What game did you last play?!?!?!?

Call of duty: World at war

Mystical Ninja said:
Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble (SNES). While playing through that game, it was a constant reminder of what Donkey Kong Country Returns was missing. Underwater levels, more than a whopping two Animal Buddies (and only one of them was ridable), more supporting Kong characters than just Cranky, and of course, the Kremlings.
This time around, I counted the amount of Animal Buddies in the game, and there's five, compared to the two that were in Donkey Kong Country Returns (and again, only one of them was ridable). Seriously, even Jungle Beat had more than that, and that game tried to disregard the DKC series almost entirely.
I've seen other people who do, so it's not just me.

-Mega Man 10
-Super Mario 64 DS
-Mega Man: Powered Up
Mega Man 10. After months of trying, I've finally managed to beat my Endless Attack record of 764 screens by going up to 1,001.
Mario Kart CW Tri Build 299 and Mario Kart CW Beta 3.0 Build 487.
The iDOLM@STER for DS.
Nintendo Channel + Mario Kart DS Demo and Google Logo.
Hero's of Sparta ~ Not my favourite game, but it was free for download yesterday, and it's graphically great for a phone game, so why not?