Post Any Cartoon Thought On Your Mind

G Major Steven Stone

A rock-solid source of support
The Shadow Prince
Right now, I'll post my thoughts on the premises of the last five Season 2 Danny Phantom episodes.
King Tuck- Tucker having pharaoh blood and becoming a demented pharaoh sounds like a cool premise, and Hotep-Ra has a cool design looking him up, but I've heard the episode makes no one listen to Tucker which sounds contrived. I hope they find a way to pull it off somehow.
Kindred Spirits- I don't have a lot to say but I hope they make Dani a good character. I've heard Danny goes through some sort of character arc so I hope he's written in character to achieve it.
Masters of all Time- This episode sounds like it has a really cool premise, about if Jack got the ecto-acne instead. I wish Jack had some sort of design different from Vlad's alteration, though.
Double Cross My Heart- I hope this episode covers if I know correctly Danny's jealousy in a way that doesn't make him obnoxious, and that Gregor doesn't feel stereotypical considering he's a foreign exchange student. There's nothing about the episode I feel outright pessimistic towards, though.
Reality Trip- Yay, Freakshow is back! He was better than the episode he debuted in. I've heard there's one decision Danny makes that I must admit doesn't sound that good to me.

In terms of the two cartoon seasons I'm on, Danny Phantom Season 2 and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 9, both aren't doing too bad right now. As there's only one episode I dislike for each so far; that being The Fenton Menace for Danny Phantom Season 2 and Uprooted for MLP Season 9. They're not for the same reasons as each other, however: I dislike The Fenton Menace because while it tries more new ideas Jazz is extremely annoying and the episode has a too mean-spirited edge in general, but I mildly dislike Uprooted for being an inoffensive not that interesting rehash of Castle Sweet Castle, with a really generic song especially. It's not as bad as my last two MLP season least favorites, Fame and Misfortune and A Matter of Principals, but is still dull. In terms of either season, so far I'd call The Ultimate Enemy DP Season 2's spice that adds flavor to the rest of the season, but would also recommend The Fright Before Christmas, Micro-Management, and Beauty Marked, and for MLPFiM Season 9, I'd recommend Sparkle's Seven, Common Ground, and She's All Yak so far.
The Owl House needs more shorts

Also, here's to hoping for a Pinky and the Brain spin-off revival
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I keep seeing videos talking about Velma and how bad it is and even I'm a bit over it lmao. I normally like bad media and watching other people cringe but I think at this point, everyone's said their piece on the show and it's time to move on lol.
I keep seeing videos talking about Velma and how bad it is and even I'm a bit over it lmao. I normally like bad media and watching other people cringe but I think at this point, everyone's said their piece on the show and it's time to move on lol.
vElMa Is BaD! bUt SeE pUsS iN bOoTs: ThE lAsT wIsH aNd *aNiMaTeD sHoW tHaT tRiEs tOo HaRd tO bE LiKe AvAtAr*, ThEy'Re sO gOoD!

Anyhow I have Going to Seed and Student Counsel for MLP up next. Going to Seed looks like it could have some interesting lore and I hope Student Counsel gives Starlight a good new arc.
As someone who watches children's cartoons a lot, I genuinely wish adults would stop acting like literal children's shows are secretly super deep or complex shows that all adults should watch.

Like obviously you can watch and enjoy whatever you want and I'm also not trying to blanketly dismiss children's cartoons as meaningless, but they are still for children.

Does it come from a point of insecurity, I wonder? Adults being insecure about liking a show for kids so they pretend the cartoons they like are actually deeper and more mature than they actually are, so they can go 'Look! Look! It's for adults too!'
As someone who watches children's cartoons a lot, I genuinely wish adults would stop acting like literal children's shows are secretly super deep or complex shows that all adults should watch.

Like obviously you can watch and enjoy whatever you want and I'm also not trying to blanketly dismiss children's cartoons as meaningless, but they are still for children.

Does it come from a point of insecurity, I wonder? Adults being insecure about liking a show for kids so they pretend the cartoons they like are actually deeper and more mature than they actually are, so they can go 'Look! Look! It's for adults too!'
Perhaps sometimes this is the case, however sometimes kids' shows CAN be deep and mature.

I'm planning to take a break from newly watching cartoon episodes after I'm done with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Danny Phantom.
I should mention about two weeks after finishing the first half of Season 9 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, I have a clear favorite and least favorite episode of it.

My favorite episode of Season 9 so far is Common Ground for it having a more personal conflict to me about learning how to blend in while still be oneself, especially considering the topic Quibble Pants needs to do that on being something I've had to practice my competency on, executed with a good heart and interesting humor.
My least favorite episode of Season 9 so far is Going to Seed for it having frail moral execution; the moral is to always make time for fun when doing work but when Applejack and Apple Bloom do they spend so much time on it that it ends making the other ponies have to work much longer. This clearly hurts Big MacIntosh's mental health badly but Applejack and Apple Bloom still don't apologize to him, and are portrayed as completely in the right.
mario should get another cartoon if the mario movie is a sucsess
Perhaps sometimes this is the case, however sometimes kids' shows CAN be deep and mature.
This is a very late reply, I know, but that's not what I'm talking about.

I'm not saying kid's shows can't deal with or have mature themes or dark storylines or anything like that, they very much can.

I'm talking about adults who will watch a children's cartoon that might deal with some mature themes and then play up the mature elements of the series in order to 'prove' that the show is actually super-mature and for adults too. All while ignoring the obviously child-oriented aspects of the children's show they're talking about.

It's so weird because something being for children is not a bad thing and having 'mature' themes doesn't automatically make something adult. It's fine to like something because or even in spite of it being aimed at kids. (And really I think another thing is that a lot of people seem to think 'children's cartoon = aimed at preschoolers' when a lot of the cartoons people love to bring up about how super-dark and mature are actually are series aimed at a preteen or young teenage audience. And I don't really think I need to say this but 11-13 year olds can handle a bit more emotional complexity in their storytelling than a 3 or 4 year old can)
(And really I think another thing is that a lot of people seem to think 'children's cartoon = aimed at preschoolers' when a lot of the cartoons people love to bring up about how super-dark and mature are actually are series aimed at a preteen or young teenage audience. And I don't really think I need to say this but 11-13 year olds can handle a bit more emotional complexity in their storytelling than a 3 or 4 year old can)

I'm someone who has read a good deal of books aimed at 11-13 year olds, and the content they have in them, they would not get away with on TV. It can even get outright graphic at points.
Nice finishing both two MLP reviews in a day and then watching two new MLP episodes in a day. Too bad one of those two just did not jibe with me too well, Dragon Dropped, which feels kind of unsettling in a way that doesn't work in its favor because of Rarity writing problems, as well as boring. I think it might be least favorite Season 9 episode right now as it made me feel uncomfortable personally more than the other episodes I didn't like. At least She Talks To Angel was an entertaining episode with a good heart (as was The Fault in Our Cutie Marks when I rewatched it today) that takes a risk that pays off in trying to make Angel Bunny more interesting and likable, even coming from someone who never liked Angel much beforehand.
This is one of the most underrated Cartoon Network shows and I hope you enjoy it just as much as I did!
Yeah, I'm going through this one to complete the Grim and Evil Franchise as a whole, since I saw all of the Grim side last year. I didn't really like General Skarr in Billy and Mandy because I felt he was very similar to Mr. Wilson from Dennis the Menace, so I'm hopeful that they do him a lot better in his show of origin. I'm excited to see what Hector and Ghastly are like as well, and I wonder what Cod Commando of Spork has in store, since he looks like Admiral DeGill from Atomic Betty (which I also haven't seen yet but have always wanted to.)