What game did you last play?!?!?!?

Advance Wars 2. Got an S rank on everything in Orange Star, except the last mission, where I got a B.
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

So now I'm on the Star Forge after refusing to join the dark side with Bastilla.
Paper Mario: TTYD
I was going to fight Lord Crump in Ch. 2 but I took to long because I forgot if you had to have all 101 Punies to go and fight Magnus or not so the outcome of the Bomb was pretty lame. I was hoping for some line from your partner. The screen goes white and the controller shakes. Boom Game Over. Other than that, I got 64 Star Points from beating Magnus and Merlee coming in to curse me.

EDIT: Also I found out Bowser can Ground Pound! I never knew that until today.

Found some stuff in the Crash Site that I missed and played through The Harbor, which it doesn't look like I can 100% right now.
Yoshidude99 said:
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

So now I'm on the Star Forge after refusing to join the dark side with Bastilla.

Beat the game with the light side ending. Darth Malak was hard until I found I could just use the advanced Lightsaber throw to beat him. I love this game. It's the best RPG I've played and my second favourite Star Wars game behind Battlefront 2. KOTOR 2 is downloading from Steam as I'm typing this message so I can't wait to start on that game.
Mario4Ever said:

Found some stuff in the Crash Site that I missed and played through The Harbor, which it doesn't look like I can 100% right now.

What is Tearawy like? Is it fun?


Adding VKnight to the reset list:

Reset list

Me (Accident)

Jadeheart6 (Lag)

VKnight (Game did it)

Anywho, helped my friend Olaf/Sarah remake her Frozen Anna costume, and trust me, it looked good.
GabbyHayes said:
What is Tearawy like? Is it fun?

It's a platformer that, aside from standard control stuff, uses pretty much every aspect of the Vita, from the touchscreen to the rear touchpad to the camera, and none of it feels unnecessary or forced. You can change your character's appearance and create things for other characters in order to affect the game world in some way (for example, at one point, you're asked to create a snowflake. Your design then falls from the sky throughout the entire area), which is pretty neat, and if you're into crafts, you can photograph certain objects and characters and get instructions on how to make those objects and characters in real life. Basically, if you don't have this game, you need it. It's one of my favorites, and I'm not even halfway through yet.