuinely a great thing when people are passionate about community projects, big or small. I'll also say that I think a soft cap is a good idea, and there's merit in giving folks a chance to join in partway through the term.

But you've made a habit of making comments that, while, yes, are true in the sense that it's good for these projects to remain as open as possible, seem mostly to signal a fixation on past disagreements with folks on the PC where things weren't resolved the way you would have seen them resolved. You've repeatedly insinuated that there's some lack of openness to users getting to join the PC, but I can't say I've seen anyone else bring up any similar concerns and thus it seems unfounded to me, which makes one wonder why you would bring it up repeatedly.

Credit where it's due, you've made improvements in this regard in the past. So I believe you can continue to improve - just chill out a bit and don't keep putting out these unnecessary, disguised insinuations of some effort to keep people out that doesn't exist. It's just a little group of users making polls for a fan wiki, y'know? We can all be relaxed about it.
I say this as an unsolicited word of advice. Chill out a little bit.

It is genuinely a great thing when people are passionate about community projects, big or small. I'll also say that I think a soft cap is a good idea, and there's merit in giving folks a chance to join in partway through the term.

But you've made a habit of making comments that, while, yes, are true in the sense that it's good for these projects to remain as open as possible, seem mostly to signal a fixation on past disagreements with folks on the PC where things weren't resolved the way you would have seen them resolved. You've repeatedly insinuated that there's some lack of openness to users getting to join the PC, but I can't say I've seen anyone else bring up any similar concerns and thus it seems unfounded to me, which makes one wonder why you would bring it up repeatedly.

Credit where it's due, you've made improvements in this regard in the past. So I believe you can continue to improve - just chill out a bit and don't keep putting out these unnecessary, disguised insinuations of some effort to keep people out that doesn't exist. It's just a little group of users making polls for a fan wiki, y'know? We can all be relaxed about it.
Oh, I wasn't intending to even implicitly bring up past personal experiences, I was intending to restate what was said before here when the soft cap was being proposed. That being said I should have considered what doing that sounded like considering mild tensions in the past, which I have worked since then to cool.

I at least don't personally recall times where I "insinuated there was lack of openness" regarding users getting to join the PC however.
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Poll Idea:
As of now, "Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games" hasn't made a return. Would you like to see the return of this series?
  • I would greatly enjoy it if "Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games" returned
  • I would enjoy it if "Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games" returned
  • I wouldn't mind if "Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games" returned
  • I wouldn't like "Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games" to return
  • I wouldn't enjoy it if "Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games" returned at all
  • I have no opinion
Poll Idea:
As of now, "Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games" hasn't made a return. Would you like to see the return of this series?
  • I would greatly enjoy it if "Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games" returned
  • I would enjoy it if "Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games" returned
  • I wouldn't mind if "Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games" returned
  • I wouldn't like "Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games" to return
  • I wouldn't enjoy it if "Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games" returned at all
  • I have no opinion
That's a great idea! I haven't played a Mario & Sonic game and I'm not part of the Poll Committee but I personally like the poll idea.
Hello, everyone! Today marks a special occasion, because it's the first poll of the 14th Poll Committee! 🥳

Princess Peach has returned to center stage and taken the spotlight in her new game, Princess Peach: Showtime!. Reviews are positive and Peach's stellar performance is simply Tony-worthy! How do you feel about her newest adventure at the prestige Sparkle Theater?

What are your thoughts on the recently released Princess Peach: Showtime!?
  • The game is excellent and I enjoyed it a lot.
  • The game is good and I enjoyed it.
  • The game is okay, but I enjoyed it somewhat.
  • The game is bad, and I did not enjoy it.
  • I have not played Princess Peach: Showtime!, but I want to.
  • I am not interested in Princess Peach: Showtime!.
The first poll with you as Poll Chairperson @MightyMario! Having enjoyed the game very much, I voted the first option!

I made a review in a thread dedicated for reviews on the game.
Option 1, although I have yet to beat it and I don't think I'm anywhere close since I haven't had much time
Option 1.

I just got it for Easter, so I haven't been through it in its entirety, but the stages I have played made great first impressions. It's a very fun game, and the transformations make every level feel unique. I enjoyed playing as the Swordfighter, Cowgirl, Ninja, and Dashing Thief. I'm still kind of mixed on Patissiere.

Detective is cool, but the gameplay is very slow the first time around, since you have to examine everything in the rooms and talk to Theets to find out who's responsible. On repeat playthroughs, it can be done a lot quicker, since the level doesn't change at all. The first boss was pretty neat as well. The rehearsals are fun challenges, and a lot of the dresses and ribbons you can get look nice.

(I'm currently on the Second Floor. Peach is wearing a gradient dress and Stella has the black ribbon on. I still have the Figure Skater stage, the Second Boss and rehearsal, as well as the entirety of the Third, Fourth, and Fifth floors and the rest of the levels in the basement beyond the Swordfighter Sparkla stage left to experience.)