What game did you last play?!?!?!?

Clunk said:
No spiders are not easy. They move erratically and they usually just swarming capabilities that just flood the entire room so you can't move, and some are extremely fast. Fudge spiders. Burn them in hell.

I think they're pretty easy, able to manipulate if there is cover, well at least normal ones are.

The bigger versions can go suck it.
Oh yeah I did forget to mention that there were 246897248952 of the big versions.
Clunk said:
Oh yeah I did forget to mention that there were 246897248952 of the big versions.

like the ones that split or the ones that have faces?

the split ones arent that bad but they're annoying.

The ones with faces though are pretty horrid.
Pokemon Alpha Sapphire
Smush for Wii U.
Etrian Odyssey Untold

This shot up to my most played 3ds game pretty fast. 80 hours and still counting. Post game stuff was pretty difficult until I realized I could increase the level cap from 70 to 99 through optional bosses. I've never been so happy at the idea of more grinding until just then.
Pokemon Y: I now have five badges. Also I maxed out all my Pokemon's base stats.

Delphox (Ruth), M, Level 48
Sylveon, M, Level 52
Shiny Gyarados, M, Level 48
Shiny Haxorus, F, Level 56
Shiny Golett, Genderless, Level 42
Lugia, Genderless, Level 74
Dungeon Defenders 2

worked on my huntress and my monk a little and managed to finish a map i couldnt do before

although i still cant beat site d, freaking damnit
Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl

I hit level 90, the final stretch!

Also I completed the bestiary, have 90% on item collection, collected every chest, completed every quest, drawn every map, killed somewhere between 50-100 rare encounters and I'm 1/7 of the way to creating the ultimate grimiore stone.

I have to do a bit before I overwrite my story file for a classic new game+ one.
TBoI: Rebirth

I cleared almost all challenges, and unlocked Begotten Baby, Glitch Baby, Pandora's Box, Death's Touch and SMB Super Fan.
Stanley the Troll said:
Mario Kart Wii. Played with a couple complete strangers who wanted to play Mario Kart with me. They suck at it. I think they were drunk.
Where were you, exactly?
Why do you have strangers in your apartment building? :/
Pokemon Black 2

Beat the Virbank City gym, did some stuff in Castelia City, which includes catching all the Pokemon in the backlot and the sewers.
Mario Party X said:
Why do you have strangers in your apartment building? :/
I'm not the only one who lives in this building. There's 15 floors.

I was in the common area on the main floor, on my laptop, and they just come up to me and start talking. They noticed I was wearing a Mario shirt and asked if I like "that one Mario racing game." When I said I had most of the Mario Kart games, they wanted to play with me.