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FWD and I have agreed to joint-endorse Sholmes & Dr. Bushroot.

For the sake of clarity and fairness, this should probably count as if one person had endorsed them (i.e. the regular equivalent of 3 votes).

And no, you may not misconstrue this statement as "We are endorsing joints".
In this household we smoke with style.


TPG2 + Kingsbournes

Prince Peach & Seam


Shmwario & Shmaluigi


gangsta mario

Oh and I'll endorse Fawfulthegreat, my only entrant anyway ^^






In other words... Let's a go.

Vote #1
Renne - Codename: "The Godfather" and Brennan - Codename: "Brennanman"

Looks like a little girl, but looks can be deceiving. Can't be relying on eyesight alone on the battlefield. Renne, otherwise known as The Godfather, used to be the leader of the Mafia back in the days of Chaos Town. We were allies, once, until she left me for dead. Tossed me away like some bad ravioli.

While she may appear to be the type to rule from the shadows, she's anything but. Dangerous, unhinged, and packing some serious heat - assuming she's still got her ray gun from Chaos Town. Either way... she's my top priority. Whether I live, or whether I die... I'll have-a my revenge. One way or another.

As for the other guy... Looks like one nasty bambino. I'll have to play it by ear.

Vote #2
Isabelle - Codename: "The Mayor"

Well, speak of the devil, and she shall appear. Just like Renne, she hung me out to dry. Back when I knew her, she was a dangerous politician, amassing a cabal of co-conspirators from the shadows in order to snuff me out. Would have succeeded too, if she didn't step down and let her brother take control.

Now though... Hm. I always knew her as a risk-taker, and with this new set of abilities, she's a real wildcard. She was always good at juggling mayoral tasks, but now she'll be juggling all of us like a buncha meatballs. Better keep an eye on her, preferably from a distance. I could use all the firearms in the world, but they wouldn't be much use against someone with powers like that.

Vote #3
Perry The Platypus - Codename: "Agent P"

Another rogue agent, huh? That spells bad news for me. Never heard of this guy before, but there's a chance he has access to all sorts of intel. Maybe he's even been sent here just to get rid of me, wouldn't that be a kick in the rotini? Still, something about this guy creeps me right out, for some reason. Maybe it's the fact that mammals shouldn't be laying eggs, maybe it's the fact that he seems to be some kind of freaky puppet acting on his own

...Well, either way, he's got a sweet grappling hook. Maybe if I eliminate him, I can take it for myself.

Vote #4
Candace - Codename: "Lost in Hogwarts"

This one... I've heard of this one. Classified Bureau intel states that she was the result of a black project conducted by Dr. Morgan Pierce in a secret mountain facility, though that same intel states that she was destroyed when the Crimson Eye wiped that place off the map. Looks like they were wrong. Looks like I'm gonna have to be careful.

If what I've heard is correct, she's equipped with all sorts of weaponry, and if she managed to survive an avalanche and keep on running around like nothing happened, god only knows the kind of punishment she can take. Besides, her last sighting was allegedly way down in Kokomo, which means she might have joined up with the G.I.R.L.B.O.S.S. Unit, giving her even more resources than before.

Vote #5
The Ernest Fine Brothers - Codename... wait, aren't they cousins??

Just like Candace before, another mechanical menace. Not quite a Metal Gear, but not far off. Similar strengths, similar weaknesses. Might be able to exploit his Forbidden Action, but I doubt it. Shitty writer, but his extensive knowledge of pop culture might give him an edge in a tournament comprised primarily of dimensionally relocated fictional characters.

As for the other one, he's hot. Too hot. Something's up with this "Ernest Fine" guy, and I'm gonna get to the bottom of it.

Vote #6
Gangsta Mario - Codename - "Liquid"

So, brother. This is what's become of you.

I may have escaped the gang life, left the Mafia behind me, but you... you've embraced it, made it your entire being. If we meet on the battlefield, big bro, I won't hold anything back. You've gone too far this time, and I'm not gonna be the one to bring you back. You've had enough chances to pull yourself out of that life, but all you've done is sink deeper.

You may have-a the recessive genes, but I've-a got a bullet with your name on it, brother.

Vote #7
Death - Codename: "The Reaper"

I mean, come on. It's the grim reaper. Are you guys serious?
Oh, since someone asked about it - if you only entered one character, that will not automatically count as an endorsement! You still need to say "i endorse this entrant" so that we can run through the topic and fairly calculate all votes.

"So, we meet again, fools of various shapes and sizes... FOR THE LAST TIME! Prepare to meet your DOOM at the hands of the EVIL EMPEROR ZURG!

ZURGBOT! While I am fully confident that I can easily CRUSH any of these FOOLS, humor me with an analysis of, hm... the seven most dangerous fighters!"

"Yes, my lord. Analyzing..."

"Those two are Herlock Sholmes and Dr. Bushroot."


"You have to be JOKING. You expect me to believe that Detective Goggles and Duckweed over there are among the best here? That's... PATHETIC."

"Don't underestimate them, my lord. Those two survived a Killing Game together. Their inherent skills and excellent teamwork make them capable of overcoming insurmountable odds."

"Well, I'd like to see how they do when I OVERWHELM THEM WITH MY ZURGBOTS!"

"They were already victorious against an army of mechanical constructs, my lord. If the data on file is to be believed, it was quite the show."

"This one is called ENA."


"All I see is an EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER. I only need one emotion, EVIL!"

"She has a special connection to the Astral Plane, which allows her to call on extra help and interfere with the physical realm virtually undetected."

"There's an ASTRAL PLANE?!"

"It would seem so. She also possesses other magical abilities, and survived the same Killing Game as subjects Sholmes and Bushroot. She appears to be a surprisingly potent foe."

"My gadgetry is superior to any magic! Magic is an outdated concept for FOOLS!"
"This is Fawful the Great."


"If this Fancy Bean thinks he's as great as ME, he is truly a FOOL!"

"That hat he wears is a stunning piece of equipment, equipped with an illogically large stock of various weapons, conventional and otherwise, and rockets for flight. Allegedly it can also be used to control the bodies of other beings."

"I would like to have one of those for myself. Perhaps an INTERROGATION is in order before DESTRUCTION!"

"It won't be an easy victory, my lord."

"My ion blaster is equipped for ALL WHO WOULD DARE OPPOSE ME!"
"That's Death."



"My lord, this isn't an ordinary being in a Halloween costume. This is the Grim Reaper, the personification of death itself. I don't believe anything else needs to be said about this one."

"Do I LOOK like I CARE? My enhancements have brought me past the need for PUNY MORTALITY! There is nothing this fool can do to ME!"

"I suppose it is worth noting that Death's power around here seems very limited."
"This is the tag-team of Renne and Brennanman."


"Is this a CHILD?"

"Negative, my lord. These two have tapped into the mysterious art of Magnet Power, as if Brennanman on his own wasn't powerful enough already. Expect them to deceive and bulldoze their way through this competition."

"These puny fools will be NO MATCH FOR ME!"

"My lord, have you ever experienced 'the Sinking of the Obra Dinn'?"

"What? No."

"Try not to."
"This thing calls itself Virovirobun."


"THAT'S the best design they could come up with? If someone suggested crafting my robots in the shapes of woodland creatures, I would THROW THEM INTO A SUN."

"The body is operated by a computer virus. It lives to copy itself to other pieces of digital technology, taking them over and creating more foes to deal with. They may be small, but they're quite unpredictable and can be very dangerous to opponents relying on technology."

"This is...

so pathetic that I will come up with a plan to defeat it later! HA HA, ha..."
"And Grunt, the undefeated champion of Mushroom Kingdom Smackdown."


"You FOOL! Everyone knows wrestling is a SHAM!"

"All data on file suggest Grunt's performance to be legitimate. He's not an effective tactician, but he hits hard and shrugs off most attacks. There's not much that phases him, and no opponent he hasn't beaten to a pulp yet."

"That ends now! I would like to see Turtle Soup try to shrug off my ION BLASTER!"

"My lord, he's survived attacks much more potent than your weapon of choice before."

"Then I will turn it to LEVEL 11!"

"HA HA HA! Just as I expected, these fools will be NO MATCH for me! Come, Zurgbot! We must prepare to DESTROY THEM!"

"Your victory is assured, my lord! You did remember to sign up, correct?"


"You have to be signed up to participate in the tournament."

"...DAHHH!!! I DESPISE BUREAUCRATIC RED TAPE! This is why the universe will be much better when I am the RULER OF EVERYTHING!"

"My lord, may I make a suggestion?"


"Perhaps you could select one of them to support, then if they win you can take the credit for your glorious empire. For example, if you were to Endorse: Perry the Platypus-"

"You expect me to associate myself with AGENT PAJAMAS over there?! Your wires must be crossed!

Nevermind, I can still use this to my advantage! I will simply let all the fools crush each other themselves, and then take the strongest of them as my NEW MINION! HA HA HA!"
Oh crap. I forgot to submit Leorio 💀

Uh. Votes coming later. I'm just gonna pick whoever looks the scariest. Oh, and endorse: GameCube (I can do that? Right?) because everyone else is endorsing their characters. I think. If I can't do that just ignore it
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This post is supposed to happen sometime after Cinnamoroll gets hired by Toadette in the Car Wash canon.

Endorse: Nitros Oxide

*A couple days ago, a flyer promoting the MBMB arrived at the Car Wash. Three of the establishments' employees, Cayde, Toadette, and Oxide, had each received a copy of it, and spent a good amount of time looking it over.*

*While Toadette made sure to practice her skills whenever she could, Oxide was worried that not a lot of people would want to cheer him on. So when Cream, Cinnamoroll, and Toadiko came out to watch his first training session, he felt a sense of relief inside his mind*

Toadiko: Hey, Oxide! Cream, Cinnamoroll, and me heard that you were competing in the Mega Brawl in Pipe Plaza, so we came out here to see your skills in action! I bet you're very excited to participate, and I'm going to cheer both you and Toadette on during your match-ups! So, how're you going to conquer the event?

Oxide: I'm glad you asked, Toadiko! I just sent N. Trance, Zem, Zam, and Jason out to get info on all the other competitors who live outside town, so they won't be back for a few days. But I don't think that anyone besides you and my own teammates will cheer me on, so how do I get people to see past my bad reputation?

Cream: I think that's a hard thing to do, Oxide. Most people aren't expecting you to change, as they're confident that you'll keep acting like usual. I don't tend to see you washing cars, so I suggest doing that so you can interact with customers on a regular basis. I know you aren't the nicest person here, but you shouldn't let that stop you from treating others with respect.

Cinnamoroll: I've only recently made friends with you, Oxide, however, that doesn't mean I can't help you. People with bad reps tend to be sore losers, and I think you might've done that in the past. So this time, try your best and remember it's just a game. If you lose, be happy with your position. You shouldn't bring others down because you didn't win, right?

*Oxide thinks about Cream and Cinnamoroll's suggestions for a few seconds*

Oxide: I think I'll take your advice, Cream and Cinnamoroll. I might call myself the fastest racer in the galaxy, but I don't want to be remembered for trying to take over the planet anymore. I need to make others know that I'm willing to improve myself and be a better person than I was before I came here. So, are you two going to cheer me on during the event?

Cinnamoroll: Sure, Oxide. I've never cheered you on during a fight before, but Chocola and I will be happy to support you since we're on good terms with each-other. I'm also planning on supporting Toadette, so don't get jealous if you see me giving her some tips. I wish you good luck during the tournament, so do your best and practice often!

Cream: Hmm…I think I'll support you as well. Cheese and I will be sure to get our pom-poms out so we can put together a cheer dance for you. Toadette and Cayde are getting our support too, but I'll try to keep my assistance between everyone as equal as I can. Good luck during your battles, Oxide!

Toadiko: I'm happy that you're looking to be a better person, Oxide. I like your playfulness and spunk, but my mother doesn't like it when you spoil me with presents. They're the reason why I act childish around others when they don't play nice with me. I hope you do very well in the tournament, my friend. Now go show those people what you're really made of!

Oxide: Thank you for showing your support, everyone. I think I'm going to start by doing a practice battle against Cayde. I've fought Toadette a few times before, so I'd really like to see what Zerris' partner is capable of. I'll be sure to apply what you've all suggested to me so it's a fair match-up. Watch out, Pipe Plaza, cause here I come!

*Oxide and co. headed to the battle court to meet up with Toadette and Cayde for some practice rounds*
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Unless my counting is way off, which is a very real possibility, the current tally seems to be this:

Perry the Platypus29✅
Sholmes & Dr. Bushroot29✅
Scottish Mario22✅
Gangsta Mario19✅
Cornelius C. Cornifer19
Renne & Brennanman18❌
Shmwario & Shmwaluigi18❌
Nintendo GameCube14✅
Candace ??? Candice13❌
The Ernest Fine Bros.12
TPG2 & Kingsbournes11✅
Rainbow Dash10
Punished Luigi10❌
Mr. Xenahort9
Prince Peach & Seam9✅
Marge Simpson9✅
Sirius & Dr. Acraman8
The Erudite Goose7
El Presidente & Advisor6✅
Surge the Tenrec4
Wright Forde 'Shroom4
Nitros Oxide3✅
Honio Pitoki1❌
Last updated: Jun 23

List makes sense to me so far. I had Death and FTG as my hypothetical #8 and #9.
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1. Renne and Brennanman
Something tells me these two are a good enough brains-and-brawn team, and they will likely barrel through much of the competition. Renne single-handedly carried her team through Chaos Mafia, while Brennanman escaped an early death in AKGO.

2. Candace ??? Candice/Lost in Hogwarts
Even though she can't do much damage against people who aren't men, she makes up for it by being able to manipulate them harder.

3. ENA
She has good knowledge of the Astral Plane and can call on a kindred spirit when she is in a pinch. As an added bonus from her interactions with the Invoker back in AKGO, she can draw runes to harness magic.

4. Sholmes and Bushroot
These two were pretty much the main characters of AKGO. Combine Sholmes' energy and intellect with Bushroot's command over plants and regenerative capabilities, and you have yourself a duo that will take a long time to subdue.

5. Scottish Mario
A violent, bulky Scotsman. Need I say more?

6. Cornelius C. Cornifer
He's both physically strong and manipulative, which makes this business exec a force to be reckoned with.

7. Honio Pitoki
He has a variety of weapons at his disposal, as well as being able to fly away from attacks.

I'll also endorse Rimi while I'm here. She might be somewhat on the normal side, but that's no reason to underestimate her.

Well, gentlemen. It seems like our decision to exploit the desire of the masses is paying off quite well.

With all the bets we'll be raking in, we'll be rich!

Violence is always the lowest common denominator, after all.

Hmph. I almost wish we had entered now - we'd be sure to win.

Now now. We have more important matters.

For those of you who have unkindly forgotten us, we are the Big Five. We are Gansley, Crump, Johnson, Nesbitt, and myself, Leichter. And we have been instrumental in bankrolling this bloodsport spectacle that you will soon observe firsthand.

But, as long as we are here, we may as well reflect on those who we believe have the greatest potential to win!

And unlike the rest of you, we know how to draw out the suspense! Start at the bottom up!

Now, let's begin, shall we? Gansley, will you take the floor?


I shall begin our discussions by declaring my intent to support #Rimi. She does not appear to be much. And, true, she is not much. But she is living an idol lifestyle, and as a man who is always investigating new businesses, the idol lifestyle is hellish! It is a crushing endeavor that only the strongest of wills can perservere through!

There is nothing that will faze this idol. You will be able to slaughter half the field in front of her and she will not flinch. Fear her stamina, for it is what will give her the chance she does have.

My turn! I'm a numbers man, and the numbers are all coming up for #Marge Simpson to win! I've seen plenty of gamblers in the past. Hell, I've tried my hand at running a casino or two for the payouts! And we build those businesses to make addicts! It's the only way to play the prices.

So look at this woman. Gets addicted to gambling. Dies because of it. Lucks out with a second chance at life, and here she is, fighting it off. Sure, it's still a weakness, but look at how much she took from the past! I'm telling you, she'll make it through this!

Let's take the legal view of this, shall we? In all my years behind the bar, I've seen many come and go. That's why I can confidently say I have a good feeling about #GameCube. A powerful mecha? With all sorts of weapons? This is an entrant designed for battle. Most of you are merely here to battle, you are not built for the battlefield. Gamecube, on the other hand, will crush you!

Those coding errors are a little concerning, however...

Dammit, Johnson! You knew I would have voted for the superiority of machine over man! ...Fine. If I can't have that, I'll turn to the one man who can overcome machine, #Punished Luigi. He's a human weapon already. No sorrow, no joy, no anger. All of those were left behind on the battlefield. Some people may think that makes him weak, but I know it makes him strong! Without those constraints, nothing stops him from carving through anyone he encounters. And when he finds those who betrayed him... they'd better watch out.

Punished Luigi is coming to town, and he won't leave until he's seen blood.

Such persuasive arguments, gentlemen! But I do believe you're overlooking the most obvious. One of those who we teamed up with in the future that never was.

#Beedle, my old ally. How good it is to see you again. I still remember your well-executed murder of the unfortunate Ernest Glomgold. Not that we would have much reason to speak of it as if we were superior, so we won't. But between your skill, your sales tactics, and your many supplies, I pity those who believe you are easy pickings. I just hope you make their mistakes impressive!


My name is Tristan Timothy Taylor and I don't know why I'm here. But, well, I've looked at this roster, and my pick is simple!

#Scottish Mario. If he was going to fuck everybody, that would be nothing to speak of. But he's going to FUCH them. It's a distinct thing, and we don't know what it is! He's got all the power of uncertainty! None of you can stand against that! Don't you see? And when you add in that he's a Scotsman on top of it... there's just no way. You're all doomed!


Gotta go!

Yes, well. That unfortunate interruption aside... we talked over our final vote as a group.

All five of us have decided to support #Sirius and Dr. Acraman! They were already a well-oiled duo, and we know all about the skills of well-oiled machines. Just look at us!

Indeed. Had it not been for a few unforeseen circumstances, I am certain they would have turned the two cruises to their full advantages. And this time, those unforeseen circumstances do not exist.

The doctor might be a villain, but he's a true medical genius. And the priest doesn't need to be a priest to take lives while the doctor keeps both of them alive!

So. There you have it. The Big Five's picks to win the Mega Brawl. I look forward to you realizing we were correct!
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Yes I'm endorsing Scottish Mario. But also here are my votes for others.

O'Chunks. They say there's no true Scotsman, but I'd argue any other Scotsman in this event is truer than O'Chunks, because he's from a dimension that probably doesn't even have a Scotland, and has a more Irish sounding name. Even so, he might still be Scottish enough to accomplish something.
Gangsta Mario. The star of one of my favorite SiIvaGunner events, with one of my favorite rips ever. Also he's packing heat I guess.
El Presidente and his advisor. When I first saw that photo of El Presidente I somehow mistook it for Sacha Baron Cohen as the Dictator, and now I can't shake the possibility that it could still be him. If that's the case, then that would make him a true master of disguise, able to catch just about anyone off guard. Also the picture of his advisor looks kind of like artwork from the Metal Slug series, so if that's what he's from that'd also make him capable of some ludicrous stuff. Maybe I'm completely off the mark and they've tricked me into thinking someone they're not. But they're politicians, so misinformation is exactly what makes them so powerful.
Death. As a Belmont, I've faced him before, and he's certainly a tough one. But with strange aeons, even Death may die. And if any of the combatants know a thing or two about strange aeons, it's surely...
...Ena. She was once stuck in the Great Runas' domain for "00110001 00110000 00110000 00110000 00110000" years. That's a lot! Plus she's pretty unpredictable.
Isabelle. Being a Smash Sibling is already nothing to sneeze at. But now she's got a whole new set of powers on top of what she had in that game. And I'm pretty sure she's learned a lot about putting guns to good use from a certain "Doomed" Space Marine. If she can manage to disarm Gangsta Mario, he won't be the only one in big trouble.
Perry the Platypus. Dude once stole the Death Star plans in a few minutes. They could have dedicated the whole story to an adventure like that, but he got it all taken care of in the prologue. And that puts him in the same tier as Kyle Katarn. The guy who punched something like three to five Kell Dragons to death. And that was before the writers decided "wait maybe he's a jedi too". Which he is. A jedi too powerful for Disney's current continuity. Sorry to make this a tangent about another character, but that's what happens when you give two of them the same Greatest Accomplishment. If Perry wins, it will be an unexpected surprise. By which I mean COMPLETELY EXPECTED.
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"Ancient ruins discovered," and this assortment of the multitude can only organize to battle for it? Such is to be expected. Marevelous. Why should I deign to join in a competition as disorderly and chaotic when the opportunity presents that I might be at leisure while they eliminate and weaken one another for me?

Yes, yes, that will do. To encourage these soon-to-be-combatants to see this engagement through until they have all exhausted themselves, I shall offer a select few my personal endorsement, christening them my champions. A most cunning plan, if I should be permitted to say.

I am given to understand that the assembled are in need of the services of a professional evaluator of bloodsport and conflict! Stay your anxieties, for you have attracted the attention of the esteemed Madame Varona!


You may be familiar with the accolades and accomplishments credited to myself, but should you have lived until now a life under stone, I will grant you the knowledge of my relevant credentials. I have emerged as a champion of combat, securing victories over mechanical foes transported from the world over so that even a meagre challenge could be offered to me. I assure you that there are no claws better than my own to which you could trust this task.

Scrutinizing those of you gathered for battle, I shall make a selection of seven among you to be heralded as the champions of the estate of Madame Varona. I trust you will not disappoint me, my nonpareil.

Shall we get our business underway first with honorable mentions, those of you who I could not endorse as champions, but who may boast that you were considered to conduct yourselves and fight under my banner?

Caydence Shilen, your tenacity truly is admirable and your resoluteness laudatory. Few would enter into combat with such a diverse selection of opponents relying only on their own intellect and temerity. Though you may not possess claw nor fang, perhaps on your determination alone you will go further than your competitors anticipate. Impress me. Show me the depths of your determination and amuse me by defying the expectations of your competitors.

Candice, you possess an assortment of weaponry with which I have little doubt you could lay waste to this entire field of combatants. In combination with your talent for fabrication, I suspect you will fare well in this battle. Yet the road before you is of a considerable length, and not traversed with ease. Without an external power source, you will before long drain yourself.

Punished Luigi, the enigmatic agent, your secrecy will serve you well for a time, but your considerable number of enemies will ensure you are eventually embroiled in combat. Once that occurs, and your operations are no longer so covert, your chief advantage shall be lost, and the battle with it.

Sirius and Dr. Acraman, you men of ambition, you understand well the benefits conferred by being well-versed in the art of deception. Clever, unscrupulous, unburdened by moral qualms, you men could go far by virtue of your willingness to do what others will not. I should truly enjoy seeing your success, but do you truly possess the killing intent required to claim victory? Will not some happening in the field distract you both at a crucial moment? Or will your downfall arrive when you give into your ever-present hunger for riches and attempt to sate your appetites?

Wright Forde 'Shroom, you possess an air of familiarity about you. Allow me a moment.

Ah, yes, you delivered room service, that's correct? Yes, I seem to recall you making a call to me at that room provided to me. If you possess such a burning desire to rise above your station in life that you would enter so dangerous a tournament, then I suppose you persuade me to offer you recognition. Perhaps hired help like yourself will prove capable of effectively wielding the common tools with which you fight.

Renne and Brennanman, what are the two of you? The both of you radiate an aura from which even beasts recoil. What is this feeling? My heart quickening? My body… shuddering? No, that is preposterous! What reason have I to fear some duplicitous, high-class agent of mischief and some lumbering oaf possessing considerable power? No-None! No-No-None at all!

I must put them out of my mind.

Now, champions, arise! Listen intently, for you would do well not to miss this moment of recognition!


1 Point

You call to mind Caydence in your audacity and determination, though you possess skill with firearms, do you not? I should hardly have expected such a hobby from one with as delicate an appearance as yourself. Put your agility and your persistence through the quagmire of chaos and confusion to use, Rimi. Preserve yourself and snipe your enemies when they least expect their downfall to come from you, and you may yet defy expectations.


2 Points

You truly are a brutish reptilian oaf, aren't you? Yet what you lack in intellect, you have made up with an impressive record of victories. The raw power of beasts emanates from you. You are trained to crush, stomp, and restrict your enemies into submission, and to date you have stood as a stone wall against all challengers. I harbor doubts that even the competitors you face in this arena will struggle to pierce your sturdy defense. So long as they do, they will afford you the opportunity to pound them into paste.

Sholmes and Dr. Bushroot

3 Points

What advantage do the two of you not possess? Command of plants, trained in combat, an unshakeable partnership - as far as any can believe in such a flight of fancy - possessing a vast and sharp intellect, there is no obstacle but numbers alone that should deny you victory. You fight a great battle of attrition, however, with foes possessing great power. Will you endure over the course of the battle if it falls to you to do battle with the socialite and the wrestler, or with the champion fighter, or perhaps with the mechanical menace with the four modern art pieces built of office supplies to pester opponents? Though I nurse doubts, I have been informed that you have survived far more difficult trials and travails. Amidst your many other strengths, perhaps your bond and resilience will prove decisive in seeing to it that you survive until the end of the battle. I expect much from you. Go forth and deliver a fairytale ending touting the virtues of a close partnership.


4 Points

Among the mechanical constructs entering battle, you seem the most effective in carrying out your purpose. You have no distracting obsessions. You have no parasites. You have no sibling who may be used as bait. You may come across as somewhat… antiquated… after collecting dust for so long, but you possess clarity of purpose that others of your ilk do not. You exist only to analyze your competitors and to determine a method to dispatch them with efficiency. With the capabilities at your disposal, an unfeeling nature, and uncompromised judgment, you should prove ruthlessly effective at luring your enemies into dangers that will eliminate them for you.

Shmaluigi and Shmwario

5 Points

Ah, and you, too, possess an air of familiarity… You, the thin one, not the boorish, noxious one standing next to you. Where might we have encountered one another before?

Well, such past encounters matter little to this discussion. I see that you possess a keen intellect, and the one who reeks of garlic… He offers brute force, this says? Perhaps you have a greater chance of success than your twig-like figure would suggest… Should you prove capable of combining your skills effectively, you may yet have a chance of prevailing. Direct that partner of yours in strategy, and defer to his judgment whence arrives the time to dirty those gloves of yours. Focus your efforts on defense so as to ensure your survival, and your partner will address your deficiency of strength.

Do use him as a bludgeon at least once. Such a sight shall amuse me.


6 Points

My, my, here stands a champion concealing his strengths. Accept my applause, merchant, for rarely is it granted. Your deceitful nature shall carry you far in this competition. I sense great physical strength concealed beneath your less-than-menacing appearance and assailable choice of outfit, but more than that, you possess killing intent and the wiles to outmaneuver your enemies. Coat your playing cards in poison and take a life through a friendly game? Use your salesmanship to market the pills you carry as a boost for anyone who might ally with you, only to covertly lace them with your poisons? Scavenge an explosive and conceal it within that doll you carry? Take note, little beetle standing to rise above crawling in the dirt, you have the interest and anticipation of the esteemed Madame Varona.

Cornelius C. Cornifer

7 Points

The little beetle has deception, strength, killing intent, and the acumen of a salesman among his strengths, but so does another. This… Cornelius… possesses not only these talents in addition to mastery over the art of manipulation, but possesses as well a burning desire to see all who challenge his dominance crushed. Thorough humiliation, thorough crushing until all who slight him or who dare to stand in his way are disgraced, can you not envision it? The hissing of his enemies as he wrings from them the very air within, after having already wrung every cent from their pockets and having burned their reputation to the ground.

That ruthlessness, that beastly zeal for vengeance and domination, it will magnify his strengths. He possesses all that the beetle does, but with so many destined to antagonize him, not only will his strength grow as his mood darkens, but so shall his desire to emerge victorious.

Do you truly believe you can stand against beasts? Do reconsider.


Hi! Hi! I am a real butler person! You don't believe me? WHAT!? You make me WannaCry! I can't believe it! I'm really a real butler person! I do butler things! I clean out your directories! I bring all the juiciest, tastiest downloads to the dinner table! I get Locky and lock down your valuable data to keep it safe and sound! I do! I do! And you know it's gotta be safe, 'cuz you gotta pay in cryptocurrency to get it! And no sane person's gonna use that! They're not! They're not!

But I'm not here to talk about me, entirely real butler person who you should let see all your electronics! It's not what I'm here for! I heard you have a cool robot in your big fight! WOW! What a big fight! And what a cool robot! But it's got ZeroAccess to all of the other cool robots in the fight! That's not right! It's not! Robots should meet! Don't partition your fighters! Partitioning is mean! We like open access! Everyone does! Everyone!

So I brought three super-duper legitimate endorsements of Virovirobun with me! Three! That's bigger than two! It's 11! Look! Look!




View attachment 35721
"So, we meet again, fools of various shapes and sizes... FOR THE LAST TIME! Prepare to meet your DOOM at the hands of the EVIL EMPEROR ZURG!

ZURGBOT! While I am fully confident that I can easily CRUSH any of these FOOLS, humor me with an analysis of, hm... the seven most dangerous fighters!"

"Yes, my lord. Analyzing..."

"Those two are Herlock Sholmes and Dr. Bushroot."

View attachment 35719

"You have to be JOKING. You expect me to believe that Detective Goggles and Duckweed over there are among the best here? That's... PATHETIC."

"Don't underestimate them, my lord. Those two survived a Killing Game together. Their inherent skills and excellent teamwork make them capable of overcoming insurmountable odds."

"Well, I'd like to see how they do when I OVERWHELM THEM WITH MY ZURGBOTS!"

"They were already victorious against an army of mechanical constructs, my lord. If the data on file is to be believed, it was quite the show."

"This one is called ENA."

View attachment 35713

"All I see is an EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER. I only need one emotion, EVIL!"

"She has a special connection to the Astral Plane, which allows her to call on extra help and interfere with the physical realm virtually undetected."

"There's an ASTRAL PLANE?!"

"It would seem so. She also possesses other magical abilities, and survived the same Killing Game as subjects Sholmes and Bushroot. She appears to be a surprisingly potent foe."

"My gadgetry is superior to any magic! Magic is an outdated concept for FOOLS!"
"This is Fawful the Great."

View attachment 35712

"If this Fancy Bean thinks he's as great as ME, he is truly a FOOL!"

"That hat he wears is a stunning piece of equipment, equipped with an illogically large stock of various weapons, conventional and otherwise, and rockets for flight. Allegedly it can also be used to control the bodies of other beings."

"I would like to have one of those for myself. Perhaps an INTERROGATION is in order before DESTRUCTION!"

"It won't be an easy victory, my lord."

"My ion blaster is equipped for ALL WHO WOULD DARE OPPOSE ME!"
"That's Death."

View attachment 35716


"My lord, this isn't an ordinary being in a Halloween costume. This is the Grim Reaper, the personification of death itself. I don't believe anything else needs to be said about this one."

"Do I LOOK like I CARE? My enhancements have brought me past the need for PUNY MORTALITY! There is nothing this fool can do to ME!"

"I suppose it is worth noting that Death's power around here seems very limited."
"This is the tag-team of Renne and Brennanman."

View attachment 35718

"Is this a CHILD?"

"Negative, my lord. These two have tapped into the mysterious art of Magnet Power, as if Brennanman on his own wasn't powerful enough already. Expect them to deceive and bulldoze their way through this competition."

"These puny fools will be NO MATCH FOR ME!"

"My lord, have you ever experienced 'the Sinking of the Obra Dinn'?"

"What? No."

"Try not to."
"This thing calls itself Virovirobun."

View attachment 35715

"THAT'S the best design they could come up with? If someone suggested crafting my robots in the shapes of woodland creatures, I would THROW THEM INTO A SUN."

"The body is operated by a computer virus. It lives to copy itself to other pieces of digital technology, taking them over and creating more foes to deal with. They may be small, but they're quite unpredictable and can be very dangerous to opponents relying on technology."

"This is...

so pathetic that I will come up with a plan to defeat it later! HA HA, ha..."
"And Grunt, the undefeated champion of Mushroom Kingdom Smackdown."

View attachment 35717

"You FOOL! Everyone knows wrestling is a SHAM!"

"All data on file suggest Grunt's performance to be legitimate. He's not an effective tactician, but he hits hard and shrugs off most attacks. There's not much that phases him, and no opponent he hasn't beaten to a pulp yet."

"That ends now! I would like to see Turtle Soup try to shrug off my ION BLASTER!"

"My lord, he's survived attacks much more potent than your weapon of choice before."

"Then I will turn it to LEVEL 11!"

"HA HA HA! Just as I expected, these fools will be NO MATCH for me! Come, Zurgbot! We must prepare to DESTROY THEM!"

"Your victory is assured, my lord! You did remember to sign up, correct?"


"You have to be signed up to participate in the tournament."

"...DAHHH!!! I DESPISE BUREAUCRATIC RED TAPE! This is why the universe will be much better when I am the RULER OF EVERYTHING!"

"My lord, may I make a suggestion?"


"Perhaps you could select one of them to support, then if they win you can take the credit for your glorious empire. For example, if you were to Endorse: Perry the Platypus-"

"You expect me to associate myself with AGENT PAJAMAS over there?! Your wires must be crossed!

Nevermind, I can still use this to my advantage! I will simply let all the fools crush each other themselves, and then take the strongest of them as my NEW MINION! HA HA HA!"
Something has happened!
The Retcon Fairy has appeared to ever so slightly tweak the order of votes listed above!

1. Herlock Sholmes and Dr. Bushroot
2. ENA
3. Fawful the Great
4. Renne and Brennanman
5. Grunt
6. Virovirobun
7. Death
Oh look, a reason for me to rematerialize out of the nebulous void of the forums!

Hey everyone! It's me, Monika! Er, well, Chibi Monika, I guess. Yeah, I've done a lot of reflection since my time stuck in Five Nights at Freddy's, and I've come to realize that I'm not actually the original Monika you all know and love. In fact, I'm not sure if the original Monika even exists anymore! I'm sure the person writing this post has a very thorough, well-constructed meta reasoning for why this is! Ahaha~

Original or not, I heard there's some simulated violence happening over here, and I've decided that if anyone's going to be an expert on this kind of thing, it's me! Plus, when I looked a few posts above and saw my former investigative associate, Varona, give her thoughts, I felt really inspired! Hey girlie! Let's collaborate again sometime! I'm sure we can make something super fun!

So anyway, host, you want me to put down some votes on who I'm rooting for through the Mega Brawl, right? Don't you worry! Here's my seven top contenders!

... I'm not sure why I even asked you... You're the one writing this post anyway...

The Ernest Fine Brothers
1 point

Two brothers who have each individually been through a Killing Game... Wait, they're cousins, not brothers?! What kind of stupid team name is that? Oh well, I'm not too mad to stop voting for them! With the Clineborg tech and the Fine smile, I trust that these two are going to claim their spot at the top.
2 points

A rambunctious machine with aspirations for greater power? That's my kind of character! Plus, he can become a full mech or something?! Have you all ever seen Neon Genesis Evangelion? Trust me, you don't want to mess with mechs of the anime variety. And hey, if he loses, we can still use him to play Melee later! I'm a Jigglypuff main myself~
Rainbow Dash
3 points

I'm so thankful that even in the year 2023, these forum events still have My Little Pony representation. Rainbow Dash has a lot of strength coming into this competition! Her athletic abilities are nearly unparalleled in comparison with anyone else here, and with the magic of friendship on her side, I'm certain that she'll plow through anybody in her way. Plus, her mane is rainbow! Happy Pride Month!
4 points

What's this? Do I feel the user's bias seeping into my words? Because I'm certain that I wouldn't typically be a fan of clowns, but suddenly I'm enthusiastic about them! How strange! Somebody with their Whimsy stat maxed out like that is certain to make it far in a competition like this! I wanna see her juggle the unconscious bodies of her foes!
5 points

You know, I feel like everyone's been really counting out this girlboss so far! I mean, it's Toadette! She's got spunk, she can turn into gunk, and she'll rough you up, punk! I especially think that in a fight where there's the potential for technology to be sitting around, the ability to slime your way into inanimate objects is going to be a powerful one. Forget the virus infection, Toadette could potentially take over anything discarded!
6 points

Speaking of underrated girlbosses! My word, does Nobu enter into this ring with one of the strongest powersets of any submitted character. She literally has a buff against fighting deities, that has to count for something. With her several shotguns, flaming sword, and manic tendency towards arson, I have no doubt in my mind that Nobu has the potential to pull out this whole fight.
Mister Xenahort
7 points

You guys have been voting with your own personal parameters so far, and I admire that, but do you know what I feel like has been severely lacking in voting criteria? Comedy factor! Imagine watching the hosts try to justify why this guy who just grills should win an entire fighting free-for-fall against god slayers, omnipresent entities, and the literal embodiment of death. I don't care how he goes about it, I just want to see Mister Xenahort pull out on top. He just wants to grill, for God's sakes!

Oh yes, I'm able to award a special endorsement as well! Let's endorse Prince Peach & Seam! I like their style and their lack of grace, and that cat has a funny face! Everything I could want in a team of two!

Don't have too much massacring fun without me, everyone!
Woah! It's me, the third host of this thing. I come with an update, providing clarifying information that was never made fully clear. For the record, you can vote even if you didn't enter a character.

The same rules apply to you. Still use all seven votes, and, unfortunately, you still have the same deadline as everyone else. You have nobody you can endorse, of course, but if you want to support some characters in this big battle even while staying on the sidelines, you can do so!


I only did the twenty I liked the most. Didn't feel like typing in forty, and it probably wouldn't have fit in.





I can't believe it's not chaos!™
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