How do YOU pronounce Mario's name?

I pronounce it 3 syllables, Ma-ree-yo (emphasis on the first syllable)

Mmm + "a" as in apple, fan + "ree" as in freedom, tree + "yo" as in yolk, Yona

I'm British by the way and I think I often hear Americans pronounce it as:


Mar as in "March", Mars, ee as in bee, tea, oe as in doe, flow
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The way they say it in the games.
I feel like in the title screen of Super Mario 64 it sounds closer towards "ma-ree-oh" whereas when Peach reads out her letter she says "mar-ee-oh"?
In the games Mario and Peach say it two different ways.
I'm gonna be 100% real with you: I pretty much do not hear a difference between how Mario and Peach say the name.

And also honestly like considering that Mario know the actual character, I'd say the way he pronounces it in the games (or well I guess Charles Martinet if we're being real here) is the correct pronunciation since, you know, it's his name.
Please watch this video. Listen closely at 1:07 and 2:02. Then please tell me: do you still not hear the difference?
And also honestly like considering that Mario know the actual character, I'd say the way he pronounces it in the games (or well I guess Charles Martinet if we're being real here) is the correct pronunciation since, you know, it's his name.

But Charles Martinet pronounces it two different ways (in interviews vs. in the actual game). Also, Chris Pratt, Lou Albano and Bob Hoskins don't all pronounce it identically when they're playing Mario... This video should give you an idea how Mario would say it if he was a real person:
This video speaks to an expert linguist about how to correctly pronounce Mario.