What game did you last play?!?!?!?

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

I have no clue how many matches I played straight but it was daylight when I started, around the afternoon.

My last match, in Gaur Plain, and during the explosive 17 minute team attack 8 player smash match I died only once....and that's because the Level 1 Wario killed me >__>
Picross 3D: Round 2

This is an amazing follow-up to the original Picross 3D, an admirable effort to convert Picross to a 3D format that works surprisingly well. It's one of the few instances where a puzzle game is successfully converted to 3D, something that I felt didn't work out for Block Out (3D Tetris, which is as clunky as it sounds).

I am at Book 38, meaning that it's almost the end, but I have a feeling there's more to come. I haven't done any amiibo challenges, and based on my current collection, I can only do 6 out of 10 of them (the 6 Mario ones; I don't have Link or the 3 Kirby ones).

Thanks for reading.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Hebra is way too fucking big man, combined with the snow slowing you down it's taking so much time to explore this place. The map is 100% lines too so it's barely useful at the moment.

Though to be fair, something I've noticed at this point is that while it's not nearly as empty of a world as I was expecting back when they first showed that one demo of link gliding through the air, there is still a good amount of empty space. It helps make it feel like a complete world, but there's a fair amount of 'filler' area that just isn't interesting or worth exploring at all.

The Master Sword is my 'weak' weapon, I use it for smacking rocks and killing small fries because everything else I have on me is stronger than it, bar the torch which I need for melting ice. Recharging weapons/abilities are broken as fuck since you never have to worry about them being 'used up', sure there's some down-time but the game isn't hard enough that they're even necessary to always have readied in the first place.

I'll probably be in this area of the map for another 10 hours at this rate.
SM64: Last Impact

So, touching a Fuzzy definitely does make you dizzy. And, in the words of Matthias, "It's trippy af." So if you play this game and touch a Fuzzy, you know what you're in for.
Half Life 2

So far it's...good at best. But I don't see how people would call it one of the greatest games of all time or Gordon Freeman is one of the best video game characters of all time. Maybe there's more to it as I'm over an hour in, but there are other FPS titles that I have played that suck me in more as soon as I start playing.
Currently diving deep into Persona 4, the PS2 (PS Classics actually) version (playing it on my PS3).

One of the best games I ever played, for real. I can't wait for P5!
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Okay, done with Cool Cool Mountain. I need to go get my final weapon inventory slot now that I have the seeds for it and then I'll probably start spending my korok seeds on bow slots again and then leave shields for last since I have 8 really good ones that I don't think I'll even burn through before the end of the game.

I need to go get some materials for my armour but I'll do it later. I already know where to find all of it, I just need to fast travel a little bit.

I might just go straight for the objective before exploring this area for real. Spent too much time dicking around, need to get on track a little bit.
Super Smash Bros. For Wii U

6 Level 50 amiibo players vs my twin and I teammatch with Friendly Fire on is very intense with the CPU's getting like -50's everywhere.
Smash Hit

643 balls at the Endless Mode checkpoint has to be some kind of record.
Pink_Gold_Peach said:
Super Smash Bros. For Wii U

My level 50 DK amiibo is now so powerful that his sourspotted forward aerial can break a shield in one hit.

I wonder if he can outpower my Trade-Off Power Wario, whose fully charged Waft can do 80% against my defensively/power oriented 0% Baby Luigi and OHKO at other times, despite being, y'know, having an emphasis on defense.

Sure, he'll probably beat that Wario, considering he starts out with 100%, has -200 Speed and Defense, and pretty much dies to anything.
Baby Luigi said:
I wonder if he can outpower my Trade-Off Power Wario, whose fully charged Waft can do 80% against my defensively/power oriented 0% Baby Luigi and OHKO at other times, despite being, y'know, having an emphasis on defense.

Sure, he'll probably beat that Wario, considering he starts out with 100%, has -200 Speed and Defense, and pretty much dies to anything.

My amiibo DK's stat spread and bonus effects are:

Attack +200
Defense +120
Speed -200

Skating (1.5x movement speed on land)
Pro Glider (1.25x aerial movement speed)
Tradeoff Attacker

My amiibo Peach has the same stat spread and bonus effects, except that she has Tradeoff Speedster instead.
Got to the boss of the 6th dungeon in Persona 4! The story is beyond amazing at this point of the game :D
Apollo Justice

The first case is the best first case in the series bar none, holy shit.
Doing the panty investigation now and i love eldoon so much
secret of mana 2

at the end of durans story in the dragons hole.

My team is so kick ass its absurd.