What game did you last play?!?!?!?

Pokémon HeartGold

Got to Viridian City, Pallet Town, Cinnibar Island and the Seafoam Islands.
Skyward Sword: In The Earth Temple

Crash 2: Beat the Komodo Brothers. They were really easy.

Sims 3: Pets: My sister and I made a Retirement Home with old people named Ignit St. Quincy Jo, Gerald Tipperson, Carson Vittoli, Margaret Merrigold, a maid named Bonnie Finch, and a cat named Wilson. They get up every morning just to sit on the couch and watch tv and only get up to go to the bathroom, sleep, take a bath, or eat waffles.
Scribblenauts. I managed to complete all the puzzle and action levels. Of course, I did use a guide for assistance.
Fawfulfury65 said:
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (GCN)

I am really aggravated right now. I FINALLY got a platinum crest on the Durian Kingdom, and then as soon as it was about to save, the Wii said it couldn't read the disk. Now I have to do that all over again! It's taken me dozens of tries to get the crest in the first place! :(
I totally feel your pain.

Skyward Sword: More timeshift stones! And it's so sweet how it can change sand to water.
Super Mario 3D Land
Mario Kart 7, F1 2011, Super Mario 3D Land and Star Fox 64 3D.

I beat Star Fox 64 3D some minutes ago.
inFamous 2

played this for four hours in one sitting today what is wrong with me
YoshiGo99 said:
Super Mario 64, Tiny-Huge Island's 100 coins suck. Just need that last star :mad:

Tip: Ground Pound the giant Goombas to get Blue Coins, instead of Yellow Coins.
Nega-Man said:
Nintendo 3DS Sound

Just found out you can add MP3 files to your 3DS and play them with 3DS Sound. Badass, I tell you.

lol...I keep forgetting that you pretty much just got a 3DS.
Nega-Man said:
Nintendo 3DS Sound

Just found out you can add MP3 files to your 3DS and play them with 3DS Sound. Badass, I tell you.
That's why you should read the user manual when you get a new system, so you know about all of the features right away. I got 15 VG soundtracks on my 3DS.