What game did you last play?!?!?!?

The Sims 4
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I did a sukeban outfit for my Sim!self because I think the sukeban look is cool, sue me.
I beat Deltarune chapter one pacifist! I'm halfway through chapter two!
Iskeai Mario.

Yup. Iskeai Mario. Pretty nice fangame, all things considered. A lot of the anime elements feel tacked on but it's competent enough. Music is pretty good.
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
The Sims 4

Yes, we do the thing LGM and BLOF are extremely well-known for. Everyone in our lot gets a day off work so they can focus on beating up Wario, decorating their home to be Wario-colored, and fasting so they won't be as fat as Wario.

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I've owned Spider-Man: Miles Morales for a while and finally got around to beating it. Awesome game.
the last new game i played was hi-fi rush! (i've played other games since, like final fantasy xiv, but that was the newest one.) absolutely love the game, even though i'm bad at combat games. rhythm games are one of my favorite genres.
Me playing Rhythm Thief:
*Drops from A rank to E rank in four seconds*
Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart.

So I've played this game here and there for the past few months. It's actually a pretty fun kart racer with some fun courses. Installing a mod that allows bot racers makes it even funner.

What's even greater are the custom courses and the custom racers. I never realized how much I wanted to play as characters like Manic the Hedgehog, Rotor the Walrus, Scratch, Grounder, and even Speedy Eggbert/Blupi until I played this game.
Smash remix
Im too lazy too actualy set the rom hack up so i use retrogames.cc
Super Mario Sunshine

I decided to finally sit down and 100% this game. My opinion is very mixed on it so far - I love how alive and interconnected all of the levels feel, and it probably handles the world building best out of every 3D Mario game, but the gameplay feels very buggy or unforgiving at times. A prime example is Yoshi's Fruit Adventure, where it feels like everything is working against the player.
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Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart.

So I've played this game here and there for the past few months. It's actually a pretty fun kart racer with some fun courses. Installing a mod that allows bot racers makes it even funner.

What's even greater are the custom courses and the custom racers. I never realized how much I wanted to play as characters like Manic the Hedgehog, Rotor the Walrus, Scratch, Grounder, and even Speedy Eggbert/Blupi until I played this game.

GBA Rainbow Road is super fun on it.

Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3

Oh my god, I love this game. I want more tournament fighter-style games to be more goofy like this. Hell, PHOENIX WRIGHT IS PLAYABLE (even though I main Frank West and Tron Bonne)
I started (re)playing Mega Man Battle Network in the Legacy Collection they released last Friday.

I've beaten all of those games before, a long time ago when I was still in school. Feels surreal to replay them now in my 30s, now with my kids watching me play those games.