KO a character: MLP: FiM episodes (Seasons 8 and 9)


Surf and/or Turf
The Break Up Break Down
The Hearth's Warming Club
Sounds of Silence
Common Ground
She's All Yak
The Last Crusade
She Talks to Angel
Growing Up is Hard to Do
The Big Mac Question
The Ending of the End: Part 1
The Ending of the End: Part 2
The Last Problem
its a good episode but i liked the others remaining more

Surf and/or Turf
The Break Up Break Down
The Hearth's Warming Club
Sounds of Silence
Common Ground
She's All Yak
The Last Crusade
She Talks to Angel
Growing Up is Hard to Do
The Big Mac Question
The Ending of the End: Part 1
The Ending of the End: Part 2
The Last Problem
if we do this can we make it like 2 i gotta go for a while at 12
Sure, if you want. I'm probably going to be at the arcade near the movie theatre inside the mall downtown with my brother later today anyways. So I'm happy if its delayed.
Oh I should mention Lies Beneath isn't my top pick actually, just that it's still very high.
ok ill just ping you two when im ready this afternoon then i suppose
ok ill just ping you two when im ready this afternoon then i suppose
A bit later on for me posting this, but sounds good let's just make sure all of us are responsive
ok i have more to do than expected so give me maybe another hour or so
Alright three-quarters mark, I'm excited. Some thoughts on the actual gameplay so far

I'm happy to see that a lot of the episodes I really didn't like were eliminated very early by you guys even though I knew that was going to happen, it's for good reason. I think Mean Six and Going to Seed at least were a bit inoffensive to deserve the bottom 10 though but everything else is in mine of the list. (I have the latter as a 4/10 anyway)

Now on the episodes left for the more positive part. I like all of these fortunately, with each ranging from a very high 7 to a 10. I know Sounds of Silence is the heavily favored episode to win, and I liked it a lot, with fun, confident writing and Autumn Blaze being a great new character with those traits and an excellent song.

I'm going to go a different route however and say the episode I want to win is The Hearth's Warming Club, the only 10/10 episode on the list. (EDIT: I'd also give 10/10 to Big Mac Question, thinking about it more) The episode has a smart, authentic tone, giving the right feeling of suspense on who committed the prank that doesn't give too much away. All of the stories have a different new route, from Yona's story being cute and creative to Ocellus' story having funny misinterpretation humor to Smolder's story being thought-provoking for it's relatively more edgy nature highlighting other cultures' shoes. This is a brilliant theme, the theme of understanding how others think to get the full picture, and it plays brilliantly into the ending as one sees Gallus' motive and why he carried out the deed. The entire ending might be in my Top 5 scenes of the show as the other characters' emotions, Gallus' sympathizable backstory, and making him redeemed in a way that still doesn't let off the hook blends together perfectly. This episode tackles sophisticated topics and problematic character actions in a clever, fair and understandable way (such as by actually giving the character consequences regarding the latter) where other episodes its season like A Matter of Principals, Yakity-Sax and Road to Friendship don't, while still not feeling pretentious or melodramatic.

Other episodes I'd be decent with that have a chance are both of the Big Mac/Sugar Belle romance episodes, Common Ground, and The Last Problem, as they're all fun and sweet episodes with good morals. But The Hearth's Warming Club had a lot of personal resonance for me, especially later on watching it.

(EDIT: I also checked to make sure there weren't any episodes any of us accidentally removed, fortunately there weren't)
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fair warning that there's a few others below it still that i'll go for first but hearth's warming isn't one of my preferred winners. i do like everything left, at least

anyway @Zam @Angry Shang i'm ready now
I am ready too
@Zam @Smashley I have an idea for a compromise that could help prevent a two-user acceleration eliminating the episodes that could leave the third user out. This would be each of us agreeing to take turns eliminating, so I'll eliminate next, then Smasher, then Toadettefan, repeat, sound good?
thats fine with me
Ok that'll be the rules then
I'll let Sounds of Silence stay longer then since there won't be two-user acceleration, it's at #5 of remaining so that's the perfect thing to do
Surf and/or Turf
The Break Up Break Down
The Hearth's Warming Club
Sounds of Silence
Common Ground
She's All Yak
The Last Crusade
She Talks to Angel
Growing Up is Hard to Do
The Big Mac Question
The Ending of the End: Part 2
The Last Problem
so its toadettefan's turn regardless now

Surf and/or Turf
The Break Up Break Down
The Hearth's Warming Club
Sounds of Silence
Common Ground
She's All Yak
She Talks to Angel
Growing Up is Hard to Do
The Big Mac Question
The Ending of the End: Part 2
The Last Problem
so its toadettefan's turn regardless now
I think maybe there should be a rule that two-user acceleration is allowed after a set number of days of inactivity from the next user, but I'd want to know if you support that and if so how many days. It shouldn't be an unreasonably short time period

SoaT, Growing Up and Ending Part 2 are most on the chopping block for me right now when it's my turn (and All Yak, I should've mentioned that since it was below the last two in my rankings iirc)
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Surf and/or Turf
The Break Up Break Down
The Hearth's Warming Club
Sounds of Silence
Common Ground
She's All Yak
She Talks to Angel
Growing Up is Hard to Do
The Big Mac Question
The Ending of the End: Part 2
The Break Up Break Down
The Hearth's Warming Club
Sounds of Silence
Common Ground
She's All Yak
She Talks to Angel
Growing Up is Hard to Do
The Big Mac Question
The Ending of the End: Part 2
The Break Up Break Down
The Hearth's Warming Club
Sounds of Silence
Common Ground
She's All Yak
She Talks to Angel
Growing Up is Hard to Do
The Big Mac Question
It's Smasher's turn as per the new compromise, then you're next
@Zam @Smashley Alright I propose we make it so that a day of inactivity from the user next up means the other two users can accelerate, considering we're all fairly active

The Break Up Break Down
The Hearth's Warming Club
Sounds of Silence
Common Ground
She's All Yak
She Talks to Angel
Growing Up is Hard to Do
The Big Mac Question
The Break Up Break Down
The Hearth's Warming Club
Sounds of Silence
She's All Yak
She Talks to Angel
Growing Up is Hard to Do
The Big Mac Question
The Break Up Break Down
The Hearth's Warming Club
Sounds of Silence
She Talks to Angel
Growing Up is Hard to Do
The Big Mac Question