Greninja The Mario Karter
Greninja the Water/Dark Ninja
- Pronouns
- He, Him, His
There are eighteen types in Pokémon, and naturally, some types are better than others. I've decided to look at the types from worst to best, and find out where they all fall. I've done some research to come up with what I believe is the worst type all the way to the best. With all that said, let's get started.
Number 18: Bug Type
We're going to start at the bottom of the barrel in 18th place with what I believe is the worst type in Pokémon, the Bug type. I was pretty confident that this type was going to start this ranking, because it just doesn't match up to the other types. Don't get me wrong, there are a few good Bug types in Pokémon. Mega Heracross, Mega Pinsir, Pheromosa, Scizor, and Vikavolt are just a few of the highlights of this type, but they just aren't enough, though even with these few Pokémon, that doesn't change the fact that it is resisted by seven types. It only offers super effective damage against Grass, Psychic, and Dark types, and resists Fighting, Ground, and Grass, but it has the lowest fully evolved base stat total on average of all types with 471.72. There aren't many fast Bug type Pokémon, and the fact that U-Turn is the premiere Bug type move isn't saying a whole lot. Just because it will be good against a few types and resist a handful more, it isn't going to be the type of Pokémon you're really want to bring into battle unless you're using a Mega or Legendary, which you can't even do in the most recent main game releases of Pokémon anyway.
Number 17: Ice Type
Just coming out ahead of the Bug type in 17th place is the Ice type, which was merely saved from being the worst type of all by a few small factors. The Ice type has an average fully evolved base stat total of 518.41, which is better than Bug's, but not only is it lacking in good Pokémon just like the Bug type, it's lacking in Pokémon in general. The Ice type is the least represented type of all, with only 58. However, the Ice type Pokémon that are good are really good, such as Weavile. Kyurem, but the best Ice type is Galarian Darmanitan, which was given to us in Generation VIII. The Ice type has a four weaknesses to Fighting, Rock, Steel, and Fire, and on top of that, it only resists itself. Although the Ice type is super effective against Flying, Ground, Grass, and Dragon, these are all covered better by other types, but at least it isn't the worst.
Number 16: Rock Type
We move on to 16th place, where the Rock type resides. Rock type Pokémon are usually known for having really good physical Defense stats. With a Defense stat of 114.70, it has the second highest defense of all types behind Steel, and that helped them get here, but that is all the Rock type has going for it. For most people, Tyranitar is the most notable Rock type, and there are some good Fossil Pokémon like Mega Aerodactyl and Cradily. This, of course, isn't enough to deal with its actual crippling weaknesses to some incredibly powerful types. You're going to have a hard time when you're weak to five types, but it's even worse when one of the types, Water, is the most common in the game. Most Water type Pokémon will have a field day with Rock types, and so will many Fighting types. If only the Rock type had some legs to stand in terms of offensive, but as it is, almost all powerful Rock type moves have relatively bad accuracy, and that's just awful. It's unfortunate that the Rock type is just a poor man's Steel type, and it just doesn't bode well for it.
Number 15: Grass Type
I am disappointed to say that the 15th place type is the Grass type, as before I did my research, I thought it would be in the upper half of the list instead of the bottom, but that's the unfortunate truth of the situation, and no amount of great Grass starters can change that. Grass types tend to be pretty slow unless they have unless they have Chlorophyll and a full sun in the sky, and the only real stat they can lean on is Special Attack, considering the majority of Grass type offensive moves are special themselves. There are some awesome Grass type Pokémon like Venusaur and Sceptile, and Generation IX just gave us our fourth Grass type Legendary in the past few generations, Wo-Chien. When it comes to other cool Pokémon, there is no shortage of them in the Grass type, but that is not enough to elevate this type to a higher plane. Its weaknesses are too heavy, with Bug and Ice being awful types, and two of the types it is super effective against, Ground and Rock, are better covered by Water types. It's a shame that I realized how disappointing the Grass type was when putting this together, but that's just how it is sometimes.
Number 14: Flying Type
Next up in 14th place, we have the Flying type, and this one was a bit disappointing to put here. As it turns out, Flying just isn't a great type, even with its middle of the road fully evolved base stat total of 517.95 and being the fastest type on average with a Speed stat of 94.56. This may seem quite trivial, but I honestly can't rank the Flying type any higher than this when it's honestly weak to Rock and Ice, which are two of the worst types in the franchise. Another thing that hurts its ranking is the fact that it took five generations to get our first pure Flying type Pokémon. It's embarrassing to see a type be relegated to just a compliment to to any Pokémon that was designed to have wings, and even a couple without them. Flying types are super effective against Fighting, Bug, and Grass, but those are all types that can be handled better by others. I really like Yveltal, but it is held back by the Flying type. There isn't a lot more to say when diving into the Flying type, other than it being slightly better than the previous four, but still incredibly embarrassing.
Number 13: Poison Type
The Poison type comes next in 13th place, and it is saved from being one of the bottom five types by its ability to go toe to toe with Fairy. The only other type it hits for super effective damage is the Grass type, and that is relatively useless in the grand scheme of things, since some Grass types are part Poison themselves. The unfortunate thing about Poison being a not so great type is that there are so many cool Pokémon with the type that suffer because of it, such as Nidoking and Nidoqueen. The average fully evolved base stat total isn't so great either, being 512.84. The highlight of the type is the move Toxic and the ability to poison others in general, but that's honestly it. There are some good Legendaries with the type, and a few regular Pokémon like Nidoking, Muk, and Crobat, but when you think of the Poison type, you probably think of the status condition and nothing more.
Number 12: Normal Type
The next type in 12th place is the Normal type, and it isn't super effective against any types and doesn't have any resistances. It is resisted by Rock and Steel, and does not affect Ghost. However, what gives it the edge over the previous types is the fact that it has an immunity to Ghost and only one weakness to Fighting. This is one of two types with only one weakness, and is sadly the lower ranked of the two. Its fully evolved base stat total is almost as bad as Bug's, being 486.27. Slaking has the highest base stat total out of any Pokémon that isn't a Legendary or Mega Evolution, but is useless because of its ability. Normal is just the epitome of mediocrity, and it's fitting that it gets a middle spot on the list.
Number 11: Psychic Type
Sitting just outside the top 10 in 11th place is Psychic. It does better stats-wise than Normal and actually has some super effective matchups against Fighting and Poison and resistances to Fighting and itself. In fact, it has the second highest fully evolved base stat total of all types behind Dragon, with 558.10. There are a ton of modestly fast Psychic types, and almost all of them have incredibly high Special Attack stats. Even then, there are a good amount of physical attackers that will hit hard as well. There are more Psychic type Legendaries than any other type at thirteen, and the amount of useful Psychic type moves is staggering. The reason Psychic doesn't get into the top 10 is because it has fallen from grace ever since the introduction of Dark and Steel types in Generation II.
Number 10: Electric Type
Following up on the Psychic type and opening up the top 10 of types in 10th place is the Electric type, and boy is this on the cusp of being really good. The Electric type offers some really solid power from a special attacking standpoint much like Grass types, but what gives it the edge over the previous types much like Normal is that it only has one weakness to Ground. This is the other type that only has one weakness, and it's the higher ranked of the two. The majority of Electric types are decent, with the exception of nearly all of the Pikachu clones. The biggest problem with the Electric type is its lack of actual defense to match up to the single weakness it actually has. The Electric type tends to be the proverbial "Glass Cannon" when it comes to attackers in Pokémon, and while that is useful in some situations, it doesn't do the Electric type any favors.
Number 9: Ghost Type
The next type we're going to rank in 9th place is Ghost. I actually like the Ghost type a bit, and there are some good qualities to this type, such as its decent defense stats, the fact that it has two immunities, is only weak to two types, is only resisted by Dark while not affecting Normal, and its iconic Pokémon. However, the biggest problem with this type is the same as Ice: its lack of actual Pokémon. The Ghost type is the fourth least represented type behind Dragon, Fairy, and Ice, as only 70 Pokémon have the Ghost type, and I feel that limits the options this type has at being dominant. Also, it is only super effective against itself and Psychic types. Those aren't great offensive circumstances to be dealing with, though the Ghost type is more for support than anything else. You have moves like Confuse Ray, Curse, and Destiny Bond that can be used together to really do more than some Ghost type attacks are actually capable of. I would've like to rank this type higher, but they need to introduce more in future generations.
Number 8: Fighting Type
The Fighting type is coming in next in 8th place, mostly due to the fact that the type has the best physical Attack stat out of all types, with 120.64. There aren't too many options for special attackers for Fighting types, and it's that lack of variety that is holding it back. The type has the fifth highest fully evolved base stat total of all types with 535.70, and with names like Machamp, Lucario, and Infernape, you know that the problem really doesn't rest in the number of good Pokémon. It hits five types for super effective damage, and it only has three weaknesses it has to deal with. However, it doesn't have too many resistances, and two of the three resistances it does have are to Bug and Rock, the former of which sucks offensively while the latter has five weaknesses. It is also resisted by five types and does not affect Ghost. There are some good moves as well, but as I will point out in the next spot, that lack of special attacking representation is a major hindrance.
Number 7: Ground Type
Next up in 7th place is the Ground type, and this one has a pretty good presence on the Physical side of things. Most Ground type Pokémon will be able to hit hard and take physical hits relatively well, but it's not as lucky on the Special side. The reason that's extra bad is because the three types that are super effective against it (Water, Grass, and Ice) are primarily special attacking types that will have a good shot at one hitting a lot of Ground types. There are also a decent amount of Ground types that have a secondary weakness that makes them double weak to one of these three types, and no amount of defense is really going to help deal with that. For example, Zygarde is double weak to Ice, and Primal Groudon would be double weak to Water if it wasn't for Desolate Land. Like Fighting, it hits five types for super effective damage, and isn't resisted by as many types as Fighting, only being resisted by two. Although it only has two resistances to Poison and Rock, it has an immunity to Electric. Earthquake goes a long way in putting the Ground type this high, but it can't go any higher due to its Special problem.
Number 6: Dragon Type
The 6th place spot might just be what many would assume would be number 1, but I'm about to shock you by getting into the Dragon type. The Dragon type is, undoubtedly, the most powerful type when it comes to stats. It has the highest fully evolved base stat total on average by far, with 625.04. Over half of the Dragon types are either Pseudos or Legendaries. This type overflows with power, cool designs, and excellent stats. The big thing that holds it back, however, is the weakness it has, its offensive properties, and the horrible moves attributed to the type. It can only hit other Dragon types for super effective damage, is resisted by Steel, and has no effect on Fairy. The best moves for the Dragon type are Dragon Dance and Outrage. Every other move just isn't good enough to merit being a Dragon type move. Being weak to Dragon, Fairy, and the awful Ice type doesn't really do this type any favors either, but this is me explaining why it didn't make the top 5.
Number 5: Dark Type
Following up Dragon and starting up our top 5 in 5th place is one of my favorite types, the Dark type. The Dark type have several heavy hitters under their umbrella like Umbreon, Greninja, and Yveltal, and their Attack stat far outclasses the rest of their stats when you look at the average. There are only three weaknesses the Dark type needs to deal with, but because the Bug type is awful, it may as well be two. Fairy types are incredibly dominant, and the Fighting type can be very scary, so those are definitely concerns for any Dark type, but aside from those weaknesses, the Dark type is really good.
Number 4: Water Type
The type in 4th place is next, and that type is Water. The Water type is, as I have said multiple times before in this thread, the most represented and populous type in all of Pokémon, with 157. It's crazy to think that a single type has reached the point where it is larger than the entire original Pokédex, but we've made it. The Water type is an "Old Reliable" type that you can turn to for decent damage and decent defenses. The reason why it's here is because it's the most well-rounded typing of all, and it's a versatile type as well. It's not too bad, and it's not too incredible, and that suits it very well. There are some fantastic Water types, and then there are some you probably forget exist sometimes like Basculin and Surskit. There are several iconic moves such as Surf, Hydro Pump, and Waterfall that carry the Water type. Only Electric and Grass are super effective against it, while it resists Steel, Fire, itself, and Ice. Like I said, the Water type is versatile and definitely deserves this spot.
Number 3: Fire Type
We're now entering the top 3, and we're opening it up in 3rd place with the Fire type. This type has the fourth highest stat total of fully evolved Pokémon at 539.92, as well as the third best Special Attack stat of all types with 105.48. It also has pretty good physical Attack. There are some great Fire starters, great Fire Legendaries, and a few powerful regular Pokémon as well. With Terastallization in Generation IX, the Fire type is better than it has ever been before. The reason it sits in 3rd place is because the top 2 are better, and while it has good stats overall and has a few powerful Pokémon, its greatest weaknesses are Water and Ground, two common types, and few Fire types actually have the defenses to cope with that. You can be powerful and have as many beloved Pokémon as you want, but nothing will matter if you can't defensively hold your own.
Number 2: Fairy Type
The runner-up in 2nd place is the Fairy type. Even though it is the newest of the eighteen, it has proven itself to be a force to be reckoned with. Fairy types have a great bit of defensive bulk, and are absolute monster in terms of Special Attack. This type was introduced in Generation VI to balance out the Dragon type. There are moves like Moonblast and Dazzling Gleam that just remind you that the Fairy type is something special. There are already half a dozen Legendaries with this type, and about half a dozen more that Mega Evolve or Gigantamax, and there aren't too many other types that can say they saw so much representation within three generations of their debut.
Number 1: Steel Type
The best type in 1st place has to be the Steel type. The Steel type is jacked at defense, and that isn't an understatement. Using the average base stat total, the Steel type has a Defense of 122.88, the best Defense out of any type. This type is immune to Poison and resists ten types, making it the most resistant type in the game. There are a plethora of great moves such as Iron Head and Meteor Mash. The Steel type is so good that you can build an entire team around a core Steel type and have a winning team most of the time. It's also one of two types that can hit Fairy types for super effective damage. I hope you can understand that everything came together for the Fairy and Steel types to place in the top two spots as the best of the best.
This list wasn't easy to make, but I'm happy with all the choices I made. From Bug to Steel, I feel like each type offers at least a little something that makes them somewhat good, just some more than others. Regardless, though, I want to hear from you guys. Do you think I got these rankings right? Let me know if I did, and if I didn't, show me how you guys think it should be ranked.
Number 18: Bug Type
We're going to start at the bottom of the barrel in 18th place with what I believe is the worst type in Pokémon, the Bug type. I was pretty confident that this type was going to start this ranking, because it just doesn't match up to the other types. Don't get me wrong, there are a few good Bug types in Pokémon. Mega Heracross, Mega Pinsir, Pheromosa, Scizor, and Vikavolt are just a few of the highlights of this type, but they just aren't enough, though even with these few Pokémon, that doesn't change the fact that it is resisted by seven types. It only offers super effective damage against Grass, Psychic, and Dark types, and resists Fighting, Ground, and Grass, but it has the lowest fully evolved base stat total on average of all types with 471.72. There aren't many fast Bug type Pokémon, and the fact that U-Turn is the premiere Bug type move isn't saying a whole lot. Just because it will be good against a few types and resist a handful more, it isn't going to be the type of Pokémon you're really want to bring into battle unless you're using a Mega or Legendary, which you can't even do in the most recent main game releases of Pokémon anyway.
Number 17: Ice Type
Just coming out ahead of the Bug type in 17th place is the Ice type, which was merely saved from being the worst type of all by a few small factors. The Ice type has an average fully evolved base stat total of 518.41, which is better than Bug's, but not only is it lacking in good Pokémon just like the Bug type, it's lacking in Pokémon in general. The Ice type is the least represented type of all, with only 58. However, the Ice type Pokémon that are good are really good, such as Weavile. Kyurem, but the best Ice type is Galarian Darmanitan, which was given to us in Generation VIII. The Ice type has a four weaknesses to Fighting, Rock, Steel, and Fire, and on top of that, it only resists itself. Although the Ice type is super effective against Flying, Ground, Grass, and Dragon, these are all covered better by other types, but at least it isn't the worst.
Number 16: Rock Type
We move on to 16th place, where the Rock type resides. Rock type Pokémon are usually known for having really good physical Defense stats. With a Defense stat of 114.70, it has the second highest defense of all types behind Steel, and that helped them get here, but that is all the Rock type has going for it. For most people, Tyranitar is the most notable Rock type, and there are some good Fossil Pokémon like Mega Aerodactyl and Cradily. This, of course, isn't enough to deal with its actual crippling weaknesses to some incredibly powerful types. You're going to have a hard time when you're weak to five types, but it's even worse when one of the types, Water, is the most common in the game. Most Water type Pokémon will have a field day with Rock types, and so will many Fighting types. If only the Rock type had some legs to stand in terms of offensive, but as it is, almost all powerful Rock type moves have relatively bad accuracy, and that's just awful. It's unfortunate that the Rock type is just a poor man's Steel type, and it just doesn't bode well for it.
Number 15: Grass Type
I am disappointed to say that the 15th place type is the Grass type, as before I did my research, I thought it would be in the upper half of the list instead of the bottom, but that's the unfortunate truth of the situation, and no amount of great Grass starters can change that. Grass types tend to be pretty slow unless they have unless they have Chlorophyll and a full sun in the sky, and the only real stat they can lean on is Special Attack, considering the majority of Grass type offensive moves are special themselves. There are some awesome Grass type Pokémon like Venusaur and Sceptile, and Generation IX just gave us our fourth Grass type Legendary in the past few generations, Wo-Chien. When it comes to other cool Pokémon, there is no shortage of them in the Grass type, but that is not enough to elevate this type to a higher plane. Its weaknesses are too heavy, with Bug and Ice being awful types, and two of the types it is super effective against, Ground and Rock, are better covered by Water types. It's a shame that I realized how disappointing the Grass type was when putting this together, but that's just how it is sometimes.
Number 14: Flying Type
Next up in 14th place, we have the Flying type, and this one was a bit disappointing to put here. As it turns out, Flying just isn't a great type, even with its middle of the road fully evolved base stat total of 517.95 and being the fastest type on average with a Speed stat of 94.56. This may seem quite trivial, but I honestly can't rank the Flying type any higher than this when it's honestly weak to Rock and Ice, which are two of the worst types in the franchise. Another thing that hurts its ranking is the fact that it took five generations to get our first pure Flying type Pokémon. It's embarrassing to see a type be relegated to just a compliment to to any Pokémon that was designed to have wings, and even a couple without them. Flying types are super effective against Fighting, Bug, and Grass, but those are all types that can be handled better by others. I really like Yveltal, but it is held back by the Flying type. There isn't a lot more to say when diving into the Flying type, other than it being slightly better than the previous four, but still incredibly embarrassing.
Number 13: Poison Type
The Poison type comes next in 13th place, and it is saved from being one of the bottom five types by its ability to go toe to toe with Fairy. The only other type it hits for super effective damage is the Grass type, and that is relatively useless in the grand scheme of things, since some Grass types are part Poison themselves. The unfortunate thing about Poison being a not so great type is that there are so many cool Pokémon with the type that suffer because of it, such as Nidoking and Nidoqueen. The average fully evolved base stat total isn't so great either, being 512.84. The highlight of the type is the move Toxic and the ability to poison others in general, but that's honestly it. There are some good Legendaries with the type, and a few regular Pokémon like Nidoking, Muk, and Crobat, but when you think of the Poison type, you probably think of the status condition and nothing more.
Number 12: Normal Type
The next type in 12th place is the Normal type, and it isn't super effective against any types and doesn't have any resistances. It is resisted by Rock and Steel, and does not affect Ghost. However, what gives it the edge over the previous types is the fact that it has an immunity to Ghost and only one weakness to Fighting. This is one of two types with only one weakness, and is sadly the lower ranked of the two. Its fully evolved base stat total is almost as bad as Bug's, being 486.27. Slaking has the highest base stat total out of any Pokémon that isn't a Legendary or Mega Evolution, but is useless because of its ability. Normal is just the epitome of mediocrity, and it's fitting that it gets a middle spot on the list.
Number 11: Psychic Type
Sitting just outside the top 10 in 11th place is Psychic. It does better stats-wise than Normal and actually has some super effective matchups against Fighting and Poison and resistances to Fighting and itself. In fact, it has the second highest fully evolved base stat total of all types behind Dragon, with 558.10. There are a ton of modestly fast Psychic types, and almost all of them have incredibly high Special Attack stats. Even then, there are a good amount of physical attackers that will hit hard as well. There are more Psychic type Legendaries than any other type at thirteen, and the amount of useful Psychic type moves is staggering. The reason Psychic doesn't get into the top 10 is because it has fallen from grace ever since the introduction of Dark and Steel types in Generation II.
Number 10: Electric Type
Following up on the Psychic type and opening up the top 10 of types in 10th place is the Electric type, and boy is this on the cusp of being really good. The Electric type offers some really solid power from a special attacking standpoint much like Grass types, but what gives it the edge over the previous types much like Normal is that it only has one weakness to Ground. This is the other type that only has one weakness, and it's the higher ranked of the two. The majority of Electric types are decent, with the exception of nearly all of the Pikachu clones. The biggest problem with the Electric type is its lack of actual defense to match up to the single weakness it actually has. The Electric type tends to be the proverbial "Glass Cannon" when it comes to attackers in Pokémon, and while that is useful in some situations, it doesn't do the Electric type any favors.
Number 9: Ghost Type
The next type we're going to rank in 9th place is Ghost. I actually like the Ghost type a bit, and there are some good qualities to this type, such as its decent defense stats, the fact that it has two immunities, is only weak to two types, is only resisted by Dark while not affecting Normal, and its iconic Pokémon. However, the biggest problem with this type is the same as Ice: its lack of actual Pokémon. The Ghost type is the fourth least represented type behind Dragon, Fairy, and Ice, as only 70 Pokémon have the Ghost type, and I feel that limits the options this type has at being dominant. Also, it is only super effective against itself and Psychic types. Those aren't great offensive circumstances to be dealing with, though the Ghost type is more for support than anything else. You have moves like Confuse Ray, Curse, and Destiny Bond that can be used together to really do more than some Ghost type attacks are actually capable of. I would've like to rank this type higher, but they need to introduce more in future generations.
Number 8: Fighting Type
The Fighting type is coming in next in 8th place, mostly due to the fact that the type has the best physical Attack stat out of all types, with 120.64. There aren't too many options for special attackers for Fighting types, and it's that lack of variety that is holding it back. The type has the fifth highest fully evolved base stat total of all types with 535.70, and with names like Machamp, Lucario, and Infernape, you know that the problem really doesn't rest in the number of good Pokémon. It hits five types for super effective damage, and it only has three weaknesses it has to deal with. However, it doesn't have too many resistances, and two of the three resistances it does have are to Bug and Rock, the former of which sucks offensively while the latter has five weaknesses. It is also resisted by five types and does not affect Ghost. There are some good moves as well, but as I will point out in the next spot, that lack of special attacking representation is a major hindrance.
Number 7: Ground Type
Next up in 7th place is the Ground type, and this one has a pretty good presence on the Physical side of things. Most Ground type Pokémon will be able to hit hard and take physical hits relatively well, but it's not as lucky on the Special side. The reason that's extra bad is because the three types that are super effective against it (Water, Grass, and Ice) are primarily special attacking types that will have a good shot at one hitting a lot of Ground types. There are also a decent amount of Ground types that have a secondary weakness that makes them double weak to one of these three types, and no amount of defense is really going to help deal with that. For example, Zygarde is double weak to Ice, and Primal Groudon would be double weak to Water if it wasn't for Desolate Land. Like Fighting, it hits five types for super effective damage, and isn't resisted by as many types as Fighting, only being resisted by two. Although it only has two resistances to Poison and Rock, it has an immunity to Electric. Earthquake goes a long way in putting the Ground type this high, but it can't go any higher due to its Special problem.
Number 6: Dragon Type
The 6th place spot might just be what many would assume would be number 1, but I'm about to shock you by getting into the Dragon type. The Dragon type is, undoubtedly, the most powerful type when it comes to stats. It has the highest fully evolved base stat total on average by far, with 625.04. Over half of the Dragon types are either Pseudos or Legendaries. This type overflows with power, cool designs, and excellent stats. The big thing that holds it back, however, is the weakness it has, its offensive properties, and the horrible moves attributed to the type. It can only hit other Dragon types for super effective damage, is resisted by Steel, and has no effect on Fairy. The best moves for the Dragon type are Dragon Dance and Outrage. Every other move just isn't good enough to merit being a Dragon type move. Being weak to Dragon, Fairy, and the awful Ice type doesn't really do this type any favors either, but this is me explaining why it didn't make the top 5.
Number 5: Dark Type
Following up Dragon and starting up our top 5 in 5th place is one of my favorite types, the Dark type. The Dark type have several heavy hitters under their umbrella like Umbreon, Greninja, and Yveltal, and their Attack stat far outclasses the rest of their stats when you look at the average. There are only three weaknesses the Dark type needs to deal with, but because the Bug type is awful, it may as well be two. Fairy types are incredibly dominant, and the Fighting type can be very scary, so those are definitely concerns for any Dark type, but aside from those weaknesses, the Dark type is really good.
Number 4: Water Type
The type in 4th place is next, and that type is Water. The Water type is, as I have said multiple times before in this thread, the most represented and populous type in all of Pokémon, with 157. It's crazy to think that a single type has reached the point where it is larger than the entire original Pokédex, but we've made it. The Water type is an "Old Reliable" type that you can turn to for decent damage and decent defenses. The reason why it's here is because it's the most well-rounded typing of all, and it's a versatile type as well. It's not too bad, and it's not too incredible, and that suits it very well. There are some fantastic Water types, and then there are some you probably forget exist sometimes like Basculin and Surskit. There are several iconic moves such as Surf, Hydro Pump, and Waterfall that carry the Water type. Only Electric and Grass are super effective against it, while it resists Steel, Fire, itself, and Ice. Like I said, the Water type is versatile and definitely deserves this spot.
Number 3: Fire Type
We're now entering the top 3, and we're opening it up in 3rd place with the Fire type. This type has the fourth highest stat total of fully evolved Pokémon at 539.92, as well as the third best Special Attack stat of all types with 105.48. It also has pretty good physical Attack. There are some great Fire starters, great Fire Legendaries, and a few powerful regular Pokémon as well. With Terastallization in Generation IX, the Fire type is better than it has ever been before. The reason it sits in 3rd place is because the top 2 are better, and while it has good stats overall and has a few powerful Pokémon, its greatest weaknesses are Water and Ground, two common types, and few Fire types actually have the defenses to cope with that. You can be powerful and have as many beloved Pokémon as you want, but nothing will matter if you can't defensively hold your own.
Number 2: Fairy Type
The runner-up in 2nd place is the Fairy type. Even though it is the newest of the eighteen, it has proven itself to be a force to be reckoned with. Fairy types have a great bit of defensive bulk, and are absolute monster in terms of Special Attack. This type was introduced in Generation VI to balance out the Dragon type. There are moves like Moonblast and Dazzling Gleam that just remind you that the Fairy type is something special. There are already half a dozen Legendaries with this type, and about half a dozen more that Mega Evolve or Gigantamax, and there aren't too many other types that can say they saw so much representation within three generations of their debut.
Number 1: Steel Type
The best type in 1st place has to be the Steel type. The Steel type is jacked at defense, and that isn't an understatement. Using the average base stat total, the Steel type has a Defense of 122.88, the best Defense out of any type. This type is immune to Poison and resists ten types, making it the most resistant type in the game. There are a plethora of great moves such as Iron Head and Meteor Mash. The Steel type is so good that you can build an entire team around a core Steel type and have a winning team most of the time. It's also one of two types that can hit Fairy types for super effective damage. I hope you can understand that everything came together for the Fairy and Steel types to place in the top two spots as the best of the best.
This list wasn't easy to make, but I'm happy with all the choices I made. From Bug to Steel, I feel like each type offers at least a little something that makes them somewhat good, just some more than others. Regardless, though, I want to hear from you guys. Do you think I got these rankings right? Let me know if I did, and if I didn't, show me how you guys think it should be ranked.
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NormalIC Superbig.png2.4 KB · Views: 424
PsychicIC Superbig.png2.5 KB · Views: 407
ElectricIC Superbig.png2.4 KB · Views: 399
GhostIC Superbig.png2.4 KB · Views: 398
FightingIC Superbig.png2.4 KB · Views: 396
GroundIC Superbig.png2.4 KB · Views: 388
DragonIC Superbig.png2.4 KB · Views: 397
DarkIC Superbig.png2.4 KB · Views: 397
WaterIC Superbig.png2.4 KB · Views: 395
FireIC Superbig.png2.4 KB · Views: 391
FairyIC Superbig.png2.4 KB · Views: 393
SteelIC Superbig.png2.4 KB · Views: 395
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