What game did you last play?!?!?!?

the complete opposite of the post above

Played Team Fortress 2 and had my team's ass kicked round after round. We didn't win a single one.
ModernWarfare 3 on the pc ;D
Lego Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues
Minecraft, with Uniju, Salsa, Prims, Marty, and Snack.

I died a lot.

Once was my fault because I suffocated in a wall.
Where's My Perry
Trying to get this dang gnome in this level in Mission 2.


My friend was playing it and fucked it up so I had to rearrange my village

Both on my phone
Lakituthequick said:
Aoi Asahina said:
Once was my fault because I suffocated in a wall.
Sand/Gravel/Piston sure is a dangerous thing, huh?

Actually I had my bed placed awkwardly and got stuck in a wall when I tried getting out of bed.

I knew it was probably a bad idea, but I still did it anyway.
Ace of Spades

It's like Minecraft mixed with a shooter. Although, the Machine Gun and Shot Gun have horrible recoil, I like sniping with the rifle. The only problem is, is that everyone else are insanely good shots and I can never get a clear shot on people in my sights. I need to find a server with sniping spots.
Super Scribblenauts

Just messed around in Free Play (Playground) mode doing a little 1 girl roleplaying.
Team Fortress 2

Went on a trading server and traded a few things. (I got a Brass Beast for a Buff Banner and a Winger for a scrap.)
New Super Mario Bros. 2 and Super Mario 3D Land.