The Best Boss Music

The "Fight Against an Armed Boss" theme from both Super Mario RPG games are the best songs, I think
I forgot how great this track is
Now that would be a fantastic choice for a Mario/Kingdom Hearts crossover.
@Nightwicked Bowser @FirePuppy To be honest, I would love that. I love both Mario AND Kingdom Hearts. Wish there was a Keyblade emoji I could put here. I got into Kingdom Hearts as a teenager and I've been addicted to it ever since; however I'm so bad at the boss battles that I had to watch playthroughs of all the games to see what happened LOL. I have-skill issues. :-[
If looking at overall game as opposed to specific tracks, there's a few games I'd highlight.

The first is Kirby: Planet Robobot, which I think has the best set of boss themes from any Kirby game. Forgotten Land has some really incredible ones too, but Planet Robobot's finale suite is just incredible. It also has one of my favorite iterations of the King Dedede theme, so kudos there

The second is Origami King. What an absolutely phenomenal set of tracks for every single boss, especially Rubber Band and Scissors. There was a period of time in which I was planning to host a sillier ttrpg with friends, and if that ever came to fruition, I would turn to Origami King first for encounter themes

The last one is a game I have little actual familiarity with, but the boss themes from Shin Megami Tensei V are sublime. They're regularly a fixture of my day-to-day listening, even while I don't have any connection to the game behind them. -dancing crazy murder- and -destruction- are my highlights from that set
@Nightwicked Bowser Yeah I know. I love the soundtracks from ALL of the games. Also, looking forward to Kingdom Hearts IV. Kingdom Hearts III was already great. And I also love Final Fantasy and I love how characters from that franchise make cameos in the games.
Mario series: The BGM of the third Bowser battle in SM64 is one of the best, which can make you feel the REAL final boss battle atmosphere.

Outside Mario series: Entrust this World the Idols ~ Idolatrize World in the 17th Touhou Project. Really FANTASTIC that I can't say a single word

Entrust this World to Idols ~ Idolatrize World