What game did you last play?!?!?!?

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Just finished the Forest temple and I'm going to upgrade the quivers
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

This game has a very tutorial heavy beginning. I don't like that every character has to mention controls or tell me some exposition, like I give a fuck about the duck bird abominations. Aiming for 100% here too.
Bravely Default last night, before I went to sleep.

I was facing the fish boss in the Grandship's Engine Room, and it had under 2000HP left (less than a fifth of its health, as this was on Hard).

I needed one final push as I was getting walloped by its roar attack and probably wouldn't last much longer, so I looked through the summons (as in those moves sent by other people), and read one with a predicted damage input of five digits. It was in another language, but I used it anyway because I thought that'd get me close to finishing it.

...it was Dark Nebula (does huge damage to everyone on the battlefield), everyone died.

Literally put the game down afterwards, still have no words.
Maki Nishikino said:
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

This game has a very tutorial heavy beginning. I don't like that every character has to mention controls or tell me some exposition, like I give a fuck about the duck bird abominations. Aiming for 100% here too.
Your really going to hate Fi, she pretty much tells you about every tiny little thing about this game. If you can overlook her and can tolerate (or even enjoy) the motion controls (which I could do), this game is very good.
Lucina said:
Maki Nishikino said:
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

This game has a very tutorial heavy beginning. I don't like that every character has to mention controls or tell me some exposition, like I give a fuck about the duck bird abominations. Aiming for 100% here too.
Your really going to hate Fi, she pretty much tells you about every tiny little thing about this game. If you can overlook her and can tolerate (or even enjoy) the motion controls (which I could do), this game is very good.
i've already played and beaten it lol

It takes a lot for me to hate a character and Fi does nothing that would make me hate her. She's a character made for the purpose of guidance, it's her job to tell me things.
Maki Nishikino said:
Lucina said:
Maki Nishikino said:
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

This game has a very tutorial heavy beginning. I don't like that every character has to mention controls or tell me some exposition, like I give a fuck about the duck bird abominations. Aiming for 100% here too.
Your really going to hate Fi, she pretty much tells you about every tiny little thing about this game. If you can overlook her and can tolerate (or even enjoy) the motion controls (which I could do), this game is very good.
i've already played and beaten it lol

It takes a lot for me to hate a character and Fi does nothing that would make me hate her. She's a character made for the purpose of guidance, it's her job to tell me things.
oh, it sounded like it was your first time, my bad
Pokemon Y.

Beat the game, but not the Elite Four, as I only have 7 gym badges. The 8th comes after you beat it.
YoshiGo99 said:
Earthbound, I got an emulator on my iphone (on Wednesday) and so far I am really enjoying the game. I made it to Fourside.
I 150% approve.

Fire Emblem Awakening. On chapter 9. Was doing great until Tharja got killed by Killer Bow. Darn those killer weapons.

I married Chrom though :) We are literally a power couple.
Final Fantasy X

I'm onKilika Island now where...I'll most likely encounter...that one scene...that one scene everyone made fun of...I haven't gotten to it yet but I know I'm getting close to it, because I already hate Tidus before it shows up!
DragonFreak said:
I married Chrom though :) We are literally a power couple.
There should really be a game called "Count until someone who doesn't want gay *bleep* with Chrom posts"
Know what I mean mean mean?
Still, if you're an exception, then I apologize. I'm just stating what the majority of the boards seems to think.
Final Fantasy X again, and I got passed that... horrid laughter! But on the plus side I did come across a scene way before...THAT! And it was so funny, I couldn't stop laughing for a couple hours, my gut was hurting and I couldn't catch my breath!

the funny line is at 1:03

wild guns

saw this on stephens extra life stream and it looked fun

its pretty awesome and has a fantastic ost, also really hard and im not really good at it but i really enjoyed what i played.

mega man x

going through the game again as i love beating this game plus imo it has the best soundtrack in the franchise
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

I did some in between stuff before I go to Eldin. 30 gratitude crystals so I got the cursed medal and killed some Keese for a monster claw. I'll continue the story next time I guess.
Fantasy Life


Became at least an Adept in every Life, and an Expert Paladin/Blacksmith as well. Currently Level 29 if the image didn't give that away.

And if you don't know, the ranks go like this: Fledgling -> Novice -> Apprentice - > Adept -> Expert and onwards.

But oh man, the quest puns are too real. "Your Just Deserts" has you go into this desert and defeat an Outlaw Leader, it's so beautiful.

Might move on with the story after I do some quests for Dosh.