What is everyone from?

which I find hilarious cause all they've given about themselves is "America"

not trying to goad op into doxxing themselves
That's because I was asking where everyone is from. The / was supposed to be like a either or thing, both of the choices were completely optional. I understand that some people don't mind sharing where they are from, and some do. I am one of those that will tell you my country, but not city. I was just trying to understand the people on here that I am communicating with for friendly measures.
I'm from NC.

Oh and my IP of course: ---46 41 4b 45 20 49 50---

Oh! Almost forgot! ---27°36'26"N 43°59'09"W---
New South Wales. Fun fact, pretty much no one in Australia says G'day.
I am literally a Martian, it's in my legal name

Just kidding (kind of), I'm from Earth. If you're wondering where on earth, it's somewhere in the south-north region of the eastwestern hemisphere. I live in a town named after an animal, and I live several hundred feet away from one of my country's longest highways. I also spend most of my time facing the east-southeasterly direction.

I might be getting a bit off topic here so I'll just leave it at I'm from Armenia🇦🇲 America🇺🇸
Currently I live in Pennsylvania, USA. I don't actually live in Equestria like my profile states.
I am literally a Martian, it's in my legal name

Just kidding (kind of), I'm from Earth. If you're wondering where on earth, it's somewhere in the south-north region of the eastwestern hemisphere. I live in a town named after an animal, and I live several hundred feet away from one of my country's longest highways. I also spend most of my time facing the east-southeasterly direction.

I might be getting a bit off topic here so I'll just leave it at I'm from Armenia🇦🇲 America🇺🇸
Wait, but I'm a Canadian citizen, how can I live in America? Am I an illegal immigrant? And was I even born on Earth to begin with? The ambiguity of my residing place is truly baffling!

I'd like to bring about a conclusive end to this confusion, so I'll finally leave it at this: I was born in Earth's solar system.
Born in Hommerts, Friesland, the Netherlands, raised in Sint Nicolaasga, Friesland, the Netherlands and currently residing in Drachten, Friesland, the Netherlands.