What game did you last play?!?!?!?

Pokémon FireRed
Azusa Nakano said:
100% Orange Juice

First time actually playing and I got wrecked by one of those seagulls in the first campaign map.

In the end I won pretty easily, though. I wrecked Poppo while she was on one of the lollipop spaces, stole half of her stars and won just like that. I feel pretty satisfied.
you should play orange juice with other people sometimes. it's fun. ducks are the spawn of satan.
Now I get what you mean because when I got on Steam yesterday I saw crackin and tfp playing 100% Orange Juice :p
Mio Akiyama said:
Azusa Nakano said:
100% Orange Juice

First time actually playing and I got wrecked by one of those seagulls in the first campaign map.

In the end I won pretty easily, though. I wrecked Poppo while she was on one of the lollipop spaces, stole half of her stars and won just like that. I feel pretty satisfied.
you should play orange juice with other people sometimes. it's fun. ducks are the spawn of satan.
drinking game: whenever duck rolls a 7 down a whole bottle

MidnaFreak said:
Now I get what you mean because when I got on Steam yesterday I saw crackin and tfp playing 100% Orange Juice :p
play with us 8)
we still havent played castle crashers lel
My Trackmania obsession is kicking in again.

Damn I used to play this game A LOT back in 2010/11, but I remember that I got pissed by the fact that the free version only let's you play like 4 matches and then you have to spectate for one whole match.

The free version of Trackmania 2 however let's you play for free, but only one hour per day (which is about as much as I used to play anyways).

Damn is this game handsome. My PC can only barely run the game on hyper textures (keeps at a constant 20 FPS or so, it's playable at least).


I might be a huge graphics whore,

but DAYUM are those graphics fappable (not my pic btw) (it's better in-game that was just the only pic that showed real gameplay I found)

Knights of the Old Republic

Picked this up again. I'm still in the first city, now in downtown. When I wanted to head into the slums my game crashed, but luckily I had a save right before talking to the Sith Trooper so everything's saaaafe.
I only got MDIII once myself. Will miss her ;-;
Fire Emblem Awakening

After beating the agony that is chapter 1 in lunatic mode, I seem to have stumbled upon something much worse. Chapter 2. This chapter is pure hell. I know frederick is the way to go until you get to the dlc gates, so I gave him avatar's bronze sword, and virion's elixirs. I have supported him with avatar, so that's all right. but how the hell am i supposed to do this? I can't seem to do this.
Golden Sun

I went over the bridge and entered the Fuchin Temple, cleared the Fuchin Falls Cave and headed through the Mogall Forest to get to Xian. I bought some equipment then stopped, it was fairly brief.

I also noticed the titles and moves change depending on how many of each Djinn you have, which is pretty cool. I kept it basic though, it's still one kind of Djinn for each party member (eg. Venus Djinn to Isaac).