The Orca BlueShelledKoopaTroopa Pronouns He/him Dec 3, 2022 #26 Bad idea: Digging for gold. (In your nose). Good idea: Leaning to fence before trying to fight a professional fencer.
Bad idea: Digging for gold. (In your nose). Good idea: Leaning to fence before trying to fight a professional fencer.
Bugzzy “I'm the king of insects! And Avalance!” Pronouns He/him MarioWiki OhoJeeOnFire Dec 9, 2022 #27 Bad idea: touching an electric fence Good idea: eating an apple
The Orca BlueShelledKoopaTroopa Pronouns He/him Dec 10, 2022 #28 Bad idea: Eating a golden apple in Super Paper Mario. Good idea: Spin dashing up a slope.
Bugzzy “I'm the king of insects! And Avalance!” Pronouns He/him MarioWiki OhoJeeOnFire Dec 11, 2022 #29 Bad idea: Spin Dashing into a bottomless pit with no lives remaining Good idea: Downloading an SNES emulator to play Super Luigi RPG: Star Powered
Bad idea: Spin Dashing into a bottomless pit with no lives remaining Good idea: Downloading an SNES emulator to play Super Luigi RPG: Star Powered
Nic Yoylecake!? Pronouns she/her Dec 22, 2022 #30 Bad idea: telling Nintendo about it Good idea: playing a randomized Pokémon Black run
Chi-Chi Heart of an ox Pronouns Kie/Mer Dec 28, 2022 Thread starter #31 Bad Idea: Playing Pokémon Black with only Metapod Good idea: Feeding your dog
Bugzzy “I'm the king of insects! And Avalance!” Pronouns He/him MarioWiki OhoJeeOnFire Dec 29, 2022 #32 Bad idea: Feeding a virus Good idea: drinking juice
Booguette Some random gamer Pronouns He/Him Jan 2, 2023 #33 Bad idea: drinking 10 cans of monster energy Good Idea: Supporting people you like on Patreon
Nic Yoylecake!? Pronouns she/her Jan 11, 2023 #34 Bad idea: cyber bullying people online (sorry, best I could think of) Good idea: getting your schoolwork completed
Bad idea: cyber bullying people online (sorry, best I could think of) Good idea: getting your schoolwork completed
The Orca BlueShelledKoopaTroopa Pronouns He/him Jan 12, 2023 #35 Bad idea: Letting your dog eat your homework. Good idea: Writing down your ideas and plans on paper.
Bugzzy “I'm the king of insects! And Avalance!” Pronouns He/him MarioWiki OhoJeeOnFire Feb 15, 2023 #36 Bad idea: Writing your weaknesses on your worst enemy's paper Good idea: Getting a monstah 2 clobbah dat dere Kirby (in a game of Avalance, call it Puyo Puyo if you want)
Bad idea: Writing your weaknesses on your worst enemy's paper Good idea: Getting a monstah 2 clobbah dat dere Kirby (in a game of Avalance, call it Puyo Puyo if you want)
The Orca BlueShelledKoopaTroopa Pronouns He/him Feb 15, 2023 #37 Bad Idea: Not getting the monster order with a money-back guarantee. Good Idea: Keeping Kirby fed.
Pixellated Princess Bob-omb Pronouns He/Him MarioWiki CaptainOdyssey Feb 16, 2023 #38 Bad Idea: Feeding Kirby your friends. Good Idea: Going to your local farmer's market.
Bugzzy “I'm the king of insects! And Avalance!” Pronouns He/him MarioWiki OhoJeeOnFire Feb 17, 2023 #39 Bad idea: Going to your local strip club Good idea: Performing a 7+ chain/combo to destroy Galacta Knight and Dark Prince at the same time
Bad idea: Going to your local strip club Good idea: Performing a 7+ chain/combo to destroy Galacta Knight and Dark Prince at the same time
Chi-Chi Heart of an ox Pronouns Kie/Mer Feb 21, 2023 Thread starter #40 Bad idea: Going to 7 chains to 0 chains in the next battle Good idea: Getting the news out
Bugzzy “I'm the king of insects! And Avalance!” Pronouns He/him MarioWiki OhoJeeOnFire Feb 22, 2023 #41 Bad idea: Keeping it in at court Good idea: Pranking your best friend on April Fools' Day
The Orca BlueShelledKoopaTroopa Pronouns He/him Feb 26, 2023 #42 Bad idea: Pranking your best friend while he is at work. Good idea: Getting super speed shoes in a race against Sonic.
Bad idea: Pranking your best friend while he is at work. Good idea: Getting super speed shoes in a race against Sonic.
Bugzzy “I'm the king of insects! And Avalance!” Pronouns He/him MarioWiki OhoJeeOnFire Mar 2, 2023 #43 Bad idea: Getting those shoes while playing Avalance (I didn't want to say… "that.") Good idea: Growing a tree
Bad idea: Getting those shoes while playing Avalance (I didn't want to say… "that.") Good idea: Growing a tree
The Orca BlueShelledKoopaTroopa Pronouns He/him Jul 4, 2023 #44 Bad idea: Growing a tree that has bees target you when you get close to it. Good idea: Using the cash register when entering in customer orders.
Bad idea: Growing a tree that has bees target you when you get close to it. Good idea: Using the cash register when entering in customer orders.
Power Flotzo the gun member of the coconut crew Pronouns He/him MarioWiki Power Flotzo Jul 4, 2023 #45 Bad idea: Using the cash register when pounding a nail into the wall. Good idea: Sending 300 dollars to your friends as a birthday present.
Bad idea: Using the cash register when pounding a nail into the wall. Good idea: Sending 300 dollars to your friends as a birthday present.
Chi-Chi Heart of an ox Pronouns Kie/Mer Jul 11, 2023 Thread starter #46 Bad idea: Using 300 dollars to buy moldy bread Good idea: Laughing at your friends' jokes
MegaBowser64 le poulet Pronouns he/him MarioWiki MegaBowser64 Jul 19, 2023 #47 Bad idea: Laughing at your coworker's presentation Good idea: Going on vacation in Tahiti
Zdrmonster Productions Bubblun Bubby Jul 20, 2023 #48 Bad idea: Going on a vacation to Microsoft HQ. Good idea: Playing Puzzle Bobble 2 on PSX.
MegaBowser64 le poulet Pronouns he/him MarioWiki MegaBowser64 Jul 20, 2023 #49 Bad idea: Playing a pirated Puzzle Bobble 2 on your employer's phone. Good idea: Stealing first base.
Bad idea: Playing a pirated Puzzle Bobble 2 on your employer's phone. Good idea: Stealing first base.
Chi-Chi Heart of an ox Pronouns Kie/Mer Aug 10, 2023 Thread starter #50 Bad idea: Stealing all the bases and getting arrested at the ballpark Good idea: Giving your life not for honor but for you
Bad idea: Stealing all the bases and getting arrested at the ballpark Good idea: Giving your life not for honor but for you