What game did you last play?!?!?!?

Fire Emblem: Awakening demo

I really loved it. I can't wait for when I get it for Christmas.

(Also Frederick is a powerhouse. He OHKOd all of his opponents. He's my favorite unit so far.)
its a pity that Frederick is hard to level in the beginning due to already class changing at level 10, which means he wont be able to catch up to other characters later.

I love his character though.
Fire Emblem Awakening. I was doing Chapter 2, I was doing pretty good, and luck was on my side until an enemy just had to get a crit on my avatar, which killed her. Now I have to start over the whole chapter.
Fire Emblem Awakening


Completed Chapter 20, managed to stall Walhart (to get the items first, but reinforcements came and I always kill the reinforcements) by blocking him a choke point with another paired up unit so I could kill all the reinforcements. When I tried to kill him with Anna, I realized Walhart could easily kill her but I pair-defended her from an adjacent space like a pro so all was good. Finished him off with my Levin Sword, chapter was done.

Glitchy said:
Fire Emblem Awakening. I was doing Chapter 2, I was doing pretty good, and luck was on my side until an enemy just had to get a crit on my avatar, which killed her. Now I have to start over the whole chapter.
What difficulty?
Glitchy said:
Fire Emblem Awakening. I was doing Chapter 2, I was doing pretty good, and luck was on my side until an enemy just had to get a crit on my avatar, which killed her. Now I have to start over the whole chapter.
What difficulty?

Hard. I wish there was a difficulty between Normal and Hard. Normal is too easy and Hard is too hard at times, especially early in the game.
Pokémon X.
I'm training my Shiny Nidoqueen, which started as a Nidoran at lv 1, but I Super trained it and now it's at lv 45.
Shovel Knight

Beat Treasure Knight (really want those playable boss knights)
Treasure of the Rundras. I am at Sion 5th day.

The second match at the arena was like extremely easy since they were super weak to wind and took them out with very low power wind spells. Now onto Monk which...would have been nice to do a 4 against 1, but nooooooo. Also his freaking kicks are the only thing making the fight with him difficult.

Awesomenauts. I got this game like two days ago (or three idr) and it's pretty fun. I think it's my first MOBA too.
Pokemon Red Version

My Rhyhorn evolved yay.

I regret getting Hitmonchan, his elemental punches are shit. I decided on Hitmonlee for that exact reason but when I got to that point I wondered 'isn't Hitmonchan better because he has more type attacks duuuurrr' and chose him.


He's good for weakening pokemon slowly I guess.
Fire Emblem Awakening. It's hilarious how in Chapter 3 Chrom and Robin are apparently just finding out about pair up when I've been doing it since the prolouge.