What game did you last play?!?!?!?

Super Mario Land
Luigi's Mansion 2.
Again, Luigi's Mansion 2.
Pokemon HeartGold

Took down Blue, now I have all 16 badges, but my guys are in no way ready to fight Red. Hell, my Dragonair has yet to evolve.
Tales of Symphonia

I'm ready to enter the Colosseum for the first time. Also I ran into Kratos, who was being vague as usual. It's been hinting that Kratos' is Lloyd's father for some time now, calling it so I can say I saw it coming if it ends up happening.
Paper Mario: TTYD

Going to start chapter 8 of my "no healing" run. (or rather a minimal healing run since I'm healing from hearts/flowers enemies drop lol)
DmC: Devil May Cry and Rayman Origins

Once again Ninja Theory keeps proving they don't know how to design good bosses, while Michel Ancel proves that he can make kick-ass games.
*At it.
Tales of Symphonia

Crackin355 said:
calling it so I can say I saw it coming if it ends up happening.

Called it. I chose Kratos over Zelos so the latter is dead, but his fight was fun. I beat Yggdrasil for the first time, it'll be harder next time I guess.