What game did you last play?!?!?!?

June said:
Zelda 2

f u c k death mountain

I have now beaten death mountain

f u c k palace 2
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky

this is nice. main battle music is catchy. playing games on a computer wears me out for whatever reason but i'll play some more later.

edit: free rotation on the camera instead of 45 degree angles is much better. I loaded Schera with wind orbments and it was the best decision I ever made, AoE spells are incredibly useful despite being double the cost. Joshua is too fast for me to make him stick to magic so I gave him a fire orbment since almost everything is weak to fire so far. Estelle has a couple of water orbments which makes her into a healer but i feel like that doesn't really fit her character lol.

good game so far even though story wise it doesn't feel like too much has happened.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky

i am a fishing god

i like oliver, he's just stupid enough to be funny without being irritating

I might have too many people with water and fire arts. but I don't want to lose the attack/hp boost those orbs give so I guess I should just be glad everything is weak to fire lol.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky

well i lost Schera and Oliver, so Estelle is taking over heal/AoE magic duty. Joshua has higher magic attack but he's fast and his craft attacks are way too useful to relegate him to that task, even though he has a cast speed boosting orb too.

I kinda wanted to play this for 10 hours today but I gotta work. It's hard to stop once you start. I might play a bit on my break.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky

I believe I'm on the final chapter. Going through the achievements, I probably locked myself out of a few of them already but I don't really mind. If I care enough I'll grab them on a second playthrough on a harder difficulty. I missed one of the school campus quests apparently, which sucks because I literally wandered around to make sure I got them since there was no request board for those.

I did both Chapters 2 and 3 today, I really liked the setting of Chapter 2, Ruan was a really pretty place. I like the random details into the layouts of each area, all the landing ports are pretty unique with some almost pointless areas but I'm glad they didn't just copy paste each one. It makes me miss some of the earlier areas since once you're done in one region you lose access to it completely.

Kinda sucks that the third game won't be translated until 2017 so I'll leave the second game for a while. Maybe wait for a sale.
Tetris Axis

It's Hudson's Tetris game, so it's got Bomberman cameos (they are CPU player characters). I am amazed at how addictive this game's have been when I started playing this game again.

Personally I think this is the better 3DS Tetris game, as opposed to Tetris Ultimate from Ubisoft because this one's got a good variety of modes. Only Tetris game that would rival this one for me is Puyo Puyo x Tetris, but it's too bad that one never got a release outside Japan.

Thanks for reading.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC

I guess most of the game will be retreading old ground. I was really struggling without having multiple AoE attacks to deal with strong groups of enemies, I'm glad the first place I revisit is Ruan though, it was my favourite area.
Wind Waker's really fun, I'm about to fight Gohdan.

I haven't played this game in years, it's bringing back so many memories.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC

the treasure chest messages got a lot better this time.

'you open the chest and see the face of a man staring back at you. you close the chest gently and move on.'
'this chest is as empty as my creativity after writing all these messages.'
'well that was swell. see you in new game plus.'
'sorry, if you could take infinite items from a chest the economy would crumble.'

my favourite was the one from the chest that contains one of your stolen items 'no wait, i didnt know anything. we can still be friends right... no, don't leave. wait come back!'
Pokémon Rote Edition

I decided to ditch Habitak(Spearow) after it evolved into Ibitak(Fearow). I was just not having luck with it. Caught a Rettan(Ekans) but eh, didn't feel like using it on my team after reading movesets and stats, so I decided maybe Traumato(Drowzee) on the same route would be okay. It has better stats and it's a Psycho Typ(Psychic-type), so what the hell, I'll use it I guess.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC

I don't get to choose my party again hype. I actually hate deciding between characters, I was fine with it in the first game because it was only for the last stretch of the game but I feel bad for the characters I'm leaving behind.

At least it makes sense that this game supposedly has twice the dialogue of the first game, considering how different the writing would have to be depending on the characters you choose and order you complete certain objectives in. and the first game had a shit ton of unique dialogue already.

Quartz are a bit more balanced this time around too, the only one with a downside previously was Attack since it lowered your defense slightly but it seems like almost all of the basic ones have a pro and a con. You can cancel out the lowered stats with each other but then you only really get half the benefits from the Quartz. Luckily they combined some of the more useless ones into Quartz that have unique element combinations, makes them good for trying to get certain Arts that only need one or two of an element without wasting a slot.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC

Well, I got one of my favourite characters back but lost my other favourite. I hope they at least reveal his secret or whatever it was that they've barely hinted at... somehow I think they'll leave that one hidden until the third game, or maybe just show it at end of this one. I've already waited 60 hours to find out, nothing wrong with some more waiting. fuck i want to know. The music in this game is more amazing than I first thought, or I guess the combined music of FC and SC together make it so good.

At this point in FC I was already in the final dungeon but I'm probably still another 20-ish hours away from beating SC. I will say that FC was better than SC, but both have been enjoyable. I think I'll just stick at it for the next few days. I'll be either working, sleeping or playing this.

3rd won't be out until 2017 so I guess I'll have to wait for that.